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This is the place to Cry.


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I don't know how many I lost. nor do I care.. Not really sure why everything has to be a 'competition'.. It's like people on facebook etc who just friend everyone so they can have a high number... What's the point?

How many posts you have, or what rep you have.. doesn't mean squat here. or most other places.. You'll actually be a lot better thought of here if you have 100 useful posts, instead 1000 pointless posts that do nothing but take up DB space and don't contribute anything to anyone.

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We don't need a place to cry. Hell, Sal lost around 7000 posts and most likely a good deal of rep too. I lost about 1500 or so posts, as well as about 40 rep. So what? We keep on going. Now that the forums are back, we've got things we can do and so we do it :D

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Don't know what I lost. I'd like to say I lost thousands of posts, but it's not true :)

The most annoying part was having to go through the moderation again for the first 10 posts, and that's already over now, so I no longer care.

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I can lost all my posts, rep and whatever else on this forum and I will just doesn't care about... Why I should care anyway ? This is good question :rolleyes:.

On forums like this one post counters, reputation and stuff like that just doesn't matter.

Only matters Your participation in discussion and trying to contribute something valuable to this community :) !

I hope You guys will remember about this.

Edited by karolus10
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I care.

A lot of threads, such as my mods (because of migration to new computer during forum crash, (convieniant :rolleyes:) all mod data lost). Plus I had a stickyed, Newbie how-to thread that got lost.

I also belive I lost the most posts (aside from moderators), 3 thousand posts.

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