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For Sale; Luxury 3 bedroom house with Kacific Views (with private rover-plane)

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All astronauts need a place to kick back after returning from a long mission.

After the cramped confines of small command pods they need a spacious pad to call their own.


Situated on an idyllic peninsula just a short (60km) hop from the launch center, this fabulous 3 bedroom house boasts a spacious open plan ground floor with dining area and large, well lit lobby with a high ceiling.



The 2nd floor has two bedrooms and a landing overlooking the lobby and access onto an open terrace above the front door.



On the top floor there is a large master bedroom and a larger terrace, complete with a bar that offers stunning ocean views.




What better place to relax late into the night.



Transport is also provided. Housed in the garage is a 3 seater hybrid rover which can plug into the house to re-charge.


Parked just 2.8km away, by a convenient fuel tower, sits a set of wings which the rover can dock with for the 60km flight to the KSC.




No expense has been spared, designed by rocket technicians at the KSC, this house was crafted from the very best B9 materials and then airlifted by quardro-copter to it's new location, where it sits on adjustable TT foundations to give it a firm and level base.





Ok, its not actually for sale, you can have it free! That's right, a whole house and a plane for free!

Download the house

Download the rover-plane

Mods used;

Primarily theB9 parts pack

also KAS, KSPC, FireSpitter, Quantum Stuts, TAC fuel balancer, TT modular wheels, Station Girder Pack

I think that is it, might be more, let me know if you can't get it to work with those. OR download a bundle of all the parts used;

download parts/plugins needed for both

Warning: house is over 500 parts, don't try to run this on a potato.

It comes with the quadro-copter attached. err ummm, it flies rather like, well, a house, ie; not at all well. In the end I also added several drop tanks under the house (not included) depends where you want to fly it to. took me over 45 mins to fly it 60km away (the rover-plane does it in under 5), its not very well balanced, thou considering its shape its not too bad, work with its natural inclination to tip in one direction and adjust heading so that is forwards. Landing is fun, DONT try to lower it on the KAS that's just asking for a pile of rubble. Also, it floats surprisingly well (at least bits of it do).

actions groups 1-4 toggle the lock on the houses height adjustment rams so each can be moved independently.

they work by toggling the ram, then use the throttle to adjust how much to extend it, the toggle it again to lock in place.

\ + z opens and closes the front door.

On the plane action group 1 toggles central engine, 2 toggle other two engines

3 opens the TAC fuel balancer

4 centers the front steering wheel and \+z turn it.

5 toggles steering on rear rover wheels

6 toggles ram on wing section, used to prop the wings up when the rover leaves them (wings have probe core so can be controlled on their own to make height adjust)

9 decouples/undocks the rover from the plane

0 toggles the Qstruts incase they don't re-connect automatically.

Edited by katateochi
added mod list
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But GLaDOS can run on my Potato!

I actually thought this was spam for a moment, but this is actually pretty cool. Nice work. I might try and build something like this (but with a much lower part count)

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Magnificent. Blurs the line between genius and obsession.

P.S. It's best to list the mods needed, not sure it's within the rules to redistribute them.

Edited by colmo
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  3_bit said:
But GLaDOS can run on my Potato!

I actually thought this was spam for a moment, but this is actually pretty cool. Nice work. I might try and build something like this (but with a much lower part count)

The spam-a-like title was intentional, for jokes, hope that it doesn't scare too many peps away thou!

Yeah, I kept saying to myself "small house, build a small house", then, as usual, got carried away. I blame B9 for making those lovely structural parts. It is pretty laggy which is why I land the wing section of the rover over 2.5km from the house.

  Dieselpower said:
Just incredible. Well done :D

How long were you busy on this crazy idea?

Thanks! tbh this didn't take too long, making the house took an evening. the rover-plane was another evening. Flying it out took a bit longer to get right, always the way thou huh. You can make anything, but can you make it fly? That's the billion dollar KSP question. I think I spent one evening trying various ways to lift it and another one actually flying it out, crashing it untold times into the ocean, then realising the garage was too small for the rover, so had to extend it and do it again (my fault for not testing that on the runway, doh)!

Ironically the hardest thing to get into place was the fuel tower. Tried to use conventional rockets to get it out there rather than helicopter engines, much harder!

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  colmo said:
Magnificent. Blurs the line between genius and obsession.

P.S. It's best to list the mods needed, not sure it's within the rules to redistribute them.

Thanks. hmmm, I'd not thought about that being a problem. I've bundled mods before and no-one has complained. I'll list the mods anyways, my problem is a roll with so many and use them with reckless abandon I generally have no idea which mods I've used in any particular craft. So I've written a script that reads the craft file and just builds a part bundle to save me the hassle.

When the new parts structure comes out I'll be able to make the script determine which mods are used, rather than just the parts, so that will make listing them easier.

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That rover plane gives me an idea. Turn that design into a space plane, land it on the Mun, detach the cockpit/ rover module, and voila! You've got yourself a rover. When you're ready to return home, just re-attach the rover and take off. :D

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