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Veterans show your firsts...


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Haven't got pictures (on mobile device) but my first was with a mod, this was before landing legs (wow is it that long ago) but I finally landed using the Luna, from down under aerospace mod. Good times. My rockets would never have made it. Maybe they would, but my piloting was bad. Who knows?

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I bet Jeb enjoyed that

Some thing to do with the way the Terrain was handled differently compared to be lite/non-lite at night.

But I do remember it myself, as been a laughable bug...

One of my First Mun landings.

Back in the 13.2 Builds, around the time I lead a community Mun Base; I landed on the Mun weeks before this picture was taken, but for the life of me, can't find a picture. :(


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That actually was my first landing... Well, there was a probe before that one and it can hardly be called "landing" unless you think "crashing into the ground and making a medium sized crater" is landing...

No mechjeb, no nothing, just stock parts... I was pretty proud of those three.

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My first Duna landing:


It was actually my first successful landing ANYWHERE. I'd had an aborted attempt to land on Mun, so I figured I'd try for Minmus instead due to its lower gravity. But Mun just happened to be in the way on the trajectory there, so instead I figured I'd try for Ike. Arriving at Duna, I was in a horrible polar orbit that made Ike too difficult, so I figured I'd try for Duna instead, even though I figured I'd fail and have to start over. I didn't realize you could re-pack parachutes in orbit, so I landed without chutes to save them for the Kerbin return. Somehow, I landed successfully, took off again, and returned to Kerbin's SOI. I ran out of fuel just after decelerating at Kerbin, giving me an orbit about the size of Mun's, and then had to use RCS to intersect the atmosphere. In the end, I landed with 7 units of RCS fuel remaining.

Thus was born the legend of Jeb, the Kerbonaut who just wouldn't fail. Soon after he did a trip (in the same ship design) that landed on both Minmus and Mun, and now he's just finishing up a grand tour having landed on every planet and moon other than Moho and Jool. (He's on his way to Moho now.) And he just won't ever die...

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I played back in .12 but I was never able to land, actually i didn't know there was a mun, also i didn't know there was a screenshot button till I actually bought the game.

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