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1st Tylo Landing

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Definitely one of the toughest places to land in. Congrats. I'll plan a manned landing when resources come out and I can refuel a lander. Like you, every time I land on Tylo I only have a few drops of fuel left.

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Definitely one of the toughest places to land in. Congrats. I'll plan a manned landing when resources come out and I can refuel a lander. Like you, every time I land on Tylo I only have a few drops of fuel left.

My goal was to try to land 3 kerbals on Tylo without refueling along the way. I built the ship to have plenty of fuel to counteract my manual flying. :P Had I used mechjeb I think there would have been at least 500dv left. My aerobraking around Jool wasn't exactly optimum either what with Vall getting in the way. It was a fun mission with only a few F9s on the landing.

Thanks for the responses!

Now try building a single-stage Tylo lander that can also return to orbit safely. (ProTip: it's gonna be huge.)

I doubt my computer could handle a ship that massive. Also, I suck at single stage ships/planes. :P

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Now try building a single-stage Tylo lander that can also return to orbit safely. (ProTip: it's gonna be huge.)

Not so huge, i think. clue would be to use an combination of nuclear and standard engines. do deorbit and braking with nuclear, activate chemical for final decent. and turn off shortly after gravity turn.

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Tylo terrifies me. I plan to ignore it for all non gravity assist purposes for as long as possible.

A bit like Eve really, but in reverse.

meh, haven't been in Tylo either. and I don't have any plans to go there.

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Good work, although no return mission is a bit cruel.

I have no desire to land on Tylo. It looks like every other grey rock in the kerbol system, but is a pain in the neck to land on and return from

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Tylo was the last body in the solar system I had yet to land on. I was saving the worst(but most intense) for last. :D

Congrats on the Tylo landing, and I agree it is a hard target to land on safely. Although if you use Kethane and refuel on the surface, it does make it a little easier getting back off it.

Here's hoping that they landed on a Kethane deposit so I can mount an easier rescue mission. I guess I'll send a kethane scanner probe to Tylo tonight.

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