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Cupcake's Dropship Dealership...

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  The14th said:
Cupcake speaks! :0.0:

Thanks for the video CC. The honour has been ours.

I'm not a combat KSPer (should that be Kombat?!) but I'm looking forward to seeing what the Roach can do for my non-military space program! :D

I think you'll like the Roach, it works great as a utility drop ship. The fact that it uses RCS engines means you don't get the burn marks all over your cargo like with the Minnow. :wink:

  speedboiae86 said:
Holy cow dude!! We finally hear the voice of Cupcake!! I for one have totally loved your dropship designs (the Stratos still being my favourite, next to the Scythe).

Good to know you're still plugging away and doing what makes you happy my friend.

Thanks dude, that's great to hear. :D


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  Doge said:
Hey cupcake, big fan of your awesome designs, but I have one question. What will become of them when the aerodynamics are made realistic in the way future?

We'll have to see! I don't actually have any problems with the stock aerodynamic model as it is. I think for rockets and VTOLs it works absolutely fine, it's only for winged craft that it starts to look a bit ropey. I think with .25 most of my designs will need a major tune up though. :( But yeah, I'll just have to adapt to the changes in the game as they come. :)


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Okay, rooted around some more, heres more stuff for the recommendations list.

Royal Trax is an entire channel devoted to the best of various authors. It is truly the motherload. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sf-LfF9-vkmXCxH4QLOTA

Jam3Z has a lot of really great stuff. I wouldn't use him too much though, as some of his songs sound suspiciously similar to other songs of his. https://soundcloud.com/jk23777

Kevin Leod will give you basically anything you need for free, but it won't always be very in depth. incompetech.com

Doctor Vox does some amazing royalty free stuff, but he has a system where you have to like his facebook page to download most stuff. https://soundcloud.com/doctor-vox/se...cks-for-twitch

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  Cupcake... said:
We'll have to see! I don't actually have any problems with the stock aerodynamic model as it is. I think for rockets and VTOLs it works absolutely fine, it's only for winged craft that it starts to look a bit ropey. I think with .25 most of my designs will need a major tune up though. :( But yeah, I'll just have to adapt to the changes in the game as they come. :)


Sounds like a good plan!

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  Thunderous Echo said:
Okay, rooted around some more, heres more stuff for the recommendations list.

Royal Trax is an entire channel devoted to the best of various authors. It is truly the motherload. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sf-LfF9-vkmXCxH4QLOTA

Jam3Z has a lot of really great stuff. I wouldn't use him too much though, as some of his songs sound suspiciously similar to other songs of his. https://soundcloud.com/jk23777

Kevin Leod will give you basically anything you need for free, but it won't always be very in depth. incompetech.com

Doctor Vox does some amazing royalty free stuff, but he has a system where you have to like his facebook page to download most stuff. https://soundcloud.com/doctor-vox/se...cks-for-twitch

Thanks man, I apreciate it. I'll start shifting through it all today. :D


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INSULINt had a go at flying a Wraith with a joypad and did a very nice job of it. He included details of his control mapping and it could be a nice alternative if you haven't got a joystick. :wink:

I also just wanted to give you a guys a little pre-release time with the Roach. :cool:

The scenario shown here is included in the archive as is...


The Model A or Assassin class. Designed to take out high priority targets or VTOL vs VTOL combat it's extremely agile, accurate and very hard to shoot down.


The Model S sees the A model reworked for better sub-assembly compatibility, the root part now being the docking port above the top missile stack.


Finally we have the U or Utility model, a civilian offshoot which can be used for base building, cargo transportation or even as a rescue craft to recover damaged vessels.

CRAFT FILE: http://goo.gl/JQF0PK

Enjoy! :)


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  Cupcake... said:
We'll have to see! I don't actually have any problems with the stock aerodynamic model as it is. I think for rockets and VTOLs it works absolutely fine, it's only for winged craft that it starts to look a bit ropey. I think with .25 most of my designs will need a major tune up though. :( But yeah, I'll just have to adapt to the changes in the game as they come. :)


You'll have new parts though! :D

I'm hoping those plus the bays will help. Your very creative with the designs so far. :)

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  Cupcake... said:
We'll have to see! I don't actually have any problems with the stock aerodynamic model as it is. I think for rockets and VTOLs it works absolutely fine, it's only for winged craft that it starts to look a bit ropey. I think with .25 most of my designs will need a major tune up though. :( But yeah, I'll just have to adapt to the changes in the game as they come. :)


Ya, the models with the basic jet engines seem fine, since NEAR only changes the atmo curve, and they shouldn't gain too much altitude (aka orbit) anyways. The ssto's? NEAR cuts the turbo jet in half, and the changes to the atmo curve mean your designs need around 25 or 30% more thrust. A few lines of mm code later and I had the surface twr back to stock levels so they lift, but unfortunately the drag calculation makes the craft impossible to gravity turn. I'm not sure how NEAR handles hidden control surfaces, but that might be one solution.

On a more pleasant topic, I've continued experimenting with a conroller config that lets me use the triggers as a more accurate, and responsive throttle while still being able to hold the controller properly AND access stuff like action groups and cam controls. The wraith is really way to fun to fly this way o_O. It's pretty much all I've done today. :D

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  clown_baby said:
Well those are terrifying

They really are, especially flying them. I had to keep wiping the sweat of the joystick! :sealed:

  Technical Ben said:
You'll have new parts though! :D

I'm hoping those plus the bays will help. Your very creative with the designs so far. :)

  Frank_G said:
I say, cupcakes craft are unique. I´ve never seen anything like it on the forums or youtube.

Thanks guys! :) I've had a play with SP+ and the parts look fantastic. I'm a bit dissapointed from what I've seen of the stock version though as it doesn't have the black re-entry tiles. The Scythe just won't be the same without them. ;.;

  INSULINt said:
Ya, the models with the basic jet engines seem fine, since NEAR only changes the atmo curve, and they shouldn't gain too much altitude (aka orbit) anyways. The ssto's? NEAR cuts the turbo jet in half, and the changes to the atmo curve mean your designs need around 25 or 30% more thrust. A few lines of mm code later and I had the surface twr back to stock levels so they lift, but unfortunately the drag calculation makes the craft impossible to gravity turn. I'm not sure how NEAR handles hidden control surfaces, but that might be one solution.

On a more pleasant topic, I've continued experimenting with a conroller config that lets me use the triggers as a more accurate, and responsive throttle while still being able to hold the controller properly AND access stuff like action groups and cam controls. The wraith is really way to fun to fly this way o_O. It's pretty much all I've done today. :D

I don't think Near & FAR don't really like my SSTO's. The t/w is just above 1 at takeoff so a 25% drop in power is not good news! :( Anyway, I'm glad to hear your control setups improving, you did really well last time so I imagine you're flying a pro now. ;) BTW the Wraith has enough fuel to get you all the way to the poles if you did fancy a scenic cruise. :)


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  Cupcake... said:
... I don't think Near & FAR don't really like my SSTO's. The t/w is just above 1 at takeoff so a 25% drop in power is not good news! :( ...

Well since the SP+ parts have their own lifting properties, you might be able to fanangle something to have it fly properly. I've been working on getting something(anything) to work as a dropship in FAR. So far, the best I can make is some in-atmosphere craft, and making something properly SSTO in FAR without wings is a huge challenge.

Now, that's not to say that it's impossible to make VTOL SSTOs in FAR. I've made a few, and for the most part, they work well, and look decent, but they're forced to have those darned wings.

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  Cupcake... said:
I don't think Near & FAR don't really like my SSTO's. The t/w is just above 1 at takeoff so a 25% drop in power is not good news! :( Anyway, I'm glad to hear your control setups improving, you did really well last time so I imagine you're flying a pro now. ;) BTW the Wraith has enough fuel to get you all the way to the poles if you did fancy a scenic cruise. :)


I didn't realize it until I loaded up the Scythe and the Carpathia. I guess NEAR really adjusts the 2 stock engines that will see high altitude usage. Unfortunately for wingless designs, they're balanced figuring on a craft that has wings. Even with the sp+ stuff NEAR and FAR will still calculate the lift as 0 for your designs since your putting the parts crossways into the air when gravity turning. As far as the stock model is concerned, I'm not sure how negative drag values for drag would work for things like nose cones and such, but really that would "fix" most of the inconsistencies imo. Like my signature says, my launch platforms can get to another planet from the surface of kerbin, even without the extra 1k dv from NEAR :D

I might delete the engine modifications (maybe leaving the curve change) from NEARs cfg and see if it will brute force to orbit, just for my own curiosity more than anything.

As far as being pro....... Thanks for including chutes in the Wraith (T)!

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Hi Cupcake.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the pre-release Roach-U, what a versatile little bug! :D


I'm planning to include one of these as an auxiliary craft attached to my next interplanetary mission - for things like rescuing landers that may run out of fuel before re-docking, etc.

I do have a couple of minor suggestions before your final release, but they are subjective and you may not agree with my reasoning, but anyway:

1) I love that the Roach is sub-assembly friendly, but I think the bottom docking port might be a better choice for the root part.

If I attach a Roach sub-assembly to a larger craft using the top docking port, then it's easy to end up inadvertently blocking access to the command pod. Attaching it via the bottom docking port makes it far easier for a kerbal to board/disembark.

2) I feel the top docking port is back-to-front. If I'm controlling the Roach from the top-docking port for Nav-ball/orbital manoeuvres, I feel that that the craft should be nose-down rather than doing the back-stroke as it is now :sticktongue:


What do you think?

Either way, it's great to be flying a new Cupcake design again!

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  Cranium said:
Well since the SP+ parts have their own lifting properties, you might be able to fanangle something to have it fly properly. I've been working on getting something(anything) to work as a dropship in FAR. So far, the best I can make is some in-atmosphere craft, and making something properly SSTO in FAR without wings is a huge challenge.

Now, that's not to say that it's impossible to make VTOL SSTOs in FAR. I've made a few, and for the most part, they work well, and look decent, but they're forced to have those darned wings.

Wings do not a dropship make. Seriously though as soon as you start adding wings or control surfaces the handling just gets shot to hell in my experience. I think FAR wouldn't too be so bad if it wasn't so brutal with the turbo jet thrust. :(

  INSULINt said:
I didn't realize it until I loaded up the Scythe and the Carpathia. I guess NEAR really adjusts the 2 stock engines that will see high altitude usage. Unfortunately for wingless designs, they're balanced figuring on a craft that has wings. Even with the sp+ stuff NEAR and FAR will still calculate the lift as 0 for your designs since your putting the parts crossways into the air when gravity turning. As far as the stock model is concerned, I'm not sure how negative drag values for drag would work for things like nose cones and such, but really that would "fix" most of the inconsistencies imo. Like my signature says, my launch platforms can get to another planet from the surface of kerbin, even without the extra 1k dv from NEAR :D

I might delete the engine modifications (maybe leaving the curve change) from NEARs cfg and see if it will brute force to orbit, just for my own curiosity more than anything.

As far as being pro....... Thanks for including chutes in the Wraith (T)!

The nosecone things a bit of an odd one. With the Scythe you don't notice it while ascenting, however on re-entering the athmosphere it has a habbit of pulling the nose down. As soon as the air speed/wind pressure drops the effect goes away but it is one of the little quirks on the Scythe. :) The parachutes on the Warith were a bit touch and go as usually I don't include them, personally I'm with the Royal Flying Core on this one...

"It is the opinion of the board that the presence of such an apparatus might impair the fighting spirit of pilots and cause them to abandon machines which might otherwise be capable of returning to base for repair."

Those were the days!

  The14th said:
Hi Cupcake.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the pre-release Roach-U, what a versatile little bug! :D


I'm planning to include one of these as an auxiliary craft attached to my next interplanetary mission - for things like rescuing landers that may run out of fuel before re-docking, etc.

I do have a couple of minor suggestions before your final release, but they are subjective and you may not agree with my reasoning, but anyway:

1) I love that the Roach is sub-assembly friendly, but I think the bottom docking port might be a better choice for the root part.

If I attach a Roach sub-assembly to a larger craft using the top docking port, then it's easy to end up inadvertently blocking access to the command pod. Attaching it via the bottom docking port makes it far easier for a kerbal to board/disembark.

2) I feel the top docking port is back-to-front. If I'm controlling the Roach from the top-docking port for Nav-ball/orbital manoeuvres, I feel that that the craft should be nose-down rather than doing the back-stroke as it is now :sticktongue:


What do you think?

Either way, it's great to be flying a new Cupcake design again!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! I've done it again. :blush: Sorry about that, the docking port orientation is now fixed. I agree with you about the bottom docking port but it'll be quite a lot of work flipping all the components over. I'll give it a go when I get some time but I'm afraid it won't be this weekend. Anyway, thanks again for the pics and it's great to see you enjoying the Roach. :D


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  Cupcake... said:
Ahhhhhhhhhh! I've done it again. :blush: Sorry about that, the docking port orientation is now fixed. I agree with you about the bottom docking port but it'll be quite a lot of work flipping all the components over. I'll give it a go when I get some time but I'm afraid it won't be this weekend. Anyway, thanks again for the pics and it's great to see you enjoying the Roach. :D

Please don't apologise Cupcake, you make me feel bad! If you need to say sorry for anything, it's for cluttering up my SPH with your must-have dropships! :sticktongue:

I'm just happy if you find the feedback helpful for fine-tuning.

Thanks for the port orientation update - it's a minor thing but it feels much more natural! :)

There's no need to hurry the component flipping on my account - I've used the SelectRoot mod to create a sub-assembly version with the bottom docking port being the root. It doesn't seem to have broken anything, as far as I can tell (and that's what the Official Kerbal Safety Report will say!), mainly because there are no pesky fuel lines or air intakes to worry about! :D

If I find myself doing something cool with my Roach-U I'll make sure to take some more pics!

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  Cupcake... said:
Wings do not a dropship make.

Interesting. That was my plan for a dropship. What about adding a horizontal engine for forward thrust? After I get all my hypersonic jets released I'm gonna study all your crafts and pm you a ship based on your designs to see what you think.

All my new crafts are done aesthetically which is the fun part. Testing & marketing is long and boring. I can't imagine how much time goes into testing your crafts & making the videos.

I've been ebay searching for a joystick, one should be in the mail soon.

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  The14th said:
Please don't apologise Cupcake, you make me feel bad! If you need to say sorry for anything, it's for cluttering up my SPH with your must-have dropships! :sticktongue:

I'm just happy if you find the feedback helpful for fine-tuning.

Thanks for the port orientation update - it's a minor thing but it feels much more natural! :)

There's no need to hurry the component flipping on my account - I've used the SelectRoot mod to create a sub-assembly version with the bottom docking port being the root. It doesn't seem to have broken anything, as far as I can tell (and that's what the Official Kerbal Safety Report will say!), mainly because there are no pesky fuel lines or air intakes to worry about! :D

If I find myself doing something cool with my Roach-U I'll make sure to take some more pics!

Cool, glad you managed to get the root thing sorted, and thanks again for letting me know, what would I do without you? Anyway, I'll look forward to seeing more pics. Good luck with your missions! :D

  clown_baby said:
Interesting. That was my plan for a dropship. What about adding a horizontal engine for forward thrust? After I get all my hypersonic jets released I'm gonna study all your crafts and pm you a ship based on your designs to see what you think.

All my new crafts are done aesthetically which is the fun part. Testing & marketing is long and boring. I can't imagine how much time goes into testing your crafts & making the videos.

I've been ebay searching for a joystick, one should be in the mail soon.

I can't wait to see your new jet designs! :cool: If you are making a dropship I'd be against adding horizontal engines for two reasons. Firstly engines are heavy and it's a lot of extra weight to carry when you could just pitch the craft over instead. The other problem is it's almost impossible to balance a craft in two directions if that makes sence. But yeah, I'll look forward to seeing what dropship designs you come up with. :) Testing and marketing is a bit of a grind but it can be fun too. Generally these days it takes me two days to do a video, one day to shoot and one day to edit.


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Thou est an engima, thou who callst themselves Cupcake.

Thou hast been to every corner of your fartest planet, yet never set a foot on the nearest to the sun.

Laythe has cast a greater spell on you than Eve.

Thou hast set foot on Duna and Ike, but thou hast never beheld the majesty of the Canyons of Dres.

But one anomaly lieth above the rest: Thou callst an Ion Dance a duel.

Thou knowest not the meaning of the word. I shall show you a real Duel!


I am sure thou knowst the challenge. I shall not wait for thee. Thou knowest where to find me.

Unless, of course, University and stuff gets in the way. No shame in an education.

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  Thunderous Echo said:
Thou est an engima, thou who callst themselves Cupcake.

Thou hast been to every corner of your fartest planet, yet never set a foot on the nearest to the sun.

Laythe has cast a greater spell on you than Eve.

Thou hast set foot on Duna and Ike, but thou hast never beheld the majesty of the Canyons of Dres.

But one anomaly lieth above the rest: Thou callst an Ion Dance a duel.

Thou knowest not the meaning of the word. I shall show you a real Duel!


I am sure thou knowst the challenge. I shall not wait for thee. Thou knowest where to find me.

Unless, of course, University and stuff gets in the way. No shame in an education.

Wow, well done! :cool: Great ship design and nice editing too, that must have been a lot of footage to chop down to size! I would love to have a go at replicating your adventures but alas University is starting again and I think I'm gonna have to take a KSP sabbatical. ;.; To be honest I've never been too good with the grand tour stuff, when I flew the Jool 5 mission I ended up with the mothership running out of fuel. After some, er.... Modifications I was able to complete the mission, but still, I think the planning was somewhat lacking... :blush: Keep posting more of your vids here though, I'd love to see how the rest of the tour pans out. :D


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