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We are all Screwed:Its the End of the World


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Actually I think we should support them, as they actually have dedication and patience to learn the game. The lazy people (*cough* COD) just walk out on the huge learning curve.
I encountered someone like this yesterday and gave him/her positive encouragement that he/she could do what they thought was impossible. I didn't realize it when I viewed the first post by this person, but he/she had posted the same request in four different threads in several areas of the forum. Post said they wanted someone else to do a docking for them. Well, I told him/her I had faith that they could get it done his/her self, and this person did eventually write back and say they did. Anyway, I didn't get rude and tell them to "do it yourself or move on". I could have, but I just wanted to see if this person would even try or give up and they didn't give up. That's good. I didn't waste time with a non-responder. That's what I really dislike. You answer a question or help in someway and the OP never returns to say "Thanks" or anything.

Ok, that's all I have to add to this subject. Back to my EVE project.

I meant, don't help the stupid people, who are unwilling to learn, and complain that there is no "do everything" magic button to do everything for them. Not to just be a dick and don't help those that want to play the game.

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This is kind of dumb.

"Oh, more people want to buy the game and support its development, and possibly become point of the community? Hahahahaha NO."

What's the big deal? So what if more people come on the forums and ask some dumb questions. Maybe it'll spur us into making the tutorials better- or even just organizing them better.

I for one welcome any and all new players, and will do my best to help them get acclimated to this wonderful game.

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In my opinion the official forums here are already saturated with "noobs". So much as slightly suggest that mechjeb is cheaty and people freak out. I do most of my discussion about this game on another forum that shall not be mentioned. If you so much as post a picture of a ship with mechjeb there you will get flamed by 20 comments.

In my opinion this is how it should be. Mechjeb is what allows noobs to play this game in the first place. I'm willing to bet that 75% of mechjeb users are incapable of even landing on the Mun without it.

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The way I see it is we can only know what effect it will have after they have been playing, some people (like one of my housemates) love to make rockets that will never get anywhere and just make a boom, and that's ok the great thing about ksp is that it is what you make it, so if you want to make silly rockets cool, if you want to only do things in LKO cool, and if you want to build a huge floating laythe base have at it!

All I'm saying is people can surprise you but hey im just a sicking optimist, but should worst come to the worst we can all just go to Eeloo as i dont believe many "dumb noobs" will be able to get there with out wiseing up :P

All the best Redstar.

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I recall that when I first began playing KSP, I played the demo first, then shelled out the $25 or so for the full version.

I wasn't even aware that the forums existed, though I didn't comment much on forums then.

Anyways, while there might be some new players that spam this forum to oblivion, asking questions pertaining to basic rocket design and 'how to space', I'm sure they'll tire of the game quickly if they don't care to learn all it's complexities. I only hope they don't start another massive firestorm like the expansion pack incident...

Though if someone posts an annoying post, I just may break out the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation and teach them allllll about delta-v... :)

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I recall that when I first began playing KSP, I played the demo first, then shelled out the $25 or so for the full version.

I wasn't even aware that the forums existed, though I didn't comment much on forums then.

Anyways, while there might be some new players that spam this forum to oblivion, asking questions pertaining to basic rocket design and 'how to space', I'm sure they'll tire of the game quickly if they don't care to learn all it's complexities. I only hope they don't start another massive firestorm like the expansion pack incident...

Though if someone posts an annoying post, I just may break out the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation and teach them allllll about delta-v... :)

Story of my career. Couldn't have said it better. Hit it right on the head.

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I help to moderate a server that is the most complete 1:1 minecraft representation of the Walt Disney World theme park on the net, so waves of newbies and noobs aren't new to me, nor are they a problem if you know the tricks for dealing with them.

Your best bet is to produce a standardized FAQ somewhere, and include a link in your signature that says "New Player? Click me!" Granted, this only solves about 50% of newbie/noob complaints, as many won't bother. For these people, give a brief response copying the link that you've got saved to the FAQs. At that point, if they're still whining, it's okay to ignore them.

The most important things are to remain calm, not get upset, and keep in mind that those who want to stay will stay, those who want to leave will leave, and those who want to stay and troll will get banned eventually.

I would close with some happy quote from Ghandi here, but I don't know any Ghandi quotes. Just imagine a Ghandi quote here with a happy takeaway about peace and whatnot.

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If a (relatively) new player may comment...

I find it interesting - and disappointing - that as soon as there is a Hint of Popularity, we get people springing up volunteering to be gatekeepers. People who want to keep out the riffraff. I am curious as to where the dividing line will fall. Who gets to decide if someone is a "newb" or a "noob"?

I'm sufficiently familiar with both terms to know that there is a difference. I'm also familiar enough with human beings to know that the dividing line is not as distinct as some people prefer it to be. Nor is it constant. Someone who starts out as a "newb" may become a "noob". Likewise, someone who starts out as a "noob" may slowly - or even quickly - learn better. The problem is that I have seen no system to separate one from the other that is infallible. I suspect, that whoever becomes the Gatekeepers of KSP, they WILL eventually Ignore, Shun, or otherwise drive away people who otherwise could have been productive members of the community because they didn't meet the Gatekeepers' standards.

We are all fairly lucky, really, to have found this game so early in its development, before it was released on Steam, before Yogscast and Nerdcubed, and before the "Build Fly Dream" fan-trailer went viral. But, consider a scenario where we weren't. Imagine others finding it in our place, doing Awesome Things with KSP, and their Awesome Things, made public, attract us to the game.

Now imagine one of us trying to enter that alternate community - only to find that we don't pass the Gatekeepers' standards. Maybe a certain concept comes too slowly to us. Maybe we bore or annoy people with our questions. The reasons don't matter, but imagine being shut out by a Gatekeeper. To always stay on the outside of the community, able to look, but never to interact.

I've been there, in other communities. And elsewhere I have been - to my shame - a Gatekeeper myself. I know what it's like.

So my plea is this - don't gate up Kerbal Space Program. Don't start setting up rules to decide who's "in" or "out".

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If a (relatively) new player may comment...

I find it interesting - and disappointing - that as soon as there is a Hint of Popularity, we get people springing up volunteering to be gatekeepers. People who want to keep out the riffraff. I am curious as to where the dividing line will fall. Who gets to decide if someone is a "newb" or a "noob"?

I'm sufficiently familiar with both terms to know that there is a difference. I'm also familiar enough with human beings to know that the dividing line is not as distinct as some people prefer it to be. Nor is it constant. Someone who starts out as a "newb" may become a "noob". Likewise, someone who starts out as a "noob" may slowly - or even quickly - learn better. The problem is that I have seen no system to separate one from the other that is infallible. I suspect, that whoever becomes the Gatekeepers of KSP, they WILL eventually Ignore, Shun, or otherwise drive away people who otherwise could have been productive members of the community because they didn't meet the Gatekeepers' standards.

We are all fairly lucky, really, to have found this game so early in its development, before it was released on Steam, before Yogscast and Nerdcubed, and before the "Build Fly Dream" fan-trailer went viral. But, consider a scenario where we weren't. Imagine others finding it in our place, doing Awesome Things with KSP, and their Awesome Things, made public, attract us to the game.

Now imagine one of us trying to enter that alternate community - only to find that we don't pass the Gatekeepers' standards. Maybe a certain concept comes too slowly to us. Maybe we bore or annoy people with our questions. The reasons don't matter, but imagine being shut out by a Gatekeeper. To always stay on the outside of the community, able to look, but never to interact.

I've been there, in other communities. And elsewhere I have been - to my shame - a Gatekeeper myself. I know what it's like.

So my plea is this - don't gate up Kerbal Space Program. Don't start setting up rules to decide who's "in" or "out".

You assume that the "gatekeepers" standards are extremely high. They aren't, there rather basic. If you care enough to become upset that you got shunned, then you would have meet the standards.

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I help to moderate a server that is the most complete 1:1 minecraft representation of the Walt Disney World theme park on the net, so waves of newbies and noobs aren't new to me, nor are they a problem if you know the tricks for dealing with them.

Your best bet is to produce a standardized FAQ somewhere, and include a link in your signature that says "New Player? Click me!" Granted, this only solves about 50% of newbie/noob complaints, as many won't bother. For these people, give a brief response copying the link that you've got saved to the FAQs. At that point, if they're still whining, it's okay to ignore them.

The most important things are to remain calm, not get upset, and keep in mind that those who want to stay will stay, those who want to leave will leave, and those who want to stay and troll will get banned eventually.

I would close with some happy quote from Ghandi here, but I don't know any Ghandi quotes. Just imagine a Ghandi quote here with a happy takeaway about peace and whatnot.

These rules were intended minimize the noob-splisions. Not stop them entirely. This would probably help quite a bit as well. Is there a place I could link the newbs too?

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These rules were intended minimize the noob-splisions. Not stop them entirely. This would probably help quite a bit as well. Is there a place I could link the newbs too?

Essentially all the stickied posts in the 'How To' section:





If all else fails, just link them to Scott Manley's tutorials and hope for the best.

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I can hear them all now...

"We are the N00B. Lower your shieldz and sUrReNDEr your thredz. We will ad your biological and kerbalological distinctivenezz to our own. This forum will adapt to service us. ReXistance is futile... all your threadz are belonging to US"

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I can hear them all now...

"We are the N00B. Lower your shieldz and sUrReNDEr your thredz. We will ad your biological and kerbalological distinctivenezz to our own. This forum will adapt to service us. ReXistance is futile... all your threadz are belonging to US"

Not today. We fight back!


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You guys are acting like this is the end of all things KSP.

It's really not. You might get a handful of people making redundant threads but I'm sure you guys pushing using mechjeb and not actually learning how to play the game everything will be fine.

Also, on a side note, the irony of this thread is hilarious.

Edited by Sputnik-1
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You guys are acting like this is the end of all things KSP.

It's really not. You might get a handful of people making redundant threads but I'm sure you guys pushing using mechjeb and not actually learning how to play the game everything will be fine.

Also, on a side note, the irony of this is hilarious.

I agree, there's some really strong irony here when I look at the recent posts of some of these guys. I mean come on guys, you're going to get all uppity over some new people coming to the forums when you still rely on mechjeb to do basic orbital maneuvers for you? If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is.

Getting more players is a great thing, there's nothing bad about new people coming and hopefully learning a few things from the game. Those who really don't want to learn will simply go away, I doubt anyone not interested in the game is going to make threads hating on it. I'm sure Squad appreciates the extra sales these youtubers bring in too - Nothing wrong with more money!

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The community took a big hit when KSP hit steam, this won't be nearly as bad.

That said, I would say that things have seriously degraded since Steam... losing a community manager didn't help either.

I've seen communities degrade like this before, minecraft being the famous example. The youtuber who changed everything was seananners. It took Notch about a month to get the servers running again, but the forums never recovered from the influx.

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The community took a big hit when KSP hit steam, this won't be nearly as bad.

That said, I would say that things have seriously degraded since Steam... losing a community manager didn't help either.

I've seen communities degrade like this before, minecraft being the famous example. The youtuber who changed everything was seananners. It took Notch about a month to get the servers running again, but the forums never recovered from the influx.

Give some examples caused by the steam influx.

Also, there's a huge difference between a youtuber and a game distribution software.

Nerd's following, from what I can tell, does not span the broad amount that steam does.

Plus, I'm sure most of them are minors and don't have the money or time to buy/play ksp.

Edited by Sputnik-1
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Get over yourselves - honestly.

It seems people love reminding people that they were first. "I was here first, i have played KSP since version 0.whatever, so that means im better, and i JUST.CANT.STAND.NEW.PLAYERS.LOLOLOL."

Please, get over yourselves, and stop stereotyping 'new players' as an evil, brain-dead entity that will bring about the fall of KSP.

Oh, and i consider making this kind of thread a pretty 'noobish' thing to do, too. Just letting ya know that. :)

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Get over yourselves - honestly.

It seems people love reminding people that they were first. "I was here first, i have played KSP since version 0.whatever, so that means im better, and i JUST.CANT.STAND.NEW.PLAYERS.LOLOLOL."

Please, get over yourselves, and stop stereotyping 'new players' as an evil, brain-dead entity that will bring about the fall of KSP.

Oh, and i consider making this kind of thread a pretty 'noobish' thing to do, too. Just letting ya know that. :)

This. Seriously, you people need to stop inflating your own egos with "Ohh I'm a veteran I get to talk down to others" attitude. It doesn't matter in the slightest. Besides, it's not like the forums could get too much worse then they are now. I've seen enough to know that this won't change much.

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