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I made docking! I'm so proud!


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I just made my first docking. I got really interested lately and made my move. It was really hard, but in the same time, a lot more simple to do than I thought. My two modules are the Hundur and the Acara. Hundur has the solar panels. I launched Jeb and Bill in the Hundur and docked the Acara. I have Bill stationed in the Acara, and the Acara is designed as an escape ship.


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I managed to dock two days ago, and that was with the help of the 'Lazor Docking Cam'! Before that, I could rendezvous with other craft in orbit, but couldn't align the docking ports to perform the final dock.

I have visited every planet with a probe, landed 2 kerbals on Eve and Duna, and got a probe around each one of Jool's moons before learning how to dock! :P

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YAY! BTW, that cube-like docking thing at the left of the image is useless. It's really sad, but there's no built-in docking ports on it. Yes, all of us fell for it when those pesky Rockomax employees made an April Fools joke in November...

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Well done! It's such a great feeling when you first do it, and you'll find it amazing how quickly it becomes second nature. Although it's easy to become a little overenthusiastic about it: I just blasted through a probe I was trying to rescue using a shuttle because I was being cocky about how quick I could dock with it. I guess my plan had been to remove it anyway, so mission successful, Kerbal-style.

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