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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
oh?m you liked the orange, gray and white?

I never see many people using them is all.

I always wish I could. But I get weird issues with them. The shrouds and some engines mess my game up, make nodes disappear.

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
and to that I guess I say. forget buggy KSP where devs won't fix the simple crap... bunch of half assed crap.

As NoMrBond posted a page (or two?) ago, the shrouds for the URM are buggy because some of them have the same name, as in

name = blablabla


title = blablabla

If that was fixed, quite a few of the bugs would be solved. Not all, but some of them.

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My two ${CURRENCY_UNIT_FRACTIONAL}s, arranged roughly from "quick and easy" to "slow and difficult":

  • Fixed costs for the URM tanks so they're actually usable in career mode (they look wonderful, but the default price is prohibitively expensive and doesn't scale with tank size)
  • Fixed versions of the Angara interstage fairings (they look so nice when they actually work)
  • Stack-attachable versions of the Angara interstage fairings (getting the radial attachment just right is a pain; either the two halves overlap and cause Z-fighting, or they leave a visible gap)
  • KOSMOS Common Berthing Ring (the docking port, not the radial attachment node) rescaled to match the hatches on the existing station modules (the current version looks oddly large)
  • Custom docking port type ID for APAS-69 to keep people from accidentally summoning the Kraken by trying to dock a Clamp-o-Tron/BobCat Soyuz docking probe/etc. with it
  • The NTR you're almost done with
  • 1.25m decoupler that actually fits inside the Angara interstage (I've been using AIES or NovaPunch decouplers)
  • Kosmos-themed KSPI radiators
  • RD-270 in 2.5m, but only after you're done with your current mostly-done NTR
  • RD-270M (40 seconds higher specific impulse than RD-270, but higher cost + higher tech tree position + maybe require RealFuels for it to show up at all?)
  • Fixed drag modeling (as introduced a few KSP updates ago) for URM nosecones & fairings
  • Fixed Dragon

Edited by Fail-Man 3D
Added drag modeling
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  Fail-Man 3D said:

[*]Custom docking port type ID for APAS-69 to keep people from accidentally summoning the Kraken by trying to dock a Clamp-o-Tron/BobCat Soyuz docking probe/etc. with it

What is up with the APAS-69? I recently had weird kraken sighting trying to contruct a station, I couldn't figure out what was causing it, but thought it was probably a part with a module that wasn't working properly or something. Managed to fix the craft by removing a section of it which contained the parts which I thought were most suspicious.

~I hadn't suspected it before, but it contained a small lander attached via a pair of APA-69s. There was also a mini-probe attached directly to a stock mini dock port.

Previously I thought the most likely culprit was a KW cargo bay, but does it sound like it was the APAS?

(this species of kraken dismantled the craft if I ever focussed away from it - time warp whilst flying the craft was safe - sometimes it wouldn't dismantle it but all control would be lost and it would just drift there.)

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
gosh is that docking ring still messed up? lol .

It works fine on my game when only docking APAS-APAS, but I think it might be different from install to install. It doesn't work at all when going APAS-stock, but I think that's supposed to happen.

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  p1t1o said:
Gee thanks for your help...


Welcome. But Yeah I blame APAS-69 for everything.

Honestly this guys is pretty cool. It is stock like russian stuff. The way we should have probably gone about things. Oh well. No real reason to bother with SSPP really. so maybe URM stuff...


Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
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The SSPP is great as it is (although I would personally scale a the radial RCS tanks down by just a little, to make fairings fit better). It's not even buggy, it just needs to be updated to include part costs and tech tree without needing NoMrBond's configs. Oh, and possibly use the LanderTron plugin for VA braking rockets? I believe it would only be config work.

There are a few bugs in the ANGARA pack, though mainly with the shrouds. It also needs to be updated to include prices and tech levels. Otherwise this pack has survived the KSP versions quite well.

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

It is stock like russian stuff. The way we should have probably gone about things. Oh well. No real reason to bother with SSPP really. so maybe URM stuff...

While I agree that the Tantares stuff is useful, the KOSMOS SSPP parts are still worth developing.

  • KOSMOS SSPP parts enhance the suspension of disbelief (and reduce the risk of "unattended laptop + heat-seeking cat = Kerbal EVA'd into a deadly situation") by not having access hatches everywhere.
  • KOSMOS SSPP still (in my not-so-humble opinion) has the best solar panel available, in terms of part count to power output ratio in a relatively compact package. The Near Future Solar OKEB-500 produces more power per panel, but this is more than offset by the gigantic truss needed to keep 3 or more OKEB-500s from shredding each other.
  • The service module shipped with the VA+URM example craft works quite well with FASA's Big Gemini capsule.
  • Tantares pushes the stockalike design language to its limits, and looks quite good doing so. KOSMOS ignores just about everything except standard module diameters and, frankly, blows Tantares out of the water in the "could this be my new wallpaper" test.
  • I mainly use Tantares parts for probes, satellites, and other small stuff where the plethora of 0.625m components is helpful. Most of my larger stuff includes at least one KOSMOS part, and even my 0.625m designs incorporate the VA Instrument Module so I don't have to stare at an AR202 case all day.

Mini-infodump for people who haven't waded through the thread

  • APAS-69: Something is subtly broken with the APAS-69; IIRC it will require a model tweak and recompile to fix. ORDA can dock APAS-to-APAS just fine, but MechJeb2 tries to dock with the side of the target port.
  • Balka dual solar wings + KSPI microwave transmitters (et. al.): Not a Kosmos bug. The dual Balka array uses a dummy ModuleDeployableSolarPanel with zero output to rotate the array mounting arms around the central pivot, and older (all?) KSPI versions just happened to find the zero-output module before the real one. This can be worked around by reordering the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel declarations, but this will cause the panels to load in the default closed-and-locked position while still generating power. See earlier discussion (in this thread?) about getting solar panels with multiple animations to save and restore their animation state correctly.

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Well I did some pathfinding work and found out I can put two different engines in one now. So I have a gimbal system for the NTR. FINALLY! so have a picture of that and some NTR concept art. I once knew a bunch of terms for this but I have completely forgotten them.... and how to Mod and model too 0__O



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tried to search for it as best i could, but didn't turn up much; is there a working copy of the balka solar wings single?

I've been poking around with the config file to see if i could get it jump-started but i think I'm just making things worse lol

update: by separating the two parts into different folders and modifying the single's config file, i seem to have unraveled the mystery :D

update: now if only i could get the singles to stop glitching out lol

update: HAH! thats what i get for using the wrong animation... ITS WORKING!

Edited by kinsai
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Nothing new though. New would come about with NTR after it is created. when ever that might be if ever. But atleast the concept works.

When I opened the model I was impressed by myself's work. Such a lovely NTR model how can I not complete it? The question is how. wioth the MODEL{} loader I can do a number of things quickly.

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
Nothing new though. New would come about with NTR after it is created. when ever that might be if ever. But atleast the concept works.

When I opened the model I was impressed by myself's work. Such a lovely NTR model how can I not complete it? The question is how. wioth the MODEL{} loader I can do a number of things quickly.

Thats perfectly fine. An official update is what makes me excited. I assume tech tree integration and proper pricing will be part of the update, thats honestly what getting me excited, that and it will be nice to have an official update. Also I am glad to see you semi excited about working in KSP again.

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