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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I finished testing my new Compact Mun Explorer. It weighs 10 tons, which isn't that light, but it fit nicely into a medium sized Mk3 cargo bay (a self imposed limit for me). It can go from LKO to the Mun's surface, deploy a small rover from its service bay (or some other cargo) and come back to my LKO station all in one stage, which is a lot of oompf for a little ship. It uses 4 ion engines for manoeuvres (2 fuel cell arrays are useful for these), and 2 Terriers as landing/liftoff engines. The Terriers and the fuel cell arrays run off a Rockomax X200-8 fuel tank.

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I didn't play KSP, but I instead started thinking and preparing a future comic-style (Like Plan Kappa and A Jool Odyssey) mission report I will probably start soon. It'll be about...Space Travel! But not the kind of space travel you expect...

EDIT : Here it is !


Edited by Elowiny
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Finally got around to installing the final 1.1 update. A clean install, so of course rebinding my controller took 45 minutes over two days as I can't change settings outside the main menu for some reason... (Squad... you know what needs to be done. :D)

Got everything working, re-installed all my mods, tested a few launches then just relaxed and took screenshots in orbit.


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Since I started a new career with the 1.1 launch, I am still doing early-game stuff.  Last night I did a couple of tourist contracts on a sub-orbital flight to build some capital.  

Incidentally, is it just me, or has suborbital flight gotten more dangerous since the update?  Coming back from LKO, I have a reasonable expectation that I can parachute a returning craft back to the ground at a survivable speed.  But going suborbital, I find that the atmospheric breaking alone is insufficient to bring my craft's velocity under the threshold for safe parachute deployment, and relying on those alone will result in the craft impacting the surface at speeds that will rip the chutes right off their moorings before they can even unfold.  

I find myself having to save some fuel for a breaking burn in the 30-20K altitude range to bring the velocity down to something my parachutes can take.  Even then I need to add a couple of drogues on a separate stage just to have anything like a safety margin.  

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Last night I did a few house-keeping type of missions.  I had recently sent a fuel barge to Mün Stayshun, so I now refuelled my tiny lander, hooked it up to a little tug, dragged it into a 50 degree angled orbit, sent the lander down and rescued a member of the Kerman klan, redocked to the tug and brought them back to the station.



Then, in order to return said member of the klan back to Kerbin I had to send a taxi from Kerbin Stayshun, but it didn't have any fuel, so up went another supply ship.




Lastly was to send the taxi to Mün in order to pick up the rescuee along with some scientists who are still currently doing their thing at the Far East Crater base, but will need to return shortly.



This weekend should see the beginnings of more important times; transfer windows and missions to Duna, Eve and Jool are but 100-200 days away...

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I didn't play much today, was busy seeing which mods would fight to the death when put in the same instal... 

Also was amazed when a thread I started was closed after breaking 3 barred areas of discussion simultaneously! (Which I agree with entirely, was not watching it)

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7 hours ago, Fearless Son said:

Since I started a new career with the 1.1 launch, I am still doing early-game stuff.  Last night I did a couple of tourist contracts on a sub-orbital flight to build some capital.  

Incidentally, is it just me, or has suborbital flight gotten more dangerous since the update?  Coming back from LKO, I have a reasonable expectation that I can parachute a returning craft back to the ground at a survivable speed.  But going suborbital, I find that the atmospheric breaking alone is insufficient to bring my craft's velocity under the threshold for safe parachute deployment, and relying on those alone will result in the craft impacting the surface at speeds that will rip the chutes right off their moorings before they can even unfold.  

I find myself having to save some fuel for a breaking burn in the 30-20K altitude range to bring the velocity down to something my parachutes can take.  Even then I need to add a couple of drogues on a separate stage just to have anything like a safety margin.  

I haven't noticed anything changing in 1.1 relative to 1.0.5.  There was a substantial change from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 though, maybe you didn't do a fresh career with that release?

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Made my first landing on both Pol and on Vall, as a part of my Jool 3 mission (Not Jool 5, im not good enough for that). Just a note, I for some reason lack any images of actually being landed on Vall, but I did land.





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In the past days i´m have intalled the 1.1 and save my 1.05

This WeekEnd I´m working how to resolve my flag problem and how start opengl in Windows 10, next start a vanilla science career in 1.1 and a realism overhaul in 1.05

PD: Sorry my poor English.  I will be very grateful for your corrections


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I started a mod-free version of 1.1 to test out the landing gear issues people see to be having and built four separate aircraft that each performs flawlessly when handled appropriately on the lowest tier landing gear, culminating in a final craft that should be compatible with the lowest tier of aircraft parts! :)


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