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[1.0]Vanguard Technologies | EVA parachutes | still works


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Hey Kreuzung is there a way to make the ejection module eject more than 3 crew members? Im trying to add this to a capsule with seven crew. It performs as advertised but only for 3 crew members. This really is a great module by the way.

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You can use multiple modules :P

Also, you can edit the number of ejects in the config file, it's also possible to set it to -1 to reuse it as often as you want.

About the new version, I hate to say it but I'm lacking any motivation to work on this and I'll be on holiday for 3 weeks as well, so it won't come anytime soon... But it will come.

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You can use multiple modules :P

Also, you can edit the number of ejects in the config file, it's also possible to set it to -1 to reuse it as often as you want.

About the new version, I hate to say it but I'm lacking any motivation to work on this and I'll be on holiday for 3 weeks as well, so it won't come anytime soon... But it will come.

Actually I dont really use the "ejection part" a lot. I usually add the module to manned pods cfg files. Sorry but im apparently blind tonight - where in the config file can I edit the number of ejects? I think we'll be ok with the old version for a while so enjoy your vacation.

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Eh... they should have a 'maxUses = <number>' line which determines how many it can eject... but I think I screwed up some config files.

Anyway, you can just add that line to the MODULE{} node of the ejection module.

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Eh... they should have a 'maxUses = <number>' line which determines how many it can eject... but I think I screwed up some config files.

Anyway, you can just add that line to the MODULE{} node of the ejection module.

name = ModuleKrEjectPilot
[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]maxUses = 7[/B][/COLOR]
name = ModuleKrKerbalParachute
//how much drag it has when fully deployed
deployedDrag = 100
//minimum air pressure for deployment
minAirPressureToOpen = 0.01
//x and y scale for when in semi mode... so the actual parachute area in semi mode is semiDeployedFraction^2
semiDeployedFraction = 0.0025
//thought it whould be nice if the chute was higher in semi mode
semiDeployedHeight = 1.25
//time in seconds it takes to deploy, or to go from semi to full mode
deployTime = 0.33

After restarting KSP (reloading from the debug menu had no effect and I kept trying it for like an hour ><) this worked! :D Thanks for the help Kreuzung.

Edited by Orphican
I = DERP at cfg editing.
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Sorry to say, I definetly have them but I can't access them now, my PC is a 10 hour train journey away and I don't seem to have them in my Dropbox (maybe in some .zip but it doesn't sync properly, and you cannot browse zip files on the web site without having to download them all which is a PITA).

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Is there any limitation involving speed or gs on the ejection module? A couple of times now I've had a mission go up and found that the ejection module won't activate on the way down.

I know ages ago that someone did a retexture to remove the flat yellow texturing, but it seems to have been lost to the depths. Anyone have a copy handy?
Yellow? I'm not sure what you mean.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ahh, this mod was the last thing i needed! I'm so happy to have found this, now I can send a kerbal at relativistic speeds (not really :P) towards Kerbin and then not worry about them dying (for the most part)

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Could we have the option to cut the parachute?

Also,I don't know if it is a bug but after I used the jection moduel to land on the VAB building,I tried to jump of the roof and press [space]+"f" to open the parachute(Jebediah love base jumping) but the parachute doesn't open(although on the GUI it is shown as "ready").

PS:Is there a way to edit the ejection module so it eject the kerbal vertically?

PS2:Is there a way to edit the ejection module so it don't give a parachute to the verbal(I use the plugin that give a parachute to the kerbal when they are doing an EVA).

Edited by goldenpeach
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OK, I dont know what did it, but when this mod first failed me, I made several changes and now it works - at least what I tested: the auto-equipping of Kerbals and the right-click menu deployment of the chutes - the F-space still fails me, checked settings, F is use, space is jump - I didnt try the parts yet.

I rearranged and redownloaded some stuff:

EVAParachutes and VanguardTechnologies dll's, \parachute and both part folders under \GameData\VNG

renamed Textures to textures (Win7)

chose to use the VanguardTechnologies.dll you postet 2 pages above


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Found these commands in your cfg - are these mod specific or standard?

Although putting it in my part.cfg made it fail.

//x and y scale for when in semi mode... so the actual parachute area in semi mode is semiDeployedFraction^2

semiDeployedFraction = 0.25

//thought it whould be nice if the chute was higher in semi mode

semiDeployedHeight = 1.25

Id like to write a part.cfg that deploys twice and uses different sizes for the chute: a small semideployed drogue, a small deployed chute and a bigger real chute - maybe in two colors - for stack and radial.

I managed to get the functionality I want, but I fear just the cfg hacking will not be enough for the visuals I want?

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Yes, I have been trying to make my own parachutes combining a drogue and a normal one - but just by editing the cfg file.


I got the functionality I wanted, but making it look like it works as it works behind the scenes ... seems to take more than that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I've stumbled on a problem in the current version of Vanguard Technologies plugin...

Background: I'm using this light and I want it to be toggleable from EVA and still consume resources. Currently, only your plugin promises this functionality. So I replace ModuleLight with this:

name = ModuleKrAnimation
extendAnim = DeployableLight-10
extendGUI = Light On
retractGUI = Light Off
actionGUI = Toggle Light
EVA_Range = 5
speed = 0.5
state = false
energyConsumptionExtended = 0.002

Turns out that a) It always starts turned on, no matter what I set the "state" variable to, and when I turn it on, the animation runs again. This in itself might be an artifact of the model, (is it?) but B) "energyConsumptionExtended" also doesn't appear to consume resources. Closer examination of the source reveals that not only the resource consumed is hardcoded to be "ElectricCharge" (which is kinda limiting, but ok...) but energyConsumptionExtend would request a resource called "Energy" (does that exist?). And I'm not sure if RequestResource actually consumes the resource requested...

Am I not seeing something obvious or is there a genuine bug in there? And if there is, where is it?

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I never even bothered to look into the .21 compatibility of that module since it seemed to have lost it's popularity. These errors seem to be all my fault ("Energy" was the resource used by the ancient ElEnergy plugin, anyone remember that one?), Guess I'll have to look into that...

For some reason the dumbest nickname ever, "Kreuzung", is already taken on GitHub, and what I thought could be my artist name gives a band as first result... Note to self: Don't expect your name to be unique because it's "far too random"

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I never even bothered to look into the .21 compatibility of that module since it seemed to have lost it's popularity.

I'd say that is undeserved, considering that I have bumped into the particular problem of replacing ModuleLight with something more flexible more than once, and there are a few other uses I can think of that no other animation module currently available can do, like a foldable delta glider. :)

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Ok, I have fixed that Energy/ElectricChare thing, but I can't seem to fix the animation starting in the wrong position. I actually think I failed on that a few times in the history of that module, though the last time I worked on it is long ago. I have an idea how to fix it in the model which I posted in that light's thread.

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