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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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I have a question about a little issue with the Variable Geometry Intakes.

Every time I try to mount them on the wings like the example aircraft that come with the mod, I can't seem to be able to mount them perfectly parallel to the wings, they appear to be pivoting around the middle of the wing.

As an example, here's a screenie from the B9 album


And this is an example of my issue


I have to actually rotate upright manually and even then they're never completely level.

Is this a known issue? Tried searching but couldn't find anything.

Thanks in advance.

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As bac9 is now working with SQUAD on stock game content, this pack is probably not a priority as there isn't much that's "unfinished."

Just going to echo my question about Kinetech. Anyone know what it is/If I can use it? EDIT- nevermind, turns out I had to open the .nfo file with N++ as Windows didn't like it, but I had to extract it before that showed up as an option. Disregard :D

Also, this has been bothering me- Do the precoolers actually do anything?

Edited by Torminator
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The real-world SABRE's precoolers chill the intake air ridiculously fast, which basically has the net effect raising thrust at high velocities. The SABRE combustion chambers get colder air in, which will thus expand more and faster when combusted. Most jet engines run out of juice at high velocities because compression heating at the intakes mean that combustion does not give as much thermal expansion, which is what provides the thrust - so you're basically burning fuel just to break even. The SABRE doesn't have that problem until far, far higher speeds, and is thus rated to go Mach 5+, higher than any other air-breathing engine capable of subsonic operation.

IIRC, this effect is handled in the B9 pack by having the SABRE intakes be more generous about the IntakeAir they provide at 700+m/s than other intakes, and having SABRE engines provide more thrust at higher velocities as well. The in-game precoolers have no real effect, and are simply hull sections that fit the style.

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  Autochton said:
IIRC, this effect is handled in the B9 pack by having the SABRE intakes be more generous about the IntakeAir they provide at 700+m/s than other intakes, and having SABRE engines provide more thrust at higher velocities as well. The in-game precoolers have no real effect, and are simply hull sections that fit the style.

I'll be honest, I haven't performed rigorous tests. :) I could have sworn that adding pre-coolers fixed my overheating problem, but then again I may have just flown a different to-orbit profile that second time around.

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  jrandom said:
I'll be honest, I haven't performed rigorous tests. :) I could have sworn that adding pre-coolers fixed my overheating problem, but then again I may have just flown a different to-orbit profile that second time around.

That might just be due to having the extra part in there. Part count means a lot more to heat dissipation than any particular part's values or size, in the current heat model. Hence why people add small fuel tanks below jumbo tanks to dissipate heat from Mainsails.

But don't take my word for it, look at the source code for the part - it does not invoke any modules that might have heat dampening effect or tweak thrust/intake values. :)

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Torminators idea is the best path for this, but another trick i use. Build the part separate from the ship and then place the entire piece at one time. This will change the behavior of the attachment and allow you to use other angles. just use a truss attached to the ship to build the part. then discard the truss when finished

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Sorry if this has been asked already, but would it be possible to make it so that parts attached to the interior of the payload pay move with the doors? I don't know what sort of code-fu would be necessary to get it to work, but it would be the icing on an already delicious cake!

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Yes, much apologies if it's been asked/solved already, but I just don't have time to sift through two hundred pages of response, discussion and praise for this cool pack. My download that I got from SpacePort by following the link in the OP didn't give me any fuel tanks. I do have Sabres, fuselage adapters, and everything else, but no fuel tanks, like I've seen in EnterElysium's World War K series and were mentioned in the OP. Can anyone help with this? For a mark-2 size plane it's not really an issue, but if I want to build anything bigger (the main reason I got this mod), I have to throw stock fuel tanks into the wings, and make my main body this useless structural piece. Can anyone diagnose my problem? If not, can anyone point me in the right direction of maybe another mod that supplies some bigger and hopefully B9-compatible fuselages? Thanks!

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The M2 bay is close to 2.5m isn't it? I'm thinking about the sort of flattened SR-71 shaped fuselage. (Pretty sure its called Mk2). There's not a lot of room, but I think if it had a bay, .625m parts could fit.

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  IndigoCypher00 said:
Yes, much apologies if it's been asked/solved already, but I just don't have time to sift through two hundred pages of response, discussion and praise for this cool pack. My download that I got from SpacePort by following the link in the OP didn't give me any fuel tanks. I do have Sabres, fuselage adapters, and everything else, but no fuel tanks, like I've seen in EnterElysium's World War K series and were mentioned in the OP. Can anyone help with this? For a mark-2 size plane it's not really an issue, but if I want to build anything bigger (the main reason I got this mod), I have to throw stock fuel tanks into the wings, and make my main body this useless structural piece. Can anyone diagnose my problem? If not, can anyone point me in the right direction of maybe another mod that supplies some bigger and hopefully B9-compatible fuselages? Thanks!

Fuel tanks are, inexplicably, found in the Structural tab for this mod, so make sure you've checked that they aren't present in there. Apart from that, the fuel tanks generally share geometry with the structural fuselage pieces, which may or may not cause issues. Go into your GameData dir, find the B9 folder, seek out one of the structural pieces that have fuel tanks (S2 2m fuselage does, it should have both LF and LFO variants), and ensure that there are configs present for the fuel tanks.

Apart from that, I honestly have no clue what might cause it.

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  Exsmelliarmus said:
Sorry if this has been asked already, but would it be possible to make it so that parts attached to the interior of the payload pay move with the doors? I don't know what sort of code-fu would be necessary to get it to work, but it would be the icing on an already delicious cake!

Unfortunately, no. The way KSP handles part trees doesn't support animated attachment points. You'd need to somehow integrate something like Infernal Robotics to get that to work.

  Tidus Klein said:
Hay guys has anyone else notice that in the s2 hyper sonic cockpit that you are siting in the fuselage looking out windows that are not there from the out side? test it out.

The S2 hypersonic doesn't have its own internal, so it's just using one of the stock ones.

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Can someone explain how drag works, specifically the difference between the mounted air brake and a parachute. I thought I'd try to use many air brakes as an alternative to a parachute.

test parameters: rocket up to ~1,500m decouple Ap = ~2km, deploy drag device at 1km

Control: mk1 can, mk16 parachute (500 drag) landed 6.3m/s. safe landing

1st test: 16 air brakes (16 * 40 drag = 640 drag) which slowed a mk1 lander can to 18.5 m/s, mk1 exploded

2nt test: modify config file change deployedangle = 90. no chage

3rd test: reset deployedangle = 45, change deployeddrag = 80 (double, should be 1280 drag), 12.9m/s exploded

4th test: 32 air brakes @ 80 drag = 2560 drag. 9.7 m/s exploded

5th test: 48 brakes @80 = 3840. 8.4m/s exploded

6th test: 2 brakes @5000 (****s n giggle factor) drag = 4.3m/s safe landing

Based on my tests, to equal the 500 units of drag of the mk16 parachute, I would need air brake drag of ~7,000

why is this so different?

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  meb0 said:
Can someone explain how drag works, specifically the difference between the mounted air brake and a parachute. I thought I'd try to use many air brakes as an alternative to a parachute.

test parameters: rocket up to ~1,500m decouple Ap = ~2km, deploy drag device at 1km

Control: mk1 can, mk16 parachute (500 drag) landed 6.3m/s. safe landing

1st test: 16 air brakes (16 * 40 drag = 640 drag) which slowed a mk1 lander can to 18.5 m/s, mk1 exploded

2nt test: modify config file change deployedangle = 90. no chage

3rd test: reset deployedangle = 45, change deployeddrag = 80 (double, should be 1280 drag), 12.9m/s exploded

4th test: 32 air brakes @ 80 drag = 2560 drag. 9.7 m/s exploded

5th test: 48 brakes @80 = 3840. 8.4m/s exploded

6th test: 2 brakes @5000 (****s n giggle factor) drag = 4.3m/s safe landing

Based on my tests, to equal the 500 units of drag of the mk16 parachute, I would need air brake drag of ~7,000

why is this so different?

They're not really meant to replace parachutes. They're more meant to be aids for landing (trying to land at 150m/s would...probably end badly) or for parachute deployment (with FAR, losing as much speed as you can before having to deploy parachutes that could rip off if you screw up is vitally important, so airbrakes can be a major help in that case)

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