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I´ve been trying to establish a colony on Laythe in past few weeks. Since then I found out, that to do it properly it will require so much effort, that it is almost to much for single individual to handle, building, testing, flying and landing all those ships takes just to much time and it is simply not effective. So and idea came up to my mind - let´s share the work with others and let´s do this together so I proudly present to you:



1. Goals

2. Analysis and requirements

3. Development and testing

4. Execution


1. Goals

Establishing a sustainable colony on Joolian moon of Laythe with fully developed supply chain.

2. Analysis and requirements

Is task possible?

- Given task is possible with current technology

- Main problem is presented by distance of Joolian system from Kerbin which results in great need of fuel and time to travel between those 2 destinations

- Any failure on Laythe will result in lengthy rescue mission from Kerbin

Terrain requirements:

- colony should be placed near equator to provide good access both from and on to the orbit of Laythe

- terrain should be flat for possibility of building an airfield to supply the colony

- close proximity to the Laythe ocen may be an advantage

Required ships and other crafts:

0. Orbital station “Gamma “

Placement: Classified

Goal: Classified

Requirements: Classified

1. Orbital station “Horizonâ€Â

Placement: Kerbin orbit, height 100-150km

Goals: Provide logistics for flights to Joolian system, fuel and crew transfer

Requirements: Minimum of 10.000 units of rocket fuel, minimum of 4000 monopropelant fuel, minimum of 3500 units of xenon gas, crew of 8, docking capability for multiple ships

2. Orbital station “Saphireâ€Â

Placement: Laythe orbit, height 75km

Goals: Provide logistics for colony on surface, refueling station for trips back to Kerbin, crew and fuel transfer operations within Joolian system

Requirements: Minimum of 10.000 units of rocket fuel, minimum of 4000 monopropelant fuel, minimum of 3500 units of xenon gas, crew of 8, docking capability for multiple ships, capability to attach fuel refinery as soon as .20 comes out

3. Orbital station “Emeraldâ€Â

Placement: Classified

Goasl: Classified

Requirements: Classified

4. Colony ship “Anthillâ€Â

Placement: Surface of Laythe

Goals: Provide housing for Kerbals

Requirements: provide housing to minimum of 16 Kerbals, atmospheric flight capability (VTOL, jet engines

5. Signal beacon “Candle of Babylonâ€Â

Placement: Surface of Laythe – marking landing spot for colony and approach vectors for further missions from orbit to surface

Goals: Provide orientation for Laythe landings

Requiremens: own power generation, illumination capability, possibility to be placed both on ground and in water, possibility to be placed precisely on desired location

6. Deep space tanker “Dairy cowâ€Â

Goals: transfer of fuel between Kerbin and Laythe orbit

Requirements: capability of delivering at least 2000 units of fuel and 750 units of RCS to Laythe orbit

Preliminary choice: OPD Olympus II + Zeus by Temstar

7. Small tanker “Calfâ€Â

Goals: transfer of fuel between big tankers or stations to ships within orbit

Requirements: greater maneuverability than “Dairy cowâ€Â, capacity at least of 720 units of rocket fuel and 200 units of monopropellant

8. Mothership “Damkinaâ€Â

Goals: Crew and supply transfer between orbital stations “Horizon†and “Saphireâ€Â

Requirements: sufficient range to travel to Laythe and return to Kerbin (after refueling on Laythe orbit), minimum crew of 8, possibility to be used as a space-tug to deliver various supplies between both systems, self-defense capability

9. Light Cruiser “Mardukâ€Â

Goals: providing security to vital operations on both Kerbin and Laythe orbit, escorting “Damkina†on it´s travels

Requirements: ability to travel between Kerbin SOI and Laythe, capability of taking out capital ships, capability to defend itself against lighter ships, armor plating of vital systems, ability to provide logistic support to other combat vessels

10. Heavy fighter “Hornetâ€Â

Goals: Providing security on orbit, capability to take down both capital and smaller ships

Requirements: light ship with crew of one, carrying at least 2 missiles capable of taking down capital ships or more lighter missiles, enough fuel for operations on orbit, ability to dock to stations, takners and othe ships

Preliminary choice: HDF Shade MkII by Macey Dean

11. Light interceptor “Waspâ€Â

Goals: Providing fighter cover for Joolian system operations, securing orbital stations, tankers and bigger ships on orbit

Requirements: light single seat ship, carrying either one anti-capital ship missile or more lighter ones, enough fuel for operations within short range of bigger crafts, ability to dock to stations, takners and othe ships

Preliminary choice: JSIF MkII by myself ïÂÅ 

12. Atmospheric fighter “Swallowâ€Â

Goals: combat support within Laythe atmosphere

Requirements: light single seat aircraft, VTOL is an advantage, capable, jet engine, light armament, on ground refueling capability, good flight characteristics

13. Space shuttle “Falconâ€Â

Goals: Transfer of crew and supplies between space station “Saphire†and surface of Laythe

Requirements: Possibility to fly between “Saphire†and surface of Laythe, if possible to be able to refuel on Laythe, preferable ability to carry crew of more than one

Preliminary choice: Sparrow spaceplane series by Zombiphylax

14. Supply and rescue drop ship “Crane:

Goals: Supply drops on surface of Laythe, long range rescue operations on surface of Laythe

Requirements: VTOL, amphibious landing capability, long range

15. Service craft “Beeâ€Â

Goals: Transfer of supplies and ordnance between crafts on orbit

Requirements: Yet to be specified

16. Logistic craft “Hiveâ€Â

Goals: Logistic support of combat ships, carrying fuel and ordnance on orbit

Requirements: Yet to be specified

17. Light SAR craft “Grifâ€Â

Goals: All weather short range SAR craft for operations on surface of Laythe

Requirements: VTOL, crew capacity of 2, jet engines, capability to refuel on ground

Variants: Armed VTOL fighter

Preliminary choice: Griffon by Zombiphylax

18. Ground service vehicle “Hedgehogâ€Â

Goals: Travel and refuel operations on surface of Laythe

Requirements: docking and fuel transfer capabilities

Estimates of the number of vessels required:

4 Orbital stations

4 Damkina class mother ships

4 Marduk class light cruisers

4 Hornet class heavy fighters

4-6x Wasp class light interceptor

2 SSTO Space shuttle

2 Grif SAR

2 Swallow fighters

1 Crane dropship

1 Anthill habitation module

1 – x Cangle of Babylon beacon

3. Development and testing

- recruiting builders, test-pilots and crew in progress

4. Execution

Standard operation procedures: classified

Emergency operation procedures: classified

Launch schedule: classified

So, how is this supposed to work? Well, first I will try to recruit a crew and tasks are going to be divided according to wishes and individual capabilities. There will be ONE main save file, which is going to be shared between all users involved. I will co-ordinate whole project and schedule who is going to do/launch/build/fly what in main save file.

Who this project needs now:

- experienced rocket builders

- experienced pilots capable flying/docking even huge capital ships

- test pilots

- artist (youtubers, someone to create mission logo etc...)

If you are interested contact me via PM or by email tedeasplachy(at)gmail.com

Edited by Tada
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So crew is starting to shape up :wink:

I just want to add - this mission is STOCK PARTS ONLY - but I don´t mind using sub-assembly loader or anything that doesn´t alter the save file.

Some people expressed their concern about Project BABYLON being a military operation - it is not. Supervision is strictly civilian and number of military ships is just if something goes wrong in Joolian system, because help straight from Kerbin would take too long to arrive.

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Right, NOOBISH nutter incoming! Clear the decks! I know I'm not experienced but I'd love to help with the ship designs. Any ships I pass on I will have tested (and exploded), in whatever relevant area (spess for space, appropriate kerbin altitude for atmosphere, etc.....). I'd love to be of any assistance I can - I have my eyes on the logistics ships I think. Could I help? Please?

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you said that people working on the project will get to use the save file but will you put out the save file for others who just want to mess around with the ships and stations and use it themselves.

Also id be able to help in test piloting and or building the ships (good at most anything)

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Ha, finaly some attention!

I plan official start of project by 1.5. 2013 I will keep all involved via this topic and PM

No mechjeb, I wanna keep it stock :) But I don´t mind sub-assembly loader or anything that does not alter the savefile for no mod users.

ROFLCopter64bit: You may start designing the stations! I hate building space stations so pleasure can be all yours! Keep it simple and mind all kind of ships, that would need to dock there :)

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16 Kerbals seems a bit low. If the goal is not not just a colony but a self-sustaining colony then more people will be required. Minimum viable population for a species will depend on its population dynamics and how resistant the species is to the effects of inbreeding. Seem as kerbals all look the same and have same surname yet are capable of interplanetary travel I say they are pretty resistant to the ill effects of having very small genetic diversity in the population.

MVP can be as low as 100 for hardy species. The largest single piece spacecraft I have can hold 134 kerbals. I propose when the time comes to move our colonist we send this craft fully loaded to Laythe. Once this population is in place we can then start phase 2: building of the surface colony and landing half of that 134 colonists planet-side.

There also needs to be some organisation around launch windows. Jool transfer window doesn't come very often. Suppose we say an usable launch window is 2 degrees each side of the correct phase angle. We then need to work out how many hours/days wait is acceptable between each transfer during the transfer window (if we transfer a ship every hour you're going to get all sorts of headache sorting out the course corrections and setting up aerobraking when you get to Jool). Then people can put their hands up for things they want to bring to Laythe and we can figure out if it warrants a docking port on the carrier and if so which outbound flight it will catch.


person A comes in and says "I've designed and tested a Laythe SSTO capable of transferring 8 crew between orbit and surface. Each Laythe shuttle is 20 tons and I would like to send two in the next transfer window"

person B comes in and says "I've designed a one ton communication satellite and I would like to send four to Laythe to setup a network at Laythe-synchronous orbit to allow uninterrupted communication anywhere in Laythe SOI"

The project then might make a decision that says "Laythe surface colony hardware will not be ready by next transfer window, therefore we don't need a Laythe surface shuttle yet. Satellite it is"


"We have 45 tons of spare payload capacity to Laythe for the next interplanetary carrier but only 2 docking ports. The shuttles will be on the next outgoing ship unless someone work out a docking solution to turn 2 ports into 6"

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ROFLCopter64bit: Well, you do your testing in your savefile for now :) I thinkt, that designing a stage that can take station to Laythe will be whole another task.

I will create a general save file which will circle the members of project accordingly to launch schedule. All aproved changes will be saved into this savefile, which after the member completed his tasks, will return to me and I will send to someone else. Also I will relase the whole safe-file with current state of the project periodicaly.

I have an idea - what if I create dedicated YT channel to this project where anyone who has the capability will put videos of this project?

Temstar: Yeah, putting that many Kerbals there might be tempting, but minding the parts count and lag I would rather keep the colony ship smaller - but I´m not resisting making more than one colony location - establishing transport between locations on surface might present a challenge of itself!

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In terms of large colony ships, how realistic do we have to be when it comes to filling them with people? I'm going to guess that weather 30, 60 or 134, ships that can hold that many Kerbal and designed never to re-enter any atmosphere will not have a survivable abort mode. So do we have to do it realistically and launch the colony ship empty then fill them up in orbit, or can we just say "well I know the launch vehicle will work, and Kerbals are not the most safety minded creatures, and there's always save/load" and load up the colonist on the ground and then launch?

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I'll help. Emailed Tada.

You can get a lot of Kerbals up in one launch if you take the time to march a bunch off the launchpad, ready the ship you want them to board, then have them walk back and climb into it. But that is zero fun.

When my turn comes up, I'll make sure to include more of whatever's needed; crew, fuel, or whatever.

EDIT: Provided email address failed, even on the second try when I checked carefully. You can email me at nickringer at gmail dot com.

Edited by Ringer
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Temstar: Colony ship with survivable abort sequence? Maybel for a few... I never planned filling up the colony ship on the ground. There will be enough crewmen left on orbit with re-supply fly - both on LKO and LLO.

ROFLCopter64bit: Very nice, simple and practical. Just one thing missing - small docking ports - fighters I tend to use are both using small docking ports. Is there anywhere a probe body on the station? On Saphire it would be a must for situations when station will have to be abandoned.

Ringer: tadeasplachy@gmail.com , it should work or just PM me.

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Can i Recommend to you my Base mobile Lander XII? You already see it?

Here goes the link:


I already have a base made with it (have a special version for Laythe on the link's), i just need to have a RSS on Kerbin's orbit and another on Laythe's orbit (RSS = Refuel Space Station)

I need to update the link with the Laythe pics. Some day.

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Temstar: Yeah, putting that many Kerbals there might be tempting, but minding the parts count and lag I would rather keep the colony ship smaller - but I´m not resisting making more than one colony location - establishing transport between locations on surface might present a challenge of itself!

It's not as bad as you think, it's actually only 186 parts:


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I´ll take a look :)

Currently I´m trying your STAR SSTO, it is bit different than I´m used to, but it looks cool :)

Cool! Good to now, with you need some assistance, just ask me. IT was made to work greatly with MechJeb. I don't even try it to much on manual.

And if you need a 3 Kerbin option, is there too...

I have my own on Laythe Orbit right now.


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