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Cupcake's Dropship Dealership...

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Ok, I literally just re watched the master class part 2 and you should be able to build exactly the same as that in place mode. The way radial symmetry happens should still be based on your orientation in the hanger, with stuff attaching to the sides facing the 2 walls without the flag

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  INSULINt said:
Ok, I literally just re watched the master class part 2 and you should be able to build exactly the same as that in place mode. The way radial symmetry happens should still be based on your orientation in the hanger, with stuff attaching to the sides facing the 2 walls without the flag

Phew, I was starting to panic! I'll give it another go today and see how I get on. Thanks. :D


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Ok. What the hell did squad do???????? Just tested and it appears that symmetry is now applied from a part perspective instead of from the perspective of the building?

Edit: started this - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103646-Bring-back-building-perspective-symmetry-application

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Oh dear, I guess you can see the problems I'm having then! I really hope they bring back the old symmetry mode soon... :P

On a happier note the first part of Nieble's Odyssey is being released in 7.5 hours time! :D

The cast and crew (myself included) will be jumping online about an hour after release (8am GMT) to have a chat to anyone that stops by. We'll be using the official KSP Teamspeak server, just look for us on Vall. :wink:


Hopefully get to meet some of you guys there. :)


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I may have found a way to get around the symmetry issue using octagonal and cubic octags:

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the symmetry is for each side, so you build 1 side, zoom in, alt-grab-duplicate the main octagonal strut, and place on the other side. You'll have to rotate it to get it in the right orientation, and holding alt while placing stuff really helps!

For some reason there is almost a ghost node or something since you can put the mk2 adapter tanks with a space between them, or not. I haven't tested to see if it affects fuel flow, or even what fuel issues there are, but I hope this helps somewhat.

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  INSULINt said:
I may have found a way to get around the symmetry issue using octagonal and cubic octags:


the symmetry is for each side, so you build 1 side, zoom in, alt-grab-duplicate the main octagonal strut, and place on the other side. You'll have to rotate it to get it in the right orientation, and holding alt while placing stuff really helps!

For some reason there is almost a ghost node or something since you can put the mk2 adapter tanks with a space between them, or not. I haven't tested to see if it affects fuel flow, or even what fuel issues there are, but I hope this helps somewhat.

Thanks man I'll give it a try this weekend. I really apreciate your help. :)


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Less than two hours 'till! Are you not excited?

(Yes, me being America means I'm staying up very late for this).

(How late? Well, between 10PM and 3AM, depending on which time zone you thing I'm in.)

(Actually, in a way, I'm getting it a few hours earlier that the rest of you.)

(Aww, no morning people there to respond to me?)

Edited by Thunderous Echo
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  team.leit said:
Are you guy still on teamspeak? Haven't had a chance to get on yet.

Sorry man, it's been and gone. We were thinking of doing another one on Saturday if anyone's keen. :wink:

  DisarmingBaton5 said:
Does this help?

Ah... That could well be the answer. Thanks I'll check it out tonight. :)


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the part/ship relativity only works for radial. It's basically for if you want to add something at 4x sym on a part that was attached with 8x, or a similar situation. I haven't tested it, but I imagine that 2x sym on an 8x part wouldn't lead to 16x sym, but something like the (old) sym bug where you would go to attach a part to a sym'ed part and it would attach 2(or more) to just that part instead of distroing the new part amongst all the sym copies.

I've tried a couple of different methods of building the spectre and the one that shows promise is starting with a command pod, attaching a cubic to the front, attaching a mk2 tank radially to that and rotating the tank to hide most of the pod. You end up having to use a cubic strut to build the octag+cubic assembly cus symmetry screws up, attaching 2 cubics to one side of the octag. I also include a cubic to the bottom for the engines. Seems to work well. Just leave the space between the mk2 adapters so you can fuel line from them to the octag and fuel flows from the 4 outer tanks evenly first, then the main mk2 tank. Starting with the tank as root doesn't let you easily get the pod centered :( but I haven't messed around with the root select thing, so maybe changing the root part to the tank after building the pod/cubic/tank would make the symmetry work for the end caps, which would make it less of a pain placing everything one by one. Balancing the craft with the counterweight torque modules is ....ty cus you can't really slide things up or down anything without them showing, but maybe adding the 1/2 length tanks to the cubics on the end caps would make that work. Maybe even adding RCS tanks with flow shut off for ballast? I know torque>unusable fuel......

Just some thoughts/experiences from this morning.....

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some quick tests:

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seems that the root affects the symmetry.....

pod->cubic->tank, keeping the root as the pod:


Centered up the tanks on the top of the tank as:


then moved the mouse so they flipped to the side. Rotated once with Q. The really strange part is that the part seems to have more snap points in the middle and is easier to center on the edges of the end of the mk2 tank since more points means that moving the mouse a little actually moves the part your attaching instead of it staying centered, so rotating it into the mk2 tank seemed like a better option

I know this probably seems a little ranty by now LOL. I did not expect this much of a difference in the editor from them combining the VAB and SPH scenes......

Last edit, promise: It seems as though switching the root part from the pod to the mk2 tank, etc, is the key to getting the right symmety. You basically have to build one set of side tanks without the mk2 adapters, then symmetry them with the pod being root.

The following was the result of pod > cubic > mk2 tank > place 1 t-800 tank > set root to mk2 tank > place cubic/gear/intake on symmetry and "center" without node attach > set root to pod > pick up t-800, re place with symmetry, add/balance cubic/2x torque. Then engine+cubic assembly is on the mk2 tank symmetried while the pod was the root:


and all of that was done without flipping the craft around at all.....

Edited by INSULINt
iMgur......., more tests
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  Cupcake... said:

Heh All,

Hope you enjoy this first episode! We'll be jumping on the KSP Teamspeak Server in about an hours time (9am GMT), stop by if you fancy a chat! :wink:


Holy crap! More please. I was having flashbacks to Saturday morning cartoons, except this was way WAY better. I just want to curl up with a bowl of cereal and watch a whole season of these.

Also really liked the Pixie Mk2 vid. The music choice was perfect.

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  INSULINt said:
I am just all about ksp today apparently...... started working on my amphibious vtol again. Needs less draft:


Looking good, make sure you give it a proper seafaring name though... :)

  FleshJeb said:
Holy crap! More please. I was having flashbacks to Saturday morning cartoons, except this was way WAY better. I just want to curl up with a bowl of cereal and watch a whole season of these.

Also really liked the Pixie Mk2 vid. The music choice was perfect.

Thanks man, I hope you enjoy the next few parts as well! :D

  Thunderous Echo said:
I finally figured out why Nieble's mountain looked so familiar: I tried to land on it in my Grand Tour.

It was too steep for me, so bravo to you Cupcake!

Also, it's a good thing the kerbals have got proton entanglement figured out so they didn't have to worry about radio delay. :wink:

They're smart like that those Kerbals. :wink:

Anyway guys, I just wanted to let you know I'll be putting my time and energy into getting the next two parts of Nieble's Oddysey finished. I'm afraid this means no new craft or videos for a while. ;.; Still, you guys are more then welcome to carry on using this thread to post your fantastic drop ship designs, and with a bit of luck the symmetry issues will be fixed soon and I start using the lovely new MK3 parts. :cool:


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Woh thank you INSULINt viewpost-right.png, i was going slightly mad trying to build that ship and not getting symmetry to work at all! I could approximate it somewhat but then it flys weird.

I now use the octagonal thingy and a few other cubic octagonal struts like this:


I attache the engines to it too! and added the solar panel in there.

Its also easy to do fuel lines in there, i snap the tanks to the other points with alt, make the fuelline while i have room, then move the part to the middle point and it works! :D so happy now.

looks like this, without ther other side:


Lets see if she flys well!

Also want to say thanks to cupcake for the great videos and part files, i enjoy them very much as a newbie to ksp!

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Marvtobi, also note my post about having the pod as the root part altering the symmetry somewhat. The advantage to the octagonal is that you can build, copy, flip and place the other side, but you do lose the t-800 tank and such for balancing with the SAS modules.

All in all, I am glad my posts have been somewhat helpful :D Most of it was done on about 3 hours sleep :(

(and thanks to Echo, I may not get any ever again!)

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Yeah I dont even...echo? what does that part do? heavy lifting? :D

I tried with part order, but somehow along the way i always mess things up, so its easier for me to do each side, then grab the whole thing and alt rotate it into place for the other side... clearly not the fastest way...

I managed to balance the complete thing with 2 reaction wheels, i also put them on the cubic struts, i just added one more cubic behind the back fuel fuselage and it was sufficient :)

http://i.imgur.com/0TWxw5G.jpg Bob isnt to amused with my flying tho... I am really good at hitting the main rocket building :D Hes always a bit afraid...

Tomorrow i need to pretty up the landing gear, should work the same way.

Also, sorry admins and thanks, managed to put in the wrong email while making my account, fixed now :)

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  Cupcake... said:
Looking good, make sure you give it a proper seafaring name though... :)


Right now it's something like "Amphib 1-5" or something ambiguous......... Any ideas? I really suck at really creative naming. I think my first orbital capable craft was the "orbito". Things like VTOLCore are about my limit...... :blush:

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