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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Finally got a working shuttle up in orbit able to carry a full orange tank to about 125-150km easily with fuel to spare for deorbnit and maneuvering.

This is going to serve as a space station builder shortly, this was an unmanned test flight (probe in the cargobay).
I will have to admit, i used 2 large reaction wheels on the shuttle to help it a little bit with the heavier payload, its not likely to carry payloads this heavy but its gotta be able to have some margin in there =)

SRB's staging ( they have 2 vectors on each to help with a good TWR, the mainsails worked too) i limited the gimbal on them so they wouldn't make the shuttle as nervous on launch.

Traveling on the leftovers of the external tank 

In an egg-shaped orbit (150x80) traveling over Kerbin, ready to release the test payload and deorbit.


Deorbit was a failure because the reentry angle was too steep & the heat kicked in. Will have to find the perfect sweetspot to land her back at KSC consistently for the future.


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Finishing up missions at Jool and Sarnus. The invention of warp drives looms closer... but for now, they're stuck with "throw stuff out the back" propulsion, and the more high-tech variety, "throw stuff out the back really fast, with magnets."

Spoilers for easter egg on Bop.

Note: That green moon is Tekto, not Tylo. KSP forum doesn't update the descriptions when I fix them...

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20 hours ago, Puggonaut said:
In Oribt the MKIII Version , its got , wait for it 10 Nuclear Reactors , 4 crew members an the rest of it is Plasma Containers , gonna leave it parked there till the rest of it gets built an sent up to add to it , crew quarters an a few other bits to add .
Also working on a MKIV which hopefully will make all 3 rings revolve
oh an also Orderd 8GB of Ram for me PC may aswell abuse the 64bit version i'm running now with 16GB i'm hoping things wil be a smoother .

If you make all 3 rings rotate, won't their torque make the ship rotate with it (like in helis)? Even if you put 2 CW and the other CCW, there will always be a "winning" direction of rotation. Won't that affect the ship stability?

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2 hours ago, PCanas said:

If you make all 3 rings rotate, won't their torque make the ship rotate with it (like in helis)? Even if you put 2 CW and the other CCW, there will always be a "winning" direction of rotation. Won't that affect the ship stability?

No, if the CCW ring rotates faster at the right speed, or weights twice as much as the other rings. Angular momentums need to match. 

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Built my first career mode space station, second overall. It's pretty lame, considering I did it for a contract (Just a probe core/monopropellant tanks and two bulky crew modules)

Also got a contract to put a base down on the Mun. It's pretty tame, not requiring 4000 liquid fuel or anything ridiculous, so I'm probably going to launch that this afternoon.

I'm thinking of deorbiting some satellites. It's getting excessive, and I'm distracted. I only really need one or two in orbit of each body. Thoughts?

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3 hours ago, PCanas said:

If you make all 3 rings rotate, won't their torque make the ship rotate with it (like in helis)? Even if you put 2 CW and the other CCW, there will always be a "winning" direction of rotation. Won't that affect the ship stability?


58 minutes ago, monophonic said:

No, if the CCW ring rotates faster at the right speed, or weights twice as much as the other rings. Angular momentums need to match. 

Yep, the odd one out just needs to have twice the mass, or twice the speed.

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2 minutes ago, Choctofliatrio2.0 said:

Built my first career mode space station, second overall. It's pretty lame, considering I did it for a contract (Just a probe core/monopropellant tanks and two bulky crew modules)

Also got a contract to put a base down on the Mun. It's pretty tame, not requiring 4000 liquid fuel or anything ridiculous, so I'm probably going to launch that this afternoon.

I'm thinking of deorbiting some satellites. It's getting excessive, and I'm distracted. I only really need one or two in orbit of each body. Thoughts?

Mark them as debris in your trackingstation, then you don't have to deorbit them. (For which they might not have enough fuel anyway).

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3 minutes ago, Snarfster said:

Mark them as debris in your trackingstation, then you don't have to deorbit them. (For which they might not have enough fuel anyway).

That sounds like a better idea. Thanks :D It's probably time for a new line of satellites to explore the Kerbin system and beyond, anyways

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I have corrupted my career save with this:


And this 3600t thing was the culprit (actually, just some Capacitator module inside a welded part):



It was fun while it lasted tough, very weird physics until i figured out what it was. This screenshot is about 10-20 seconds after the payload got separated from the lifter:





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Tried to build a rocket with two Tweakscaled boosters.

Ended up smashing my head in the wall after TS prefered to NaN my game a few times instead of increasing thrust as I would have liked to...

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With my 1.0.2 career at a rare good stopping point I've been taking a break from it to try out a career in 1.0.5. Mostly this is to see how career works with my mod setup, especially some ones I've never used before like Real Fuels. Pretty soon I'll start over with a "serious" 1.0.5 career, maybe even with a diary thread in Mission Reports.



Started out with some model rocketry.




Obligatory Mk 1 pod + RT-10.




An extremely cool mod I ran across is SRB Variable Thrust Limiter by Crzyrndm, which is one of the most useful mods I've ever installed--basically it allows you to set an additional thrust point for the end of an SRB burn, so you can keep the TWR roughly constant during the burn by having the thrust slowly trail off, like, you know, every real solid rocket motor ever, but unlike in stock KSP where the thrust is constant and TWR ramps up throughout the burn. I'd experimented with all- or mostly-solid launch vehicles before but due to the constant thrust problem, I'd never been able to build a practical one before now. It's especially useful in career mode: this all-solid four-stage launcher is quite a bit bigger than the hypergolic two-stage liquid-fuel rocket I had ready as a backup, but it's also about a third cheaper.




And so my first satellite orbited in a Real Fuels install went up on my first all-solid launch vehicle. It wasn't a flawless launch (the fourth stage had some trouble separating for some reason), but it was still pretty satisfying on both levels.




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Started my first "grand tour" kinda mission, with a tourist contract to go Orbit Mun & Minmus, then over to Eve, land on Gilly, go to Duna, Land on Ike, Land on Duna and go orbit Jool and back to Kerbin.


That's over 8000 m/s of deltaV on the nukes. 7 on the center stack, and 4x2 on the outer tanks, that feed into the center. The Lander is designed for Duna, so it can do Gilly and Ike easily without dropping the outer tanks, which have the landing legs. On return I'll have to get some of the tourists with another capsule though, since the 3 Man pod is the only one with parachutes. But that's not a problem at all. Might need to send a refuler to Jool or Duna though, depending on how efficient I do my burns... Don't really know.

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I did a manned Mun landing for the first time!  Very stoked about that. 




After getting some good advice from people, I've been trying to pay more attention to how one builds the vehicle (actually thinking about what you want each stage to accomplish).  I also recently learned that you can tweak the thrust of solid boosters, found a great series of GIFs that went over how gravity turns work, and found a delta-V map.  Altogether, and with some additional flight practice (gravity turns; easy to read about, hard to pull off, initially), I built a manned Mun vehicle, and after only *two* build iterations, landed on the Mun on the second attempt.  Ex!  Ell!  Ent!

A second iteration of the vehicle was needed because initially a lack of struts meant the vehicle would flex and wobble during the initial tilt into the gravity turn, and once SAS was trying to follow prograde, you could get some very wasteful resonance.  A second attempt at landing on the Mun was needed because on the first attempt, at 50m above touch-down, I clicked the wrong thing, SAS'ed into a tumble, and the lander landed on its side, blocking the hatch.

Now, things didn't go *entirely* as I'd hoped, because the lander doesn't have enough fuel to return to Kerbin.  But that aside it all came together really well.  It was very heartening that for the most part every stage (lift of and turn, initial orbit, transfer burn, landing) was free of surprises.  That said, there were some other wrinkles.  My gravity turn was slightly off heading, so when sorting my initial orbit out, I also had to tweak its inclination.  Following that (maybe related, maybe not), my initial liquid stage didn't have enough juice to do the *entire* transfer burn.  

Not something you'd see just from a screenshot, but the outer ring of the first solid-booster stage was set to 70% thrust, and the outer ring of the second solid-booster stage set to 50% thrust.


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Made a whole bunch of different aircraft that fly pretty well, despite most of the wing area being made up of strakes. Photobucket is being a gentleman's sausage today, and I was only able to upload one image after much effort.



ETA: It flies well. Next one gets junos for propulsion. I'm thinking eight would be nice. ;)

ETA: Got one rear quarter view to load.


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2 minutes ago, SSgt Baloo said:

Made a whole bunch of different aircraft that fly pretty well, despite most of the wing area being made up of strakes. Photobucket is being a gentleman's sausage today, and I was only able to upload one image after much effort.


Get Imgur...

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Launched a new crew shuttle thing


Hauled a load of kerbals and a new science rover to Copernicus station.


Rescued a second contract kerbal in my old 2 kerbal Mun lander, and took them to Copernicus Station to await the next flight home.


Also did some driving of my Mun rover in the canyons at night until I found a giant cliff in the dark. Fortunately I stopped just in time. By some perverse twist of fate the canyons have some of the best ore deposits, so I'm scouting for somewhere flat(ish) there for mining operations.

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