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101+ Impossible/stupid requests

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336. You should make Robotic arms and legs, and make it so you don't have to right-click or push a tons of button to walk and run, kind of like an FPS, it would be even better if you made it so robotic arms in chase-view point in the direction of the cursor. Oh and you would be able to mount tools on the forearms, Or shield to protect from incoming debris.

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338) All stock capsules should have a fully stocked mini-bar, including little $10 packets of salty pretzels.

339) Space whales!

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351. max Q needs to be in-game. rockets must rip themselves apart when they're at full throttle at a certain altitude, otherwise it would be too unrealistic.

352. Lagrangian Points between Kerbin, Mun, and Sun.

353. My ship must move like the one I am seeing in science fiction movies! Where's the fun of a space simulator game without it!?


354. This.

Edited by Flixxbeatz
Added #354
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283: An extremely detailed base building system involving the entire spacecraft production tree, including mining ores, pumping up oils and other liquids, and compressing gasses. This would come with a detailed fuel mixing and engine creation editor, as well as a wind-tunnel for testing the aerodynamic forces on spacecraft and spaceplanes. You can build multiple launch pads and schedule launches and construction times for rockets. Facility upgrades can be made including building barracks, power plants, mining facilities, oil drilling platforms, research facilities, public outreach buildings, and vehicle assembly buildings. In order to keep the program running you must appeal to its political oversight, mostly by meeting deadlines and completing challenges to inspire the public.

284: A special viewing system allowing you to watch your engineers assemble your spacecraft in real time (with excessively detailed animations).

285: Get interviewed by the kerbal media! :P

thats all I want you wizard!

Edited by EvilotionCR2
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