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KIDI- Kerbal Interplanetary Defence Initiative

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Never know :P (It's not a lot of effort to do ^^)

Also, it looks nice with 4 missiles, got a supply ship to it earlier~

Also, there's this ship I built but couldn't launch legitimately because Symmetry broke 3:


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Okay Riki Tech, working on a series of spacecrafts for my Hardshell ship pack

Currently the RT Turtle is undergoing weapons testing and still needs a launch stage.

while the RT Caddisfly is still under construction.

Riki Tech Hardshell Turtle With and without the outer shell



353 parts currently where around 50 of them is due to the brunch torpedoes.

Currently armed with 2 Tsuki rockets and 6 Brunch torpedoes.

Still testing and improving

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Can it get to orbit?

Yes, i just finished the launch stage for the Turtle. Although it is a very fragile and ridiculous launch stage. It does provide the Turtle with a temporary interplanetary set of engines that can be refueled.

As proof of my statements:


Note: There is a high chance the thing will wobble out of control if you do not press 0 to lock some of the gimbals. going too fast will most likely break it, so flying at half speed until the interplanetary stage is recommended.

I do not really wish to flood this place with too many large sized pictures.

It is still undergoing tests and improvements and will therefore not be available as of now.

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Okay... how does the pilot get out? :huh:

Pretty sure he doesn't....after all, windows are a structural weakness and prone to being riddled by enemy weapons fire, so the pilot is safe behind armor plating, like he should be....

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Okay... how does the pilot get out? :huh:

Well if the pilot DOES need to be replaced or something, the drone on the back of the ship can always be used to take off the upper shell allowing a replacement pilot to get in. The good thing about the outer shell is that it can easily be replaced and taken off. in case the shell has been so damaged that it is being a hindrance or you need to protect some other ships behind the turtle or just need a speed boost to escape, pressing abort will eject the shell and turn it into two floating shield like structures.

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Pretty sure he doesn't....after all, windows are a structural weakness and prone to being riddled by enemy weapons fire, so the pilot is safe behind armor plating, like he should be....

My head canon regarding how he can even see is that there is cameras and sensors around the ship that forms some sort of holographic window inside the cockpit. sort of like what they do in the Gundam series.

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My head canon regarding how he can even see is that there is cameras and sensors around the ship that forms some sort of holographic window inside the cockpit. sort of like what they do in the Gundam series.

Or how Covenant combat vessels bigger than a Spectre are commanded; their control centers are buried in the dead center of the ship, meaning that, like the Turtle, only catastrophic damage that somehow penetrates into the core of the vessel will remove the ships command center.... and if something HAS penetrated that deeply into the vessel, worrying about the Command Center will be pointless as its likely the ships power core has been hit as well..... meaning said ship is now twisted debris in a rapidly fading cloud of plasma.

Also, it is possible that the ships Pilot is actually sealed into a armored capsule like your character is in EVE and how Titans are run in Warhammer: 40K; the pilot manipulates the ship as if it were a extension of his own body.

Edited by Lazurkri
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I like what I've seen here- it's all amazing and it's inspired me to build some of my own battle capable ships. Only problem is, I can never get the panels to attach right. They always want to clip through the fuel tanks and struts. How do you guys do it?

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Or how Covenant combat vessels bigger than a Spectre are commanded; their control centers are buried in the dead center of the ship, meaning that, like the Turtle, only catastrophic damage that somehow penetrates into the core of the vessel will remove the ships command center.... and if something HAS penetrated that deeply into the vessel, worrying about the Command Center will be pointless as its likely the ships power core has been hit as well..... meaning said ship is now twisted debris in a rapidly fading cloud of plasma.

Also, it is possible that the ships Pilot is actually sealed into a armored capsule like your character is in EVE and how Titans are run in Warhammer: 40K; the pilot manipulates the ship as if it were a extension of his own body.

Oh nice idea, maybe a mix of it all? Luckily the Turtle is outfitted with emergency precautions like the ejection of the outer shell. The ''wings'' can also be ejected in case they have been damaged and hinders flight. There is two emergency 24-77 engines on the back of the main hull that can be used for escape. the ships cockpit is outfitted with parachutes and decouplers so it can do an emergency escape landing.

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I like what I've seen here- it's all amazing and it's inspired me to build some of my own battle capable ships. Only problem is, I can never get the panels to attach right. They always want to clip through the fuel tanks and struts. How do you guys do it?

Careful placement and sometimes using girders to give you more space between objects. Using shift + A,S,D,Q,W,E for fine adjusting also helps a lot.

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Looking a few pages back I noticed some talk about an ODST style system for dropping Kerbals to planets. I instantly went into KSP to try my hand at something like this.

The final product was this - Ragnarok Storm. A large vessel with 4 resupplyable drop pods, 2 escape pods (capacity 6 total), docking nodes and armor plating.

(I wish I could make this interplanetary-capable, but it's going to require more fiddling around. If anyone has suggestions.. :wink:)


The RS also has four hitchhiker storage containers for those bigger missions, or for docking purposes.

The drop pods are fairly simple, as seen here. Just a clamp-o-tron jr., some KW rocketry fuel/rcs tanks, a decoupler and a command module with parachutes.


The two 3 seater escape pods are very simple, just a low profile engine strapped to a fuel tank underneath a command module.


The ship is highly photogenic as it skirts past Kerbin.


Someday, this may go past the Mun.


The ship also features an ejection system for the main command module (the B9 cockpit).


One of the drop pods can be seen detaching from the docking node on the top of the ship and preparing for departure.


The antennas everywhere are part of a complex defense network.


The fairings and docking port detach and the pod is ready!


There is plenty of fuel to do a legitimate landing on Kerbin, so I figure a civilian version with interplanetary capability can't be far off.


The pod speeds away as Ragnarok Storm disappears into the distance.


With the right orbits, you could theoretically hit any part of Kerbin or other celestial bodies with this system.


The re-entry protocol begins, letting the engine act as a minor heat shield before entering the atmosphere.



The rest of the drop follows the HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) principal of deploying one's chute as low as possible.



And that's what I have so far! It's a blast (no pun intended!) to mess around with this system. The civilian version (less armor and defense systems) has significantly less parts and the lag is much less.

Ah yes - Mods: B9 (cockpit), KW Rocketry (the armor, fuel tanks) and mechjeb - really, that's it. A second version does have lazor system supported cruise missiles, however.

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Regarding the interplanetary problem of yours Arctic, Maybe you can attempt make a frame out of girders with rockets on that you can dock and attach on the Upper and Lower part of the ship with two docking ports on each side? Would just require that you add docking ports on the top and bottom of the ship and then send up the interplanetary rocket part for docking.

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Regarding the interplanetary problem of yours Arctic, Maybe you can attempt make a frame out of girders with rockets on that you can dock and attach on the Upper and Lower part of the ship with two docking ports on each side? Would just require that you add docking ports on the top and bottom of the ship and then send up the interplanetary rocket part for docking.

That could potentially work.. My current problem is that the TWR is about 0.45... :rolleyes:

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