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What is your favourite sci-fi/irl spacecraft, and why?


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  • 1 year later...
I have decided what to do with Blender and Unity. I'll be back later, with a bunch of crap from Avatar, Mass Effect, and Halo. Maybe Space Battleship Yamoto.

The corporation's can go die in a ditch, as far as I'm concerned.

Be sure to recolor and rename them.

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USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Alternative)


Excelsior class cruiser


NX class cruiser

(those amongst many other Starfleet vessels including the Enterprise D and E)


Aegis Dynamics Avenger


Cobra MkIII


SSV Normandy (SR1 and SR2)


USCSS Prometheus


Dream Chaser


Apollo CSM/LM


Space Shuttle Atlantis (I love the others, but Atlantis is my personal favourite)



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I'm posting again because I forgot Star Wars (I don't know how, but I did)...


Nebulon Ranger


Lambda Shuttle


E-Wing Starfighter

As with the Star Trek ships I listed, there are many other Star Wars vessels that I love, these being just a few.

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Terran Trade Authority - Sentinel Major


Because it was a good concept ... they were deployed as defense for the Terran System (against proxima Centrauri) always in groupd of 5 ... 1 manned ship and 4 other Sentinels which were remote controlled by the manned one ... he remote controlled ones armed up to the brim

Battletech - McKenna Class Warship


The biggest baddest War-Jumpship of the Battletech Series ... nuff said :D

Real Life:

Viking Lander


Because it went to Mars and searched for life (sending back mixed results)

SpaceX Dragon


Because it is the untiring workhorse of our modern space research, reliably shipping supplies to the ISS

Edited by Godot
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SpaceX Dragon

Because it is the untiring workhorse of our modern space research, reliably shipping supplies to the ISS

Progress would be better suited for the workhorse title, IMHO, at least at this point. SpaceX did what, five missions with Dragon? Progress craft have more than 100 launches behind them and only 2 failures I could find documented.

Anyway, my favourites:

The LEM, of course :)




And Buran. Oh, what could have been...


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  • 5 months later...

I am with the person that already posted the Aurora class Starfury from Babylon 5's Earth Alliance.

One of the few true space fighter designs, and sensible too: Thrusters as far away from the COM as possible for maximal torque, pilot close to COM to minimize it ( not artificial gravity available), thrusters in all directions and equally strong front and back ones.

I also liked how (at least in the beginning) the show took care to only show the engines firing when they accelerated, not for cruising.

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