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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Flybys and probe-landings on the FourJade mission. Also attempted the Laythe liftoff, but noticed a fuel imbalance in the Laythe lander's tanks.

The notice came from asymmetrical flameout. Then, I hunted it down and subsequently fixed it, and modified staging to fit.


The problem lay in the drop tanks: while three had one fuel level and the other three the other fuel level, each pair that fed the same engines had a different total fuel level. Also, I had expected them to be almost full - they were not.


So, to fix it, I transferred fuel until each pair had a full tank and a tank with 76.7 fuel, and set the staging to drop the more empty one first.

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Docked a very basic fuel ship to my orbital space lab orbiting the Mun. Had just enough fuel (for what I'm comfortable with at least.) To fully fuel my space station and give my lander enough fuel to make it back to Kerbin. Hopefully my fuel ship has enough fuel to make the burn back to Kerbin as well.

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I launched a new interplanetary ship in my FAR+DRE career mode game. I'm still not sure where it's going, because I haven't looked at the next suitable launch windows or estimated what it can achieve with the lander attached.



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Working on some gear for the Jool 5 challenge. Built me a "lego" plane for lack of a better word. I can dock in different science modules and switch out for each planet visited. I figure it should be able to handle Laythe Bop and Pol as a lander core. Lesson 1 put a reaction wheel, a battery and a probe core on the drive section so it can stay stable while you redock pieces. :)



Of course you still plan for anything........


Edited by sumrex
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After a couple of covert night missions I've managed to construct something I've been planning for a while... It's not quite finished yet, but it's well on its way. It still needs some KAS parts at minimum to strut the two aircraft, but I'd also *like* to add a rover and some parts for a permanent base if I have enough DV to play with. If you can't tell, I'm planning a mission to Laythe which will be my first manned landing there :D I figure since the moon is mostly water I'll have a better chance of hitting my targets and coming back in one piece if I use a thoroughly tested spaceplane instead of a prototype or a standard rocket lander. One of the aircraft has a SCANSat probe and the other has some science equipment, not that I actually need it since my tech tree is complete. I'm still slightly amazed at just how large these aircraft are, they make my modified Jooles Verne look normal sized. Then again I guess it wasn't that big to start with, just the biggest interplanetary ship I had at the time. I probably should have stuck them to the new interplanetary transfer stage I designed which can ferry much more weight out that way (if I can tolerate the FPS drop), but that thing is very untested.



It still has the circularization stage attached. AAAAND I just noticed I forgot the RTGs on the main ship. *facepalm* (I removed the solar panels from the original design to add the docking struts) But I can bring some of those up with my KAS stuff.

I also didn't put a BTDT on the aircraft but I guess I can just keep the probe in the bay for tracking things down. Meh, things happen. Too late to fix it now.

Goes to show no matter how many hours you have invested in this game you will always forget SOMETHING. *curses under breath*

This is the return stage from the original Jooles Verne preparing to dock with the monstrosity (cue Darth Vader music)

It may or may not fly apart under its own thrust, but I kind of doubt it since it's made it this far in one piece. More likely to overheat and 'splode.


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Working on some gear for the Jool 5 challenge. Built me a "lego" plane for lack of a better word. I can dock in different science modules and switch out for each planet visited. I figure it should be able to handle Laythe Bop and Pol as a lander core. Lesson 1 put a reaction wheel, a battery and a probe core on the drive section so it can stay stable while you redock pieces. :)



Of course you still plan for anything........


Dude! That plane looks amazing. Favorite SSTO I've seen so far. Looks completely stock as well. Do you run mods? If you're completely vanilla, then you're my new favorite KSP engineer.

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It may be odd that I've called myself DunaRocketeer, and never made a landing on Ike... but I finally got around to that last night when I had a ship doing crew rotation on a Duna base, and thought 'why not finally go there?'. I plan on doing a good bit of exploring before returning to Kerbin, stopping by Minmus along the way.

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You have fantastic rockets!

I've achieved my third Mun landing. I think it will be the second to achive Kerbin return.

I've improved stability and maneuver. I had some problems with spinning, but I've nailed the problem.


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More FourJade stuff. Landed Jeb on Pol and Bop. The ion lander he's flying has 4800 xenon for three engines, and an orbital nuclear tug to do all the maneuvering. It's massively overfuelled for its purpose, an artifact of when I expected to only be sending one Kerbonaut and would be using that xenon for orbital maneuvers and the return trip.

I'll write it up later, and then it will be time to gather up and wait for the return window.

Edit: Writeup posted. That one was a long one... probably because it has two launches, two landings and a detour. 50 images in that post alone...

Edited by Concentric
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I sent a fleet of ships to Duna, which included:

1 gravity scanning satelite

1 orbital science lab station with space for 6 kerbals

1 reusable two kerbal science lander

1 orbital accomodation module with space for 12 kerbals

1 mobile ground base with science lab and accomodation for 10 kerbals

1 ground command and communications unit with space for 5 kerbals.

1 six kerbal reusable transport lander

2 remote science lab landers one for vacumn operations, one for atmospheric operations

2 fuel tankers

1 remote recon drone plane

2 four kerbal rovers

1 beacon and lighting tower

All the gear set of on 10 ships which left orbit over about 4 kerbal-hours.

I had to do two burns for the two fuel tankers due to their low TWR.

I think that's the lot, trying to remember if I've missed any...

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14429784960_22c4f8604f_o.pngWright by cantab314, on Flickr

I built my first successful stock plane. She's not great, but she flies. The solids are used for takeoff and to make a steep climb to around 5,000 m, where the nuclear engine becomes reasonably efficient and can kick in. Only the rear fuel tank is used, the front is empty. Just trying for altitude I made about 25,000 m.

(And yes I know jets are much more efficient, but I fancied a rocket plane.)

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