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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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wow i dont look at this for one day come back and wwwwwoooooowwwwww so many cool parts love what you guys have done. think its nice that lack is letting other good moders in to help with ideas and such.

and does someone know how to make rover wheels because it would be cool to have some LLL themed rover wheels that maybe deploy from a hexagon shaped part (the main LLL part you know what im talking about)

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Your parts are sleek, well balanced and can be used in every aspect of KSP. I'm suprised i'd never found you before. Your parts have made it possible for me to build all sorts of epic new designs for bases and ships alike, on the topic of parts i'd like to add that I would really love for you to use Ember's Landing leg design and look into making LLL specific wheels. It'd be awesome to have wheels made specially for LLL that suit the style and satisfy the many scenarios we'd use them in. The possibilities of LL are endless especially with the upcomnig release of Rubber Band Inc's Caterpillar tracks, Misc items by Shrogg ( extraction fan ect ) and of course the B9 Aerospace addon! Looking forward to what is to come :D

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Thanks for the kind words guys, couldn't have got so far with this project without you all.

wow i dont look at this for one day come back and wwwwwoooooowwwwww so many cool parts love what you guys have done. think its nice that lack is letting other good moders in to help with ideas and such.

and does someone know how to make rover wheels because it would be cool to have some LLL themed rover wheels that maybe deploy from a hexagon shaped part (the main LLL part you know what im talking about)

I have frankly no idea how to make rover wheels (I may try to figure it out later on), so I made wheel arches instead. Next best thing and much easier to do (and it makes it look vaguely like the APC from Aliens).





I also did some work on the cupola/greenhouse parts. Added a specular map (they were only diffuse/Emissive before), so the windows actually look a bit more like windows and played with the Emissive maps some.



Also, made some fairings for the 2x1 Nuclear Engine (images are a bit dark, but you get the idea hopefully).




Still need to try some decouplers though.

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those wheel arches may just get me to make a 2x1 rover, once your cargo bay is finished i probably would use it to move small craft about when its better to move them that way rather than flying

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hey those wheel arches are real nice and make the wheels look more meant for it not just thing slapped on. hey so so far there are 2 engine types the nuc and areo spike what would be nice is a jet engine and then just make those vents and make them air intakes (i know im throwing a lot of ideas out there but i just love this mod)

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So I got bored and made something simple

I have absolutely no idea if something like this will work though

I made this primarily because I always extend my docks out on my space stations and they dont always look nice

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That dock reminds me of the docking tubes I remember seeing for H.O.M.E. 2. The landing legs looked cool too, only suggestion I'd make would be a second version where the legs extend out at an angle instead of just straight down for stability.


After seeing that rover you made with the wheel cut-outs made me think a control pod that was also a 2x1-1x1 adapter could be useful.

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Lack, easier way for the new rover wheels(and to make it look more like an actual extraplanetary buggy/Homeworld rover) would be a differential module thingymabob.

My relay station, using 1m fuel pipe LLL parts as differential chassis for the wheels: LqpSMsb.jpg

Edited by smunisto
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So I got bored and made something simple

I have absolutely no idea if something like this will work though

I made this primarily because I always extend my docks out on my space stations and they dont always look nice

this is very helpfull to me!if you can make it happen you will make my dockings a lot easier.its the way i design spaceships that something like this would solve a lot of problems.

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After making a small IP ship i thought i'd use LLL for base building and, with some help from omni wheels, made a pretty awesome base which can drive itself around as long as it has the power!


The base consists of a command module where the Kerbals live and control the base from. A Communications and research facility in the back, 2 power stations in front of the command module

(for some reason the solar 1x6 panels dissapeared after i loaded the research facility, that's waht those black squares are) and a docking station for rovers. the port is unreachable then there's several winches with detable connector ports so you can charge or fuel via the conectors.



A few more pics of the base in the day.


Oooh prettyy



Using the Docking light as a beacon.


Rover hovering steady as the sun rises.

I hope you enjoyed my pics, there's so much you can do with LLL!

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That's a great base, ickli. I really like the double-decker modules.

DaDodsworth, if you get that landed on Duna, post some shots.

So I got bored and made something simple

I have absolutely no idea if something like this will work though

I made this primarily because I always extend my docks out on my space stations and they dont always look nice

Just made one and got it in game. Not the prettiest thing ever but it works beautifully.Great idea that, Ember.






hey those wheel arches are real nice and make the wheels look more meant for it not just thing slapped on. hey so so far there are 2 engine types the nuc and areo spike what would be nice is a jet engine and then just make those vents and make them air intakes (i know im throwing a lot of ideas out there but i just love this mod)

That's what that funny shaped adaptor is for, the 1-1 one, it acts as a cowl for the jet engines and air-intakes. (And it saves me the effort of actually making those).

Regarding room for the rover wheels. I've been testing them at high speeds and on different planets. Findings:

  • You'll probably need fine-control due to the placement of the wheels compared to the CoM. Otherwise tipping over while turning is very easy.

  • There's enough room for the wheel so that I haven't run into any difficulties with different loads and speeds.

  • The inner-wheel house is big enough that you can place the rover-wheels either very snuggly, or with plenty of room for the suspension.

  • You can also fake a differential like thing quite nicely by attaching the stock structural parts to the inner wheelhouse, and then the wheel on to them.



No problems with it even at speed. Stable when turning (except violently at high speed).

Wheels placed farther down:


More room for the suspension, but higher CoM. Leads to things like this.


My attempt at the whole extra-planetary buggy shebang using stock structural elements.




Oh dear:


Edited by Lack
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oh so they do work, cool, comparing mine to yours I put windows on mine and is placed in a stack with the dock coming out the side, though yours could also do that with a hub

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Those Decouplers might come in handy for my in development Duna Mission, The centre has a 7 kerbal launch vehicle to reach low duno orbit and dock with a kerbin return stage.


Do you think we could get some other angles on your craft? I'm curious how it'll stay together after launching off duna and how you've attached the base to the centre in the first place :-)

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oh so they do work, cool, comparing mine to yours I put windows on mine and is placed in a stack with the dock coming out the side, though yours could also do that with a hub

Yeah, I made sure to make it surface attachable as well. It's a bit of a hack-job, I knicked the back-part I added to the airlock to make most of it but it works well enough.

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Do you think we could get some other angles on your craft? I'm curious how it'll stay together after launching off duna and how you've attached the base to the centre in the first place :-)

What are those Inflatable thingies?

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