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Dragon Rider Capsule [0.23 (2/14/14)

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  • 1 month later...

It has been quiet in here for some time, but I took the liberty of putting all your fixes into a cfg file and adding some stuff myself.

Anyone see anything I missed/that is wrong?

!TechRequired = DELETE
TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
entryCost = 8500
@maxTemp = 1700

@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.8362352, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
@node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.4769561, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
@node_stack_ASAS = 0.0, 1.3005309, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
@node_stack_trunk = 0.0, -0.6316727, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

name = ModuleHeatShield

direction = 0, 0.15, 0.9
reflective = 0.25
ablative = AblativeShielding

key = 650 0
key = 1000 1280
key = 3000 1600

key = 300 0
key = 500 23

!RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] {}

@thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster

@heatProduction = 200

name = AblativeShielding
amount = 4000
maxAmount = 4000

name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 250
explosiveNodeID = trunk

name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
collectActionName = Take Data

evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 2

allowRepeatedSubjects = True

name = ModuleScienceExperiment

experimentID = crewReport

experimentActionName = Crew Report
resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
reviewActionName = Review Report

useStaging = False
useActionGroups = True
hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
rerunnable = True

xmitDataScalar = 1.0

name = FlagDecal
textureQuadName = flagTransform


@node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1850713, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1850712, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
@node_stack_adapter = 0.0, -0.3314734, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

@node_stack_dragon = 0.0, 0.0210884, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

@node_stack_top = 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.88, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

!MODULE[ModuleDecouple] {}


Edited by KerbMav
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  • 4 weeks later...

I hate to ask this, but every time I get redirected to curse for the DL, I cant seem to find the Mod. I have tried the search for every Mod I want to DL, but even with multiple attempts of language, I cant for the life of me find any of them. It just says "nothing found". I know I must be doing something wrong. Man this is going to be embarrassing.

Thx Dren

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  ArkaelDren said:
I hate to ask this, but every time I get redirected to curse for the DL, I cant seem to find the Mod. I have tried the search for every Mod I want to DL, but even with multiple attempts of language, I cant for the life of me find any of them. It just says "nothing found". I know I must be doing something wrong. Man this is going to be embarrassing.

Thx Dren

It may not be hosted on Curse yet, which is unfortunate. Would someone be willing to rehost this please?

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  tygoo7 said:
I sadly had to install this awesome mod because it was having bugs with the capsule coming off the trunk at launch and some of the configs here made it expand in VAB (I have modulefixer). :(

It's because the node sizes (stack/attach) are too small. joint breaking forces are scaled according to node size.

Also, none of these parts have breakingForce or breakingTorque properties. Because of this they will be using the stock default of 22, which may not be enough in normal circumstances... (they should be added with a value of maybe 100)

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  Starwaster said:
It's because the node sizes (stack/attach) are too small. joint breaking forces are scaled according to node size.

Also, none of these parts have breakingForce or breakingTorque properties. Because of this they will be using the stock default of 22, which may not be enough in normal circumstances... (they should be added with a value of maybe 100)

So I guess there's no fix for now?

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  tygoo7 said:
I sadly had to install this awesome mod because it was having bugs with the capsule coming off the trunk at launch and some of the configs here made it expand in VAB (I have modulefixer). :(

That's likely because of a bug in KSPI. Just make a cfg with the text provided by KerbMav in it. Make sure you have ModuleManager 2.1.x installed. That should fix it.

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  wasmic said:
That's likely because of a bug in KSPI. Just make a cfg with the text provided by KerbMav in it. Make sure you have ModuleManager 2.1.x installed. That should fix it.

Just tried it and it still comes off the trunk in flight and in the VAB it grows super huge when the mouse is over it. :P

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  Taki117 said:
I can confirm the super huge when mousing over in VAB, Also if you land on water it sinks!

Yes, the problem with blowing up in the VAB is a known bug. Sadly, the fix that works for every single other part in all of KSP doesn't work with this addon, so nothing can be done about that. However, since you'll probably only need one Dragon pod, and that in the beginning of construction, that shouldn't be much of a problem. I also have the problem with it sinking in water, but only if I splash down with high velocity. If you use parachutes (I clip them into the pod) and engines for soft-landing on water, that should fix it. The real Dragon would only use parachutes when landing on water, as it would only land on water in case of an emergency. If it was going to land on dry land, it would do a completely propulsive landing.

However, @tygoo7, I have no idea what your problem is, as I don't get it myself. Any chance you could upload a screenie of your debug log? Oh, and does it fall off the trunk when physics initialize, or does it only fall off when you actually launch the craft?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey CBBP! Hope all is well with you. I vote for you to update it. This was one of my main goto ships. The amount of detail you put into your models is outstanding. I would be willing to do some test flights on both 24.2 32 and 64 bits. just keep in mind I've a noob regarding testing. You would have to tell me what ya need. Let's light this candle!

Edit: If I may be so bold with respect to other Dragon Mods and SpaceX, don't make yours smooth skinned if you do decide to update. Please keep it in your style.

Edited by Voidryder
Just an additional thought
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Hi I have downloaded cBBp_Dragon mod but when trying to load the Dragon craft the game says the "dragon brain" is missing. I can not see brain as a part in the mod, the dragon rider capsule does show up in the command set of parts, any idea what could be happening? I am running KSP 24.0.549

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
hmm maybe i should update this or relase source.. anyone intrested?

I would love an Update. I like yours because it is a single part and I don't have to fiddle with the engines like with the Laztek one.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I just downloaded it, from the unofficial alternate host from johnwayne1930, as the main link direct to kerbalspaceport. Don't know if its a outdated version but it does not work for me.

The Dragon part won't attach to anything but a manned capsule and can't be use as the first part. Its a bug that I encounter before but I can't remember what was the cause... I will investigate a bit, might find a fix.

If you have a alternate download of a working version let me know.

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