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Hi all, im from Sweden


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Im born in -58 and as everybody talked, listened and try to see Sputnik I got a baby nickname called "mini Sputnik". So guess if Ive been rocket fan since then. Looking at the moonlanding instead of playing with my friends, even thou I was a good goolie.

Been playing the demo and watching some lets play on youtube awhile. Got some questions.

In the "lets play" there are a campaign and lots of cool stuff not in the demo. Do I get this cool stuff and Career if I buy the full game. The equipment seems to cost so I hope there are an incom for success full missions.


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There will be a campaign mode, but it hasn't been made yet. Even in the full game right now, there's only the sandbox mode and there is no cost for anything. Even when the campaign is added, though, sandbox mode will still be an option. However, the full game has MANY more parts and destinations to play with, so it's definitely worth the money.

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Welcome to the community swedewolf :)

There's many, many player made missions for KSP, just take a look at the Challenges section for a few.

What you saw on youtube was most likely one of those :D

Career mode is yet to come in KSP, and part costs will change as they are just placeholders for now :)

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Nämen hallå där! Välkommen. :)

Watching the Moon landing instead of playing with friends? Totally worth it! I would've loved being around to watch it for myself when it happened. :)

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