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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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@adsii: NathanKell updated SXT, and Dakota2063 and myself updated his scifi spaceships pack. As far as I'm aware, the only thing that hasn't been updated is KSC++, and I'm unsure whether that needs an update as it's assets for Kerbal Konstructs rather than vessel parts.

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  Katalliaan said:
@adsii: NathanKell updated SXT, and Dakota2063 and myself updated his scifi spaceships pack. As far as I'm aware, the only thing that hasn't been updated is KSC++, and I'm unsure whether that needs an update as it's assets for Kerbal Konstructs rather than vessel parts.

I'm glad you are. These were such great models and I literally found dozens of uses for them - as stations, ground bases on Kerbin, as spacecraft, and ground vehicles.

Anyhow, this morning, after downloading and installing STX, I tried to run it and during boot-up, it stalled when it came to the squad ion engine. I went in, took a look at the STX pack, and deleting the ion engine folder. That stopped it from the loading freeze until it hit a file in STV/parts/radial_intake (or at least that is the file I thought it was. I cannot find any radial intake anywhere in STX but once I deleted STX mod, the loading issues went away. It did not generate an error log when it froze up. Wish I could offer more help.

BTW, I can use the LLL and LLL+ mods without any of these issues.

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Thanks for all the hard work people have put into getting this operational again! I'm figuring out Github now, I've added the Dakota/Katalliaan edit and with a few further modifications to the fuel-tanks and changing the Tug back to docking ports.

Link: https://github.com/Signatum/LLL/tree/master/GameData

Should allow for folks to submit their own fixes for issues that I would almost certainly miss otherwise (and gives me less of an excuse for long leaves of absence :D).

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Good to hear that it's on Github now. It'll be definitely help with the update process, especially if Squad does another update that breaks old parts. If you've any questions, feel free to ping me on the forums or on Github (same name).

As far as the tug goes: apparently that's a known bug with grapple nodes, with the "fix" being to relaunch the game or vessel. But I do still like it being a docking node rather than a grapple one, as I find it makes it easier to connect to something as you intended.

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Im having a bunch of texture issues with the SXT mod. Lots of all black or reddish kinda stuff going on. Do these parts rely on squad textures or something? I deleted a bunch of stock parts that were redundant or useless

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Hey lack, can you rescale the ke111 cockpit that is styled after a b-29 because I was trying to make a b-29 replica that was 2.5m in diameter because 1.25m is way to small. Or someone could just help me with rescaling? Either way I'd appreciate any help at all.

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I would think that the name would tell you it's styled after the He 111.... :P

If you want to rescale it, though, you'll need to change scale = x, y, z in the MODEL node (or add that line, if not present). If it already exists, the final values will be x*desiredRescale_in_X, y*...etc. If it doesn't exist, just add scale = desiredRescale_in_X, desired_Rescale_in_Y, desiredRescale_in_Z

Then you'll need to apply those desired rescale values in xyz to the first three values for each node_ line (which are x,y,z positions).

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  Lack said:
Thanks for all the hard work people have put into getting this operational again! I'm figuring out Github now, I've added the Dakota/Katalliaan edit and with a few further modifications to the fuel-tanks and changing the Tug back to docking ports.

Link: https://github.com/Signatum/LLL/tree/master/GameData

Should allow for folks to submit their own fixes for issues that I would almost certainly miss otherwise (and gives me less of an excuse for long leaves of absence :D).

Hi Lack,

I just took a look at your Github for LLL. I have a couple of suggestions which will hopefully help:

1. Add an AVC .version file to both LLL and LLL-Extra to make it easier to identify when a new version is available, especially for people who do manual installs. I don't see anything in the directories which indicates which version it is.

2. Create a new release, and either post it to kerbalstuff.com or to Github

3. update the CKAN file to point to the new release and the version of KSP supported

I'm waiting for all updates to be done before installing this, partially since I don't need it at this time.



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  linuxgurugamer said:
Hi Lack,

I just took a look at your Github for LLL. I have a couple of suggestions which will hopefully help:

1. Add an AVC .version file to both LLL and LLL-Extra to make it easier to identify when a new version is available, especially for people who do manual installs. I don't see anything in the directories which indicates which version it is.

2. Create a new release, and either post it to kerbalstuff.com or to Github

3. update the CKAN file to point to the new release and the version of KSP supported

I'm waiting for all updates to be done before installing this, partially since I don't need it at this time.



I used to have a version file, though I had a habit of forgetting about it, so just ditched it in the end. I just rely on the Kerbal stuff release for that now, but adding one isn't a bad idea. I'll just need someone to remind me about it.

How would I update the CKAN file? I was under the impression either on their end or through Kerbalstuff (which I have the CKAN box checked for LLL). As for updates, LLL's been 'feature complete' for a year or two now. It's mainly been maintenance updates (why are plenty of work to be fair, hopefully now 1.0s out they'll need to be less 'intensive'), and the big update when new shiny features become available (e.g. the fuel and texture switching for Firespitter).


Hmm. Are you using the main pack or the mini-pack (which haven't been updated for 1.0). I tried it myself using the 20.6 release with stock, and with FAR, and I couldn't replicate the problem. Is anyone else seeing the same thing.


If it's the part I'm thinking of, it's essentially a sheltered 'port'. So you can strap it to the side of a space-station or mothership, then add some docking ports. It's essentially just an æsthetic part.

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  Lack said:


If it's the part I'm thinking of, it's essentially a sheltered 'port'. So you can strap it to the side of a space-station or mothership, then add some docking ports. It's essentially just an æsthetic part.

If I were going to describe it, it's like a big outer space hot dog roll. I think I see what you're getting at, but you really have to tweakscale it up a few notches to be useable.

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  Lack said:
I used to have a version file, though I had a habit of forgetting about it, so just ditched it in the end. I just rely on the Kerbal stuff release for that now, but adding one isn't a bad idea. I'll just need someone to remind me about it.

How would I update the CKAN file? I was under the impression either on their end or through Kerbalstuff (which I have the CKAN box checked for LLL). As for updates, LLL's been 'feature complete' for a year or two now. It's mainly been maintenance updates (why are plenty of work to be fair, hopefully now 1.0s out they'll need to be less 'intensive'), and the big update when new shiny features become available (e.g. the fuel and texture switching for Firespitter).

I could do that for you, if you like. PM me if you do, best way for me to see it.


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Heya Lack, I have a potential bug report for you for KSP 1.04.

The attachable Hatch Door and Airlock interior space for Kerbals doesn't seem to work the way it used to. They'll pass Kerbals into a hull section where there's room for them, but they won't accept Kerbals into their own interior spaces.

The Hatch Door is supposed to have interior space for 3 Kerbals and the Airlock has room for 8. If you assign Kerbals to them in the VAB/SPH, then they can start there. But out in the field, if they exit that space for EVA, then the hatch/airlock will ONLY pass them directly to the interior hull space.

Also - The Crew Manifest mod doesn't work to transfer them into/out of those spaces as it used to.

For example - if there's a 2x1 Hull section with a free seat, then using an airlock or Hatch to board will pass the Kerbal directly from the hatch/airlock to the interior space/seat, completely bypassing the airlock's interior.

Also - there's no way to move a Kerbal to a hatch or airlock from inside the crew hull section. Even with the Crew Manifest mod. If you click on "EVA" in the Kerbal's portrait in the lower right corner, and the hull section doesn't have it's own integral door set up (via the swappable hull options) then it will "pop" them out of the hull and bypass the hatch/airlock. In space they go tumbling until they right themselves with an EVA pack. On the ground, they just sprawl just outside the pod until you take control of them.

This also means that if you have a full 2x1 pod with 3 Kerbals in it and assign any Kerbals in the VAB/SPH to hatch/airlock spaces, that they will start there, but if they EVA there will be no way for them to re-board! (Unless there's another hull section or pod nearby that they can enter). Stranded Kerbals are not a good thing. (Particularly if you're using a life support mod!)

A few screens for illustration:

Here we have a full rover. 2 Kerbals in the cockpit section. 3 in the 2x1 cabin in the middle. There is one Hatch and one Airlock door. In addition to the Kerbals in the interior spaces, there was 1 Kerbal apiece assigned to the hatch and airlock doors in the SPH before the rover was loaded on the runway. In this screen the Kerbal assigned to the hatch door has just exited.


Leah Kerman is still inside the airlock door space. The 2x1 hull is still occupied with 3/3 Kerbals.


You can click repeatedly to move a Kerbal from the 2x1 Hull to the Hatch door and nothing will happen. They do not transfer.


Now both Kerbals that were assigned to the hatch and airlock are outside.


If we EVA one of the Kerbals sitting in the 2x1 hull then Richdun (who was outside) can use a hatch or airlock to pass directly into the interior space when (B) for Board is pressed on either the hatch or airlock. But the interior space supposedly assigned to the respective doors (Hatch=3, Airlock=8) is not accessible either from the 2x1 hull or from the outside.


If I click "EVA" on Richdun's portrait, he gets "popped" out onto the ground without using either the hatch or airlock or appearing on the outside of either holding onto the rails. An undignified exit...


If we re-board a Kerbal so that the 2x1 hull module seats are full, then the message "Cannot board a full module" appears when another Kerbal attempts to enter.


And now, where we started with 7 Kerbals aboard this rover when assigned in the SPH (2 cockpit, 3 hull, 1 hatch, 1 airlock), now we have 2 Kerbals stranded outside the rover that has no more space for them.


On the other hand, if you use the switchable textures on the hull sections so that an integral door option is chosen, then entering and exiting works normally as for a regular crew pod from the stock game. That at least is a nice feature!




Overall I'm thinking this can't be "working as intended". Maybe the direct pass-through was intentional, as also possibly the removal of the interior space of the attachable doors. But the inability to use the airlocks or hatches from the inside properly can't be intentional. And if the interior spaces of the hatchs/airlocks were meant to be removed, then the documentation and interior space indicators need to be edited to reflect that.

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