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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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today i finished my latest voyage.

w/o docking / in a single launched flight:

Small engineering suggestion: When you've got that many tanks in close promixity, it works very well if you use a hex type placement:


Everything sits nice and dense and flies like buttered glass.

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I made and succesfully tested my SSTDuna spaceplane. She can take three kerbals from KSC runway to Duna surface and back to KSC runway on a single tank of gas (but not with a lot to spare). Full mission and mission report will follow tomorrow (probably).

Feeling pretty damn awesome right now :cool:

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Launched the Eve return ship to get Jeb, Bob, and Bill back home. Also included an interplanetary driver which should be re-usable for future missions.


Bartrey Kerman brought up the crew section for the return trip to Kerbin. We're using the science lab to bring back multiple returns of the same experiments, no real reason, but why not?


Game has gone very buggy today, here on the second stage of the Eve burn everything went to hell.


During this time, I had to get Cornie Kerman home at last. This took some save scumming since the game was still being buggy.


Ok, got the lander to it's approach, just noticed the struts were pointing where-ever they wanted to. There's something different here than the simulator since this took a lot more effort on my part to keep the nose pointed in the right direction.


Got it down safely, very near to the original landing site for the rover, and Bob's Island. Now to drive the boys down here and get them home.


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What I did today... almost gained 720 Science points from getting 12 different Gravioli Reports... and lost all of them because the pod's rockets HIT WATER ON KERBIN (the outer rockets "vaporized" on impact with water.)!

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Hmmm.... Setup a partial Geostationary communications network for my "Amazing Kerbal Race"-- I messed up and didn't have the fuel to get my initial 4 hour orbit, so I had to burn all the fuel from the bottom satellite and a smidgen of the middle satellite. I also noted that I cannot use all the dishes I've installed on the satellites cause I don't have enough power... >.< Still, the remaining two bird work well enough for local communications.

I am expanding my communications network and having some errors in the process....

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Tested a tug or fuel shuttle, to be launched in pairs - standard docking port on one end, Senior on the other, and a Rockomax 16 fuel tank, battery, probe core and RCS quads in between. Four radial 24-77s to provide main thrust.

Seems to work fine in testing; the main lessons were to upsize the monoprop tanks, as well as some struts for the upper stage, just to make sure everything stays put during launch.

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I had fun with spaceplanes. Not that any of the designs I tested got farther out than LKO, but anyhow, fun it was. The best was a just slightly overstable plane that worked perfectly, as long as one didn't touch the controls.

Maybe, in order to get farther out, I should try "adding more boosters" (not that I'd really use SRBs, but more rocket engines might not be the worst idea)...

Also, I sent off five brave (ok, 1 brave, 4 cowardly) Kerbals to Moho. The first burn, which had to be done in LKO due to Oberth effect, turned out to take far too long to be done during a single orbit, so it had to be split, completely voiding the initial flight plan... Now, a few day later than originally planned they are on their way. I've recorded a video of both, the launch and the first burn, which I'll share as soon as I'm done editing (you probably don't want to see a 15 minutes burn with occasional heading corrections in real time, do you?) and commenting (yes, I'll torture the viewers with my boring comments) it.

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This is our KSP CUP intro vid.

That cracked me up! Nice :)

I found out that you can get a probe core and some soccer balls up to a pretty nice speed (and about 40km) with just one small SRB. *rolls eyes* It was a lithobraking test, which as someone else mentioned way before me, isn't half bad. Everything except the in-line battery on the bottom of the probe core survived. It was straight up and down though so I'm not sure how it would fare with any horizontal velocity, didn't get that far yet.


I also had a couple of my guys fly over to the island while testing out some modifications to the Valkyrie (yes, I finally named it... I think). I brought the center of lift to the rear a bit in an effort to make it more stable during atmospheric flight. It's as stable as anyone could ask for going to orbit or coming back from orbit after moving some fuel, but if you hang around in the atmosphere for a while it starts to get a little wobbly and almost killed the crew while I was anomaly hunting with a BTDT unit. This test was mainly to make sure I could still get the nose off the ground before the end of the runway, and it worked just fine. It now also leaves the runway with the rearmost three bicoupler tanks at 0 Oxidizer (as opposed to the front two bicoupler tanks) with the hope that it'll keep the COM more stable during atmospheric flight.


That thing in the cargo bay is... Well, probably a death trap. It looks like this, there's a probe core under the seat for SAS control. *points at Jeb* His idea :D


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I finally finished construction on my as yet unnamed first manned Duna mission. It has 2 lander's, a rover and a crew return vehicle. I looks like it has enough fuel for the journey. (probably)


I hope you like it.

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I finally got around to two things I've been meaning to do.

1. Build a basic ssto space station and get it circularized. Citadel Station is now 115 to 150 km around Kerbin. Unfortunately she had to drain her refueling dock tanks to stabilize orbit so she will need restocking. She has 7 orange tanks to fill up passing ships, 12 monopropellant tanks, space for 7 docked ships, and space for 48 kerbals plus one administrator.

2. Created the Worker Bee, an unmanned service vehicle that has either a port or a Klaw and is little else but small tanks and solar panels. I will be taking 9 of them to Citadel to be based there with their Hive. First mission, rescue the crew module left from my first failed station and bring it to the station.

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I found out this morning that the bounciness in soccer balls will allow you to land on eve without parachutes.



I think soccer ball landing gear might be my next testing avenue.

That might be the case but would it make landing on Jool easier with a massive group of balls as landing gear?

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I accomplished a couple of things this weekend. I landed on the mun twice in one day (two separate missions) with plenty of deltaV to get me back to Kerbin. I also landed on Minmus for the first time ever. It took me awhile because I had to do several corrections just to get in the same orbit as Minmus. I waited for Minmus to encounter my spacecraft as a result because I don't know how to do it otherwise. This involved a lot of waiting and time warp but eventually I got it!

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Launched a mission to Jool with Jebediah, Bob and Bill.


Fuelly fueled orbiting Minmus. Prepare for blastoff!!


Jebeidah sees Jool for the first time!! Its sooooo preeeeetttyy


After some debate it's decided that Laythe is the best place to park the DSV Enterprise Mk II. Entering Laythes atmosphere at 7500m/s. 3rd attempt. The first one skipped off and went back into Jool orbit. Second one crashed into Laythe.


Great Success!!


Jebediah carelessly smashes a solar panel! 2 down... first one went shattered when a fuel transfer went bad. hopefully we can refrain from smashing anymore!


Jebediah sees Bop for the first time!


And successfully slays the Kraken!

More Picture from Jool

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I'm currently attempting a Jool-5. Assembled the ship in orbit with only two launches (not including re-launches after detecting problems). The KR-2L engines were a mistake, as the docking ports can still fold over, while under thrust. I had to run them at 1/3 throttle. Once those were spent and ejected, the ship got much more manageable.

MechJeb is limited in usefulness for this mission. The ship wobbles just enough that I can't trust MJ with executing maneuver nodes, so I'm really only using it for info displays, and saving time in creating some nodes (inclination matching, for instance).





Edited by NecroBones
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Today I mapped Kerbin, Mun and Minmus with a quick hack of a mapping probe. Next stops: Eve, Moho, then Duna, Dres, Eeloo. If it has enough deltaV left I'll give Jool's moons a try.

Then I sent Modal Kerman to fly a bigger, more capable and sleeker variant of the Plowfish, aptly named the Swordfish. Complete success :)

And finally sent my Laythe Lander on its way back home with pockets full of science.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/SEV8W/embed"></iframe>

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Well I am new to Kerbin. Just moved there from Earth. With that said I have only done a few missions and have not yet landed on Mun or Minmus. During my trials I have left a few space craft that cannot get back to Kerbin. So I have tried to save my Kerbals lost in space. I have 6 crafts that are stuck, 4 in Kerbin orbits and 2 in the Sun orbit. I have saved 2 Kerbals so far. I have 2 more to save in Kerbin orbit and then I will try to rescue the 2 orbiting the Sun.

I love this game now that I am understanding the docking and maneuvering. I just now need to learn landings.

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So.... soccer balls make incredible landing gear. The small ones can take a pretty good hit and just bounce you up, but the large ones... Well, I dropped a rocket from 15k with a 4-large soccer ball landing platform and it just bounced and settled!

Even SQUAD-mods are tooo powerful! :o

EDIT: Whoops, they can also summon the hell kraken if abused properly.

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Landed on Minmus:



They survived, however jeb looks nervous

Problem is that they has only 10 hour life suport left so I have to make an mini lander in the orbital construction facility and send down to rescue them.

Never liked that miner anyway.

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