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Have you people done something you've never intended to do? [SPOILERS]


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As the title says, how many of you people have done something without intending to? I have. The proof:


SPOILER: The location...


It was originally a mission to practice a moon landing...

I use Hyperedit a LOT

Edited by OdinYggd
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I was doing a mun transference and the map view went crazy for a second, I checked and it showed a minmus perfect 10000m periapsis, so instead of putting my lander on the mun I slingshotted right into minmus and landed there.

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Note: Added spoiler warning to title, as the spoiler tags do not work. General best practice is to avoid revealing the coordinates of easter eggs like the arches, even though their locations are fairly well known now.

The other day I was looking for a Mun arch using a mapsat scan, and I found this:


Incidentally that rover I sent proved to be incredibly robust. I call it Leafa- Lander Exploration Attempt For Artifacts, and have been reusing the design with different boosters for different mission requirements. It's less than half a ton, but can be picked up again by its lander and moved to another exploration site.

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I was just testing out the demo on another computer, so I tried doing a simple landing on the Mun without any specific target. When I was passing over the Mun's surface, I noticed the Mun arch, so I tried to land close to it and successfully landed.

Also this:


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At work today I read the forum and somebody talked about low sun orbit, I made a ship just to test and ended up in 14x18 km sun orbit :)

My first Minmus orbiter almost landed as in was below 2000 meter. I did not understand the idea of lateral trust so then I was on impact path I thought I would crash. I burned and got away and into orbit.

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