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[1.0.2] TAC Self Destruct v1.5.1 [13May]


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Since it leads to a common mistake when installing my mods, I would like to gather your opinions and see if there are strong feelings one way or the other. Please answer this quick straw poll:

In your opinion, should I group all of my mods under the ThunderAerospace directory or not?


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  • 1 month later...


  • Updated for KSP 0.25
  • Bug fix: the right-click menu was not always updating correctly
  • Display of the countdown is now togglable.
  • The countdown is now hidden when the UI is hidden (F2)
  • Reorganized the directory structure so that it is no longer placed in ThunderAerospace.
  • Added support for the KSP Add-on Version Checker (KSP-AVC) and the KSP-AVC plug-in

Warning: make sure that you completely uninstall any previous versions. I moved everything from KSP/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacSelfDestruct to just KSP/GameData/TacSelfDestruct

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Eh... I wish I would have seen that poll. I much prefer having as few folders within Gamedata as possible and there wasn't anything difficult about keeping Self Destruct in the ThunderAerospace folder. Anyway, it's done now and thanks for the update, it'll be nice turning off the countdown.

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  Boomerang said:
Eh... I wish I would have seen that poll. I much prefer having as few folders within Gamedata as possible and there wasn't anything difficult about keeping Self Destruct in the ThunderAerospace folder. Anyway, it's done now and thanks for the update, it'll be nice turning off the countdown.

You are actually the first person to express that opinion to me. I have had several people express the opposite opinion though.

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I would have agreed with Boomerang. But I use Generic Mod Enabler to manage my mods, so I don't typically go into the GameData folder itself. If I had to manually handle mods, I could see how separating the mods would make it easier to find them. Some mods have parent folders which give no indication at all of what is in them. Love your mods man.

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  TaranisElsu said:
Updated for KSP 0.25

Many thankyous! This is IMHO the greatest mod ever. Now you just need to make it so it can destroy buildings as well :).

  TaranisElsu said:
You are actually the first person to express that opinion to me. I have had several people express the opposite opinion though.

I preferred having all the TAC stuff in the Thunder Aerospace folder, just like I prefer all of RoverDude's stuff in the USI folder and TriggerAu's stuff in TriggerTech. It makes it easier to find stuff and keeps the GameData folder from being cluttered.

Note, however, that with me, this preferrence depends entirely on the mods in question. The subfolder arrangement only works when I know what's in it, which itself depends a lot on how interactive the mod is. If it's a mod I actually do things with while playing, like all the TAC mods, then I know where they live. But if it's a mod that sits there in the background doing its thing without my intervention, then I'd rather it right of GameData, because I never become intimately familiar with it. For instace, RasterPropMon is now a subfolder of JSI, which I'm pretty sure is a recent change. Took me a while to figure that out the other day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  FrancoisH said:

I love all your add-ons but... when this one is unlocked in the tech tree? I still don't have it yet...

It's fairly far down the tree, Advanced Science Tech, which is Tier 8. I don't feel like it really "fits" on any of the nodes. If you have a suggestion, I would like to hear it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I'd like to see in this plugin function "Destruct only attached part" or "Destruct parts within specific radius".

So I tried to make it.

How it works and looks see under spoiler.

"Destruct Entire Vessel" - does what it says.

"Destruct In Radius" - destruct parts that have center of mass within "Blast Radius", and parts that are attached to the bomb directly.

I have no idea how to determine actual distance between parts.

If you set "Blast Radius" to 0 - only bomb and directly attached to it parts will explode.

"Blast Radius" is set to 3 (meters) on screenshot.

Capsule and battery are within blast radius, so they will explode.

SRB and radial engine will not explode, because their center of masses are outside of blast radius.

Big orange tank's center of mass is outside of blast radius, but it will explode anyway because bomb attached to it directly.

RCS thing is outside of blast radius but will explode. It seems since it is physicsless part, it cannot survive its host-part exploding. Its Game feature.

Jebediah Kerman is standing on the bomb, but he will survive, because he is not part of this vessel.


After explosion:


Download source and compiled Dll from Mediafire

Use at your own risk. No guarantees.

License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Exception: TaranisElsu, you free to do with code whatever you want

Edited by SV-ESK
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  • 2 weeks later...
  TaranisElsu said:
It's fairly far down the tree, Advanced Science Tech, which is Tier 8. I don't feel like it really "fits" on any of the nodes. If you have a suggestion, I would like to hear it.

Resurrecting an old post here. I think that heavy rocketry or at least at it's tier level. It's at that point that you start to leave things in space more and more often rather the recovering every scrap of each mission.

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  Errol said:
Resurrecting an old post here. I think that heavy rocketry or at least at it's tier level. It's at that point that you start to leave things in space more and more often rather the recovering every scrap of each mission.

No kidding. My Playthrough has a major case of the Kessler Syndrome :P

Honestly advanced construction seems like an appropriate place to put it (As its basically just an explosive with a timer. Which is something used in construction/destruction. :D )

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  TaranisElsu said:
It's fairly far down the tree, Advanced Science Tech, which is Tier 8. I don't feel like it really "fits" on any of the nodes. If you have a suggestion, I would like to hear it.

I dare say that Kerbals perfected the art of making things explode very early in their existence, it should be open at tier 0!

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Sorry for the double post, on another topic. Until the full update, would it be possible to load this in a 1.0.x as just a cosmetic part (by gutting the cfg) so as to keep saved crafts from breaking when I transfer them over? Is that even necessary? Can I load the mod and just not use it for now? Is there some better way to do this?

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Treble post since I seem to be talking to myself. I noticed that KIS has added an item called "Explosives" which basically blows up everything within 10m of the origin. I do not know if that bit of information will help you with your code update efforts or not, but there you have it.

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I went ahead and updated the part cfg for this mod to work with the new KIS system. The most recent .25 version of the mod is about 90% up to date for my 1.0.2 game with which I am doing the testing.

All you need to do is update the version files and maybe do a recompile of the dll, but everything seems to work fine as far as I can tell.

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