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*Sulks in the awesomeness of llamatoes* Aw well, back to work. Behold, the laythe-lite series - producing fine work with as few parts as possible (pics coming soon). Currently produced:

L-L Microver Mk2: A teeny weeny rover, at just 9 parts, it comes with a micro docking port, RTG and four wheels. It is immune to even my team's best efforts to crash it at the KSC, even rolling only with real difficulty. It comes in 2 versions: -I carries a ladder for carrying Kerbalnaughts while -II carries a forward lamp.

Bugs: the controls are backwards, but ill set up an action group to negate that.

Weight: -l weighs 0.39Kmu -2 weighs 0.40Kmu

L-L Surveyor Mk1: A simple, fire and forget lander boasting 11 parts. Carries a parachute, a small docking port on the underside, solar panels, batteries and such. -ll also carries sciency stuff, pushing the total to 15 parts.

Bugs: Has no way of getting into an aerobrake without assistance. Weight: 0.305Kmu, -ll is 0.325Kmu.

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Octobomb: Maybe small rover with skycrane would be nice for low gravity moons (even maybe something for Tylo since I don´t plan landing kerbals there, rover would be nice)... I want to wait for .20 for seats to do propper manned rovers on Laythe.

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Of course it is - especially for the laggy ones (I.e. me). I built a just-under-thirty-part rover which is fitted with 8 wheels and enough RTGs to drive forever. I'm sure I could strip that down to four wheels. It's still pretty light, and my ea-z deployment edition is balanced too. I assume by low gravity you mean the moon or less, that's a piece of cake to build a skycrane for a rover that small. With four engines they are incredibly stable.

Edit: Heads up, it will be a big skycrane. They're just easier that way.

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I don't think rovers are good idea for Bop and Pol, the gravity is too low to allow any real traction for the wheels. This is particularly true of Pol which has extremely hilly terrain on top of low gravity.

For exploring the surface I think a probe lander would be better, if there is need to move the landers around then we should just fly it around. In fact I wonder if it might be possible to use ion engines for hovering to traverse the two little moons.

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Temstar: Or Ion engine pushing the rover towards the ground to provide traction? :) You´re right - I´ve messed with rovers just briefly and almost forgott, how hard is it to keep it on the ground even on Mün

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Ok, I have one in orbit. Not as big and mean as I was going for, but the best I can get up without mods. It's a bit tricky to fly due to fuel balance issues in the ascent stage (requires manual transfers), but it points straight and doesn't spin. If you want it, I can fly it up. Done it 5 consecutive times with success.

The Talon:

- Crew of 5

- Four 3-Shot Hardened Decoupler Cannons

- Six Smart RCS Missiles in Cargo Hanger

- Two Smart Solid Rockets

- 14800 Liquid Fuel

- Six LVN-1 Engines

- One Rockomax Mainsail




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Planned features for next save:

Both "Horizon" and "Saphire" in orbits

DCMS Ark Royal (Damkina class mothership) in orbit of Kerbin, fully fueled and ready for departure to Jool

ComLink Array 300km above Kerbin (Stargazer by Temstar)

New SSTO shuttles and ships for testing

Marduk Prototype (ex-XC-305 by donlokiman) in orbit for kerbin

Now big question:

What should we send to Laythe first? Obviously it will be "Ark Royal" mothership and "Essex" light cruiser, but with what payload? Should it be SSTOs for future missions to surface? Should it be com array to set a link between Laythe and Kerbin...?

Some teaser pics of com array and Saphire:




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477 Parts. 271 tons. And yes it's Laythe capable, and then some. 3300m/s dv with the Mainsail engaged (if you're impatient) or 7000m/s dv with it disabled. It's got a bit of range...

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Ok Tada i have finally gotten around to making the fuel on the frigate more accessible without changing the look basically at all and same set up. have pics in a sec

It should be pretty easy to get in orbit because it is quiet light for its size only (80 mass)

Somehow when doing this i droped the part count by 4 (not much but still good that making fuel more accessible made part count go down :D

Pics and craft file in a little

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Ok :) Well, it may see service alongside X-305, since X-305 is hands down just great, I think we both agree to that?

You may think of tasks your friggate will perform...? Since X-305 man task would be escorting Damkina on transfers between Kerbin and Jool and then guarding it in orbit.

I think, that lighter craft could escort Damkina class ships inside Jool system?

EDIT: And seriuosly guys come up with some names for these ships!

Damkina class motherships:

DCMS "Ark Royal"

DCMS "Viking"

DCMS "..."

DCMS "..."

Marduk class light escort cruisers (X-305 series):

MCLEC "Essex"

MCLEC "Anicetus"

MCLEC "Aquila"

MCLEC "..."

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Yea it is awsome he makes some sweat ships

and a name for one could be Anicetus (the greek god of defence who's name means Unconquerable.When ever i need a name for a ship and i know its purpose i look up the greek god for that task/something i want to describe it)

and i think having the frigate in jools system is a good idea

-tomorrow i will make the stage to get it into orbit(shouldn't be to hard,hopefully)

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DCMS "Viking"

the reason being that Vikings did alot of travelling. they discovered Greenland (hence why it is called Greenland. because it was more green at that time. it was warmer) Iceland and even America -500 years before Columbus-

update on the Fuel tanker "Dairy Cow" i have made the ship itself but im having trouble with the launcher. i figured that i would need to launch it in 1 piece and it should not need to be re-fueled in orbit because it should be launched at every available window. and should not be a major part of the mission. altough it has ended up looking a bit "Capital like"

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