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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Lack, there seem to be some loading issues with some of your parts. Loading gets stuck on the LLLAttachDish and the CommTower parts.

Edit: Yeah, everything in the CommEquip folder gets the game stuck on loading.

Edit 2: Sorry Lack, problem seems to be with anything that has to do with Remote Tech... I'm gonna go whine on their thread now...

Edited by BananaDealer
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Now that .23 is out, i'm not sure I really like the new display for tooltips on parts in the vab/sph. Also, (seeing as I dont have the info in the tooltips) are all the parts fuel-crossfeed capable? I seem to be having some issues even with fuel lines going both ways all over the place...Engines only seem to want to suck fuel from the tank right in front of them.

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  KeithStone said:
Now that .23 is out, i'm not sure I really like the new display for tooltips on parts in the vab/sph. Also, (seeing as I dont have the info in the tooltips) are all the parts fuel-crossfeed capable? I seem to be having some issues even with fuel lines going both ways all over the place...Engines only seem to want to suck fuel from the tank right in front of them.

Right-click parts portraits in the VAB/SPH for expanded information.

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So far for me I've got no issues and everything seems to be working correctly, except for the stuff with the known issues etc.

I just have an idea for you, Lack - a suggestion you can take or leave as you will. But would it be possible to make versions of your habitats or hull pieces that incorporate the new science lab function that Squad just released? I think it'd be great if we could have an LLL styled Lab that could do all the stuff that the Squad part does. Would be great if that could also be fit into a version of the Eagle Pod. (But I might want to try my hand at designing a new shape for that since I recall that a dedicated "science pod" was a feature with season 2 of Space 1999. If I recall correctly it's the pod with the extensions on the side and extra thrusters.)

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I'll get round to reading posts and PMs later. For now, here's something I've been working on:


I'm aware that LLL has a lot of parts, many in unusual shapes, which is off-putting to many folks and just plain clutters up the list in the VAB. So re-worked a number of parts to 1.25m and 2.5m, and cut a large number entirely. I haven't entirely dropped the 2x1 as there's a few parts I'm really fond of, but its role has been reduced significantly and the re-sizes have been cut. RAM usage should also be cut down significantly.

Here's the list of parts:


Link: http://www./download/zvvx69ytb4z9q70/2013-12-22-LLL-Lite-v1.zip

I wouldn't recommend installing it with regular LLL, but I figured it'd be of interest to some people. Also, the new dual mode feature in 0.23 has mean that I've been able to re-work the large NERVA engine (NE-600 here) to pretty much what I had originally envisioned for it, with a 'Safety' mode (higher ISP, low thrust, little risk of over-heating) and 'Safety Off' mode (lower ISP, high thrust and plenty of risk of over-heating).

Edited by Lack
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  BananaDealer said:
Are all the Lite parts already in the "regular" version?

Almost all, as I said, I re-worked a number to circular hulls.

Sparrow is changed from 1x1 to 1.25m. Same with NE-400 and the Linear Aero-spike.

I haven't updated the LLL 2x1 NERVA (NE-800) with the Dual-mode in the NE-600 yet.

2x1 to 1.25m is just a '1x1 to 1.25m' strapped on top of a '2x1 to 1x1' adaptor.

Windowed walkway 2 is shrunk from 1x1 to 1.25m, same with the CBM and extendable CBM.

The cupolas and EAM are larger and now fit 2.5m.

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Lack, that is great. You hit the nail on the head. I have downloaded the full pack on several occasions and ended up just removing it after being overwhelmed and no 'map' to go with as to what goes with what...

This makes it a 'need to try' now.

thanks, great mod and great thinking.

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dll'd the full version last night but didn't look real close. Just switched to the lite version and noticed something. The dual air intake is nearly 20 times the mass of the micro dual, but only ~3 times the air intake?

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Lack, as you're already using .23 stuff (dual mode), will you also introduce tweakables?

It would be awesome to change how things get deployed (skids, cargo bays) or stop the animation on the rotating lab module (would mean, we could but stuff onto it :D).

In addition, I still don't know where to get the "flat" rover cockpit (with red stripes, iirc), I only have a bulky one.

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  cy-one said:
Lack, as you're already using .23 stuff (dual mode), will you also introduce tweakables?

It would be awesome to change how things get deployed (skids, cargo bays) or stop the animation on the rotating lab module (would mean, we could but stuff onto it :D).

In addition, I still don't know where to get the "flat" rover cockpit (with red stripes, iirc), I only have a bulky one.

Tweakables are hard-coded, they're not something I can change. You'll notice that things like the landing skids and fuel tanks automatically get them. I could change things like cargo-bays over to lights or landing leg modules, but that would likely be annoying.

Not sure what you mean by 'flat' rover. There's some full body rovers under Utility and the only other thing I can think of with red-stripes that you might mean is the Catfish command pod.


No plans for an IVA at the moment, I made the rover how it is because I cannae be bothered with internals. The crew compartment thingy for the rovers was an after-thought anyway, I only put it in because the back wall looked a bit sparse. Unfortunately can't have the head-lamp independent of open/close, I've only ever been able to get the one animation per part to work.

@ Logan.Darklighter,

You may be able to copy the .cfg across. I tried playing around with the MODEL{} for it, but things went oh so very wrong that I essentially put it down and backed away.

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  Lack said:
Unfortunately can't have the head-lamp independent of open/close, I've only ever been able to get the one animation per part to work.

From what I understand if you use the FSAnimateGeneric module from the FireSpitter plugin instead of the stock module you can have multiple animations.

Wow, it feels weird offering suggestions to you instead of asking you for help :)

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  Lack said:



No plans for an IVA at the moment, I made the rover how it is because I cannae be bothered with internals. The crew compartment thingy for the rovers was an after-thought anyway, I only put it in because the back wall looked a bit sparse. Unfortunately can't have the head-lamp independent of open/close, I've only ever been able to get the one animation per part to work.


Oh, that's okay, the IVA and headlight issues aren't that big of a deal, really, again they were simply requests. :) However, I feel that it's quite necessary to get the crew hatch situation fixed, just because it's such a pain in the @$$ to have to attach a lander can or something to the rover, then decouple it after launch and have the Kerbals climb out and walk over to the rover just to get into the command seats. I mean, I don't really like to use the command seats, but if they could come out of the hatch that's, you know, right there, it wouldn't be so bad. Just sayin'.

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  Neutrinovore said:
Oh, that's okay, the IVA and headlight issues aren't that big of a deal, really, again they were simply requests. :) However, I feel that it's quite necessary to get the crew hatch situation fixed, just because it's such a pain in the @$$ to have to attach a lander can or something to the rover, then decouple it after launch and have the Kerbals climb out and walk over to the rover just to get into the command seats. I mean, I don't really like to use the command seats, but if they could come out of the hatch that's, you know, right there, it wouldn't be so bad. Just sayin'.

Easier said than done, I suspect it's neigh on impossible in its current location. Yet using one of the radial hatches works in the same area works, but when it's on the same model it doesn't, grrr.

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  Lack said:
Easier said than done, I suspect it's neigh on impossible in its current location. Yet using one of the radial hatches works in the same area works, but when it's on the same model it doesn't, grrr.

Lol, yes, GRRRRR! is right. :)

The thing is, though, none of the stick-on crew hatches have been working for me for quite a while. I mean, several weeks BEFORE 0.23 came out. I'm talking about the 'hatch door' and the 'airlock doors'. Each of those parts has a crew capacity of more than 1, and in the VAB/SPH the MechJeb 'vessel info' window accurately reflects the crew capacity of the ship as parts are added and removed. Also, the KSP 'crew' tab at the top is correct. But after launch, the MJ vessel info window changes the crew capacity number, and now each hatch part shows that it will only hold ONE Kerbal. Furthermore, trying to use Crew Manifest to transfer crew to the parts doesn't work. You select, say, the cockpit, and then the airlock doors, but when you click 'out' from the cockpit, the Kerbal doesn't transfer to the airlock, he goes into the nearest part to the airlock that can hold crew. Now, sometimes I CAN get a guy into the part, but when I try to EVA, it says 'hatch is obstructed, can't exit', just like on the Scarab and Lady Bug buggies. I've even tried Vanguard to get someone to EVA from a hatch door or airlock, still no dice. I right click, select 'activate hatch', then 'start EVA', and it says something like 'no crew module detected'. And this is when the airlock is DIRECTLY attached to a part that has crew in it, I'm not trying to pull someone from the other end of the ship. :)

Bah. That was all just FYI. Could there be a problem with the latest Vanguard plugin? It seems like this all started about the time that the latest 'improved' version was released. Or perhaps Crew Manifest? I don't know, I'm just spitballing.

About the buggies' hatches being 'obstructed' could it be the collider for the sliding canopy that's in the way? Or maybe the 'hatch' model or whatever it's called, is sitting just a fraction too low, and the 'floor' is blocking it? I only bring this up because there have been times when I'm putting a ladder at the base of the airlock doors (when they still worked), and it looked like it was low enough, but I got the 'hatch obstructed' warning. So I go back into the editor and move the ladder like TWO PIXELS down, and then it works fine.

Anyway, just trying to brainstorm some ideas for fixes. Chances are you've already thought of and tried all this stuff anyway. :)

Hopefully we'll get it all figured out eventually. Don't work too hard on this over the holidays, though, I hope you have time to enjoy Christmas and New Years. :)

Later, my friend. :D

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The bridge uses that model, but the Hog is using it too here. The cfg file is pointed the proper model with a "mesh = model.mu" line instead of a MODEL{ } section, so I copypasted the section from the Boar 4x2 pod and set the scale to 1 to fix it. I'm not sure why it made a difference, but it did. I find it weird that it wasn't a problem at all on Windows.

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