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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Had Cornie Kerman visit Gilly the other day. Today, he bailed out:


Got everything back in order and had him start the journey back home. Plainly a mistake, since it's not looking like he'll make it back in time since somebody said something like "Meh. Why wait for a window? Just do a couple of laps around the sun." Well, he can rest assured that "Operation Rescue Cornie Kerman" will be a resounding success.

Meanwhile back on Eve, Jeb's got purple line fever:


Heading North to see some mountains and an impact site. Rover's rolling pretty good with pitch control set. Let's see how far they get while I go to the grocery store. What could go wrong?

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Saved Kerbin.

I figured after i was finally done with my epic Jool Mission that I'd capture an asteroid. First click i see a nice D class asteroid hanging about. Once i tracked i saw that Kerbin is doomed.


Step 1, capture and change the orbit. Complete.


Step 2. Figure out what orbit i want this thing in. I hated the near polar clockwise orbit so i had changed it. Very Very Very slowly (about 11 hours, no cheats). Currently its going around kerbin at 1000k meters counterclockwise.


Step 3. Time to build a science lab on it and this will be the project for today.

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First successful Pol landing today! I've come a long way since that mess of a Bop Mission half a year ago.


After this I'll do Eeloo, and I'll have made it to and from everything in the solar system with less than Mun gravity (plus Duna). The fuel situation has been good this mission so far, partially due to the volume of the stuff that the SLS parts let me shove into one piece for the tug. Either way, this is the most confident I've ever felt in Jool's SOI, and I can't wait to try my luck with Vall--I've wanted to go there since the release of .17.

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Today I Learned that the KAS grappel doesn't stick to potato.

Then, I forgot to pack parachutes, had to bail out and do a hard RCS burn, and left Jeb on solo EVA around Kerbin.

it's been so long since I made that mistake...

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After a few weeks of not playing (burned out), I finally tried 0.23.5.

I'm starting slow and just launched an ion probe. It made a Dres and a Jool fly-by. But now it barely has 50m/s left of delta/v.

I'll have to wait a few orbits around the sun before I can crash it or aerobrake it somewhere.

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i killed Geofdos Kerman today :(

he sacrificed himself in the name of science! we all miss him.

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not enough fuel to get home... so lets see how close we can get to this monstrous ball of fire!! 1300m seems to be the limit.

Check out my space career! 0.23.5

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Got the rover to the impact crater up north, about 450 km of driving. Bob carefully drove the rover down the crater rim, but he had to express an uneasiness to his friends:

Bob: Last night I had another bad dream.

Bill: You and your bad dreams. You need to have a talk with Dr. Sigmund Kerman.

Jeb: Easy Bill. What was this one about Bob.

Bob: I had this dream that we had landed a science base on Tylo and...

Jeb: Where's Tylo? Is that the huge city west of of the space center?

Bill: No, it's one of the moons of Jool. You know, high gravity, no atmosphere, Von Kerman says it would be quite a challenge.

Jeb: Cool! We should totally go there! Great idea Bob.

Bob: Shut up! I had this dream that I was out roving down a crater rim on Tylo, and I got ejected and killed! I can't get it out of my head.

Bill: Bob, I'm going to have to relieve you of duty, you're plainly becoming unstable.

Jeb: No Bob, he just has a sense of perspective, this isn't a picnic and we all have to stay frosty to pull this mission off. You're doing good Bob, I trust your instincts on this descent above even myself.

Bob: Thanks Jeb.





Bob tip: When descending a 25 deg slope, you can set your trim to about 50% back, and just tap the forward to ease it on down to help avoid runaway rover.

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Launched the K.S.V. Intrepid, commanded by Will Kerman, on a three-year mission to land on and study Laythe. She handles a bit slowly, but Will applied some extra struts and now she's much more responsive. Looking forward to reaching my destination. :)

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Well, started a new save, and decided I didn't like my heavy lifter, and built one that is 100x better. So I needed to test my new Voortrekker (Pioneer) launcher, and promptly decided to start building a station.


First was the core Consisting of two 6 way connectors, 2 hitchhikers, some solar cells, and some utilities.


Next was the Science Module, including two labs, minor solar and propellent, and three additional docking ports (there is one on the "tail" near the science station solar cells)


And now the Hab module. Including the command deck, two Hickhikers, more power, and more mono.

I have called this station "Juffertje" (Dragonfly) station, I still have 11 more docking clamps open. I am not totally sure what is going on the station, but the 4 near the hab module will be small modules (not sure yet what) Two of the docking ports of the 2nd set of 4 will be reserved for crewed vessels. the science clams might be used for science experiments, and the one near the science station will be used for "Progress" style refueling and resupply of the station.

This was all done off stock parts, and my new launcher is a dream to launch compared to my old launcher which is going to the dustbin. If folks have cook ideas for station modules, let me know.

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First docked my ion drive module to a payload, a lighting pole for my space station, on ion engines alone. Then docked those two, which made the most RCS-imbalanced assembly I've handled and with hardly any reaction wheel torque either, to the second (identical) payload. Dang that was tough.

And I've still got to dock the lighting poles to my space station. I might undock the ion drive for that and just handled the payloads, which have probe cores and RCS. With any luck not having a 9-ton weight attached will make the payload handle better.

AND I've just realised the lighting isn't even much good anyway, I've got the lamps angled wrong so they won't properly cover my station. *facepalm*

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I have decided that KAS is the best mod for base building, as it allows for you to correct previous design errors without reverting. I built a Kethane mining unit for my base, but it fell over. So I sent a sky crane to pick it up, and it worked! Sadly I don't have pics of it in action, only before and after.



After turning the magnet off quickly, I accidentally flipped over the crane. I also flew it away from the base,so now I am going to have to move it with a rover, more on that tomorrow.:)

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I sent my first 3 kerman mission to Mun.


The fisrt landing site was ok better I wanted to get a little closer.




Then I thought, I've got plenty of fuel. I might as well try.


Back to Kerbin.


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