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How long should the next Screenshot montage be?  

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  1. 1. How long should the next Screenshot montage be?

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Hey, leggo. Gerroff! Stop!

'I\'m trying to go to the moon here!'


'No, you can\'t come, dammit!'


'Because you\'re an SRB, that\'s why!'

I couldn\'t dislodge it. All the other 5 came off no problem, but this one just would not let go. Eventually had to just relaunch.

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After launching the KOS-1 (Kerbin Orbital Station also formerly known as KB-1 Orbital Operation) with some success I decided to give the go ahead on the KOS-2 system. Kerbin Engineers worked long and hard to build the station and after many stability issues and two attempts that only went sub orbital they decided to add one more tank to the second stage and that gave it barely enough fuel to achieve orbit. The station barely made orbit using the probe engine but had to jettison the kubble telescope payload since mostly everyone considered it a failure. They didn\'t even realized it was successful till bob check it\'s projected course and realized they made it to a 140Km by 70Km orbit which they soon fixed into a 144km by 140 km orbit. Here\'s some photographs that they sent back.

The launch vehicle.


Before Orbit when the crew were bracing for impact by jettisoning the telescope.



After Achieving orbit they snapped a few photos.



And to top it all off they got to see a few sunrises.



Once Jeb got back to Kerbin after they sent up the replacement crew we heard him talking to an engineer about the possibilities of making this either a Munar station or Kerbol station. We\'ve heard some casual talk about a possible MOS-1 after that.

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