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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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Small news update:

MOARdv is awesome and developing something I think KOSMOS will benefit from greatly.

NoMrBond is being awesome as always and geting all the cfg stuff for the NTR done as well as deserves all credit for making the next release 0.25 ready and balanced.

I have been working on the NTR. it's model is now fully functional and texture work has begun. a large portion of its plumbing was exported to the RD-58SS engine. so it should take less time than typical engines but I work full time now so... it will take longer.

General news: Hopeing to release the next release this weekend. Not sure when if at all. I have been invited to a social event for Halloween. Living comes before KOSMOS now. I need a social life.

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
Small news update:

MOARdv is awesome and developing something I think KOSMOS will benefit from greatly.

NoMrBond is being awesome as always and geting all the cfg stuff for the NTR done as well as deserves all credit for making the next release 0.25 ready and balanced.

I have been working on the NTR. it's model is now fully functional and texture work has begun. a large portion of its plumbing was exported to the RD-58SS engine. so it should take less time than typical engines but I work full time now so... it will take longer.

General news: Hopeing to release the next release this weekend. Not sure when if at all. I have been invited to a social event for Halloween. Living comes before KOSMOS now. I need a social life.

Hey, that are really great news, but sure take your time, RL is always first, we struggled so long without an actual version, we can live a bit longer without a 0.25 version of Kosmos, don't worry.

Dummy question, do the ISS solarpanels get any upgrades?

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eventually I might get back into SSPP. However space based things jsut have not progressed as I had hoped. We need a plugin that allows for crew moving about with life support and these sorts of things. Currently once you get a station up there is no real beneift or need to touch it again. it just looks neat.

and If I am going to make something look neat it will be launchers not space hulks.

The current plan is finish RD-0440 1.25M NTR, RD-175 (RD-170) family (for URM 2 diameter), URM 2 (2.5Meter tanks), several other URM 2 class engines, URM 3 (3.?? meter tanks with URM engine mounts), URM3 class upper stages (block D and KVTK with options for much variation and upper stage roles), the Gigaintos (N-1 and more)

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You have some nice plans from the future :) I'm getting excited at the thought of bigger size tanks and engines in your style. Hopefully with the tank modularity it won't be a big load of work for you too.

I know it's kind of early, but it would be nice to have also adaptors for different URM sizes with your engine mounts.

Have fun tomorrow night!

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
eventually I might get back into SSPP. However space based things jsut have not progressed as I had hoped. We need a plugin that allows for crew moving about with life support and these sorts of things. Currently once you get a station up there is no real beneift or need to touch it again. it just looks neat.

and If I am going to make something look neat it will be launchers not space hulks.

The current plan is finish RD-0440 1.25M NTR, RD-175 (RD-170) family (for URM 2 diameter), URM 2 (2.5Meter tanks), several other URM 2 class engines, URM 3 (3.?? meter tanks with URM engine mounts), URM3 class upper stages (block D and KVTK with options for much variation and upper stage roles), the Gigaintos (N-1 and more)

What about Ship Manifest? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270

Edited by sp1989
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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
eventually I might get back into SSPP. However space based things jsut have not progressed as I had hoped. We need a plugin that allows for crew moving about with life support and these sorts of things. Currently once you get a station up there is no real beneift or need to touch it again. it just looks neat.

and If I am going to make something look neat it will be launchers not space hulks.

The current plan is finish RD-0440 1.25M NTR, RD-175 (RD-170) family (for URM 2 diameter), URM 2 (2.5Meter tanks), several other URM 2 class engines, URM 3 (3.?? meter tanks with URM engine mounts), URM3 class upper stages (block D and KVTK with options for much variation and upper stage roles), the Gigaintos (N-1 and more)

There are nearly a half dozen life support mods out there, Connected Living Spaces, Ship Manifest, CrewManifest, KAS, etc. Those installed, if you don't supply your stations, things die. I'm not sure what else you are looking for? I'm all for new realistic launchers don't get me wrong, but the space based side of things is alive and kicking, relatively speaking.

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  RedAV8R said:
There are nearly a half dozen life support mods out there, Connected Living Spaces, Ship Manifest, CrewManifest, KAS, etc. Those installed, if you don't supply your stations, things die. I'm not sure what else you are looking for? I'm all for new realistic launchers don't get me wrong, but the space based side of things is alive and kicking, relatively speaking.

Im actually in desperate need of a good Stations Mod that is complete. Thats why I was so excited you are updating this for .25. I mean with the new career mode parts for station and even base building are an awesome asset to have. With the Fine Print mod that creates missions to build a space stations around specific planets, again mods like KOSMOS are very welcome. That combined with Ship Manifest, TAC, and KAS you could actually build a pretty active space agency.

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  wasmic said:
Oh yeah, and the Salyut Propulsion Section is bugged out. It's the wrong scale in 0.25.

yes this has been fixed by the Awesome NoMrBond for the 0.25 compat. release

MOARdv has been working hard to make something might possibly be released with the next release for alpha testing.

I am glad station parts like this exsist. It makes my okay with leaving SSPP where it is currently. I wish i had made SSPP mroe stockalike like these parts.


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You do? On my install, the only parts I use from Tantares are the Capella (ATV), the Libra (LK) and the ALV (Proton) as I think the Salyut parts are too bland in Beale's pack. But to each his own, I guess.

Oh, and I tried to make a modulemanager cfg to add landertrons to the VA capsule, like it was supposed to have IRL. However, I think ModuleEngines requires a ThrustTransform on the part. Is there any way to use ModuleEngines without a ThrustTransform?

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Hello everyone. I haven't posted in a long time here due to the hiatus the project was on until recently. The road bump Cardboard is referring to was a dispute the two of us had while discussing the future of the pack, and as a result, I will be leaving the project. Please refer to the following explanation, which we agreed would be the only word on the matter:

Kosmos was founded as a partnership between me and Cardboard. For a period of time, ownership of the pack and the question of future profitability became the chief concern of the project, during which time we agreed to mutual ownership of the intellectual property and proportional ownership of the physical property which was understandably favorable to Cardboard. In this arrangement, neither member could dismiss the other, and future updates would require collective approval. In the time since, I feel that the project has grown to no longer represent its original vision, and this has created a dispute which I believe can not be resolved with the partnership intact. For that reason, I am renouncing my share of ownership of the project.

My exit will not disturb the update process nor will it restrict Cardboard from any of the development materials. Kosmos has been a rewarding experience, and I thank each and every person who supported Kosmos during these last few years.

Here's a link to the new thread, which will be managed by Cardboard.

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