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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Launched my largest rocket yet, containing my minmus space station, which need a servicing mission to give it more fuel, add batteries, and attach RCS that had just been unlocked.  Unfortunately, the servicing mission ended up having less fuel than wanted to transfer to the station, but still had enough fuel on the station after the servicing to transfer to minmus, and get into a 26km by 28km orbit with an inclination of 50o which will allow landers to fly to the station easier.

Also sent a probe to minmus right behind the station, and this apparently counts as an eclips.


Edited by Itsdavyjones
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I engaged in the confusingly delayed continuation of Project Bring'em Home (.235)!  This time, a very sub-optimal Moho transfer and a very close flyby of the south pole:

By doing this, the probe can get to Kerbin in ~2 years, instead of 4.

For reference, this insane machine still has 17.7km/s out of a starting 24.4km/s of delta-v, even after all that abuse.

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Today while going for the next 100 days of my carrer, I launched a telescope. During launch all the solar panels broke and the telescope miraculously limped to its intended orbit about 40 seconds before the communication antennas killed it, since I'm using RemoteTech. So I had to launch a rescue mission to replace every single solar panel so I could salvage a 60,000 Funds mission. Along the way, I rendezvoused one of my few comms sats, thinking it was the telescope, which was sitting in a much lower orbit. So I had to go back lower, and spend about 800 m/s of Delta-V to make it to the (now long-dead) telescope. Replacement of solar panels goes smoothly, and I come back to kerbin, where  the capsule was a mere pixel from exploding on the way down. I'm pretty sure I have a new orbital workhorse orbital vehicle now, considering all the unplanned disasters the poor crew and ship survived, while trying to fix another disaster.

Here's a pic of the orbital vehicle and the telescope, once I managed to reach it. 3N2AyqW.png

The launch seems to have been appropriately named. QTS stants for Quick-To-Space, since it was on a tight schedule to save the probe.


EDIT: Almost forgot to mention, when it rendezvoused with the wrong satellite,  it was going at about 60 m/s relative to it, and almost crashed into it. I only know this because when I got out of map view after burning back down to the correct target, I saw the comms sat fly by right next to the Redundancy. I wish I was joking about all of this, but sadly, no I'm not. :/

Edited by Pine
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9 hours ago, Thatguywholikesionengines said:

New Horizons is updated for 1.1?

Officially not yet, but it seems to work fine. New Horizons itself is set for a major 2.0 update soon (tm), but I decided not to wait. I'll just break out hyperedit if anything gets broken by terrain changes in the new version.

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8 hours ago, Archgeek said:

I engaged in the confusingly delayed continuation of Project Bring'em Home (.235)!  This time, a very sub-optimal Moho transfer and a very close flyby of the south pole:

By doing this, the probe can get to Kerbin in ~2 years, instead of 4.

For reference, this insane machine still has 17.7km/s out of a starting 24.4km/s of delta-v, even after all that abuse.

My question is why you're so far behind in versions.

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On April 23, 2016 at 7:18 PM, SaturnianBlue said:

Finally got 1.1. Sadly with Kerbpaint gone wrong and having trouble with hyper edit, I decided to do a high velocity deceleration test, but with the 10Meter Heatshields. 

The scenario-

At ~15 Kilometers, the engine controls are down, and clearly the landing in the water is the only option. (Ignore the Island Runway). Unfortunately, with the throttle stuck, they will be coming down at over Mach 2 (and ignoring the idea of turning then landing), but they've got a heat shield...



The deceleration slowed the ship down to about 100 M/s, and allowed a good enough splashdown that while the fins and the engines didn't survive, the general structure did, so everyone lives. :) 

Wow. I should use that sometime. 

11 hours ago, Cupcake... said:

Enjoy! :)





Awesome parts usage cupcake. ;-)

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Blew up two of my three base components in a forklift-related accident: The mining rig and the forklift itself. D'oh.

It's nothing a Kerbal can't fix...but I wasn't planning on bringing Kerbals on site until all the mining ops were up and running.

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4 hours ago, HoloYolo said:

My question is why you're so far behind in versions.

It's part of a project I meant to finish before the 1.1 release -- I've got kerbals on incomplete missions across various versions, and the project's intent is to bring them all home.  That silly probe is a bit of an aside, while the the other 2 ships afield make their way to their next maneuvers.

Plus, where .235 lets me play on my 8yr old win7 box with 4 gigs of RAM total with two browsers, dropbox, and steam up the background, 1.1.x is greedy enough that I kinda have to close all of that, so it is a bit easier to play older versions in a way.  It runs great if I can give it the room it needs, but otherwise it's a real swapfile festival.

The project would probably be done by now, but other things keep consuming my time, like my trip to Sag A* in E: D, or helping a friend finish FFVIII.

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Tried making as light a munar lander as I could, which led to exploring making a lander without reaction wheels or any non-engine attitude control at all, for that matter. I'd actually forgotten the Spider engine has gimbal until recently, and used it to my advantage. My first probe landed fine, the second toppled. When coming in for a landing this way, you need to plan your approach as you completely lack the ability to turn whenever your engine isn't firing. Mechjeb's landing autopilot is no help with this (was mainly using it for the landing prediction) but the suicide burn countdown was. Just reduce thrust if the countdown starts going up, up if it starts decreasing. That way you don't have to cut your thrust at all and just saunter into a soft landing. :cool:


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4 hours ago, Archgeek said:

It's part of a project I meant to finish before the 1.1 release -- I've got kerbals on incomplete missions across various versions, and the project's intent is to bring them all home.  That silly probe is a bit of an aside, while the the other 2 ships afield make their way to their next maneuvers.

Plus, where .235 lets me play on my 8yr old win7 box with 4 gigs of RAM total with two browsers, dropbox, and steam up the background, 1.1.x is greedy enough that I kinda have to close all of that, so it is a bit easier to play older versions in a way.  It runs great if I can give it the room it needs, but otherwise it's a real swapfile festival.

The project would probably be done by now, but other things keep consuming my time, like my trip to Sag A* in E: D, or helping a friend finish FFVIII.

Makes sense.

Anyways, I built a mothership for my future Pol mission and maybe a Pol Base.

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I made a reasonably large station.  Except for the odd probe core, there's not a stock part on it.  Planetary Bases and Pathfinder modules, DSEV trusses, USI reactors, and Rocket Factory solar panels.  I was going to add a few more modules but first I think I'll redesign some of these.

06 5 Modules Up

This is only 5 modules, 4 of which were rather large so required big Space-Y lifters, 5m and even 7.5m.  I prefer just using bigger rockets than making a tangle of asparagus with smaller rockets.

03 Big Station Rockets



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Station and lander arrived at Jool, both into polar orbits, which eventually (though separately) then had Laythe intercepts. (I should have made adjustments on approach to Jool to just come in equatorially, but forgot...).

Station sitting pretty and sending back research at 7/day.

Lander, well, I had it setup for a heat shield ride thru the atmosphere, and then a parachute to land, then could launch back up, however, I messed the timing on the reentry (who hasn't? :)  )  and it chuted into the ocean, it's just as well, because it ends up the thing weighed too much, if i had hit land all would have died.

So I have two Kerbalnauts in a lander can, sitting atop what's left of the lander stage, floating happily. They have power and a place to stay, though cramped, perhaps currents will take them ashore one day......

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With my PSU RMA taking forever (well, my second RMA!) I finally just did a clean install of 1.1.2 on my laptop. The update was wildly unstable, but a full clean install seems pretty solid -- so far, not a single crash...

...you know...of the program. Been a few mishaps in flight testing.

Anyway, before beginning the lengthy process of adding mods back on until it breaks, I thought I'd throw together a new SSTO. I present, the "Banshee Mk I" (I start all my numbering over with each career, there have been many previous Mk Is):





I know. Looks terrible on the laptop. :huh:

(And yes, the first one is missing a few parts, that was the initial test flight...as per protocol, I then went back and added a few things. Batteries, ladders, more chutes, enough control surfaces to control her without all of the white knuckles and screaming. You know, the usual.)



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11 minutes ago, Red Iron Crown said:

The lower gravity reduces landing gear stress at touchdown by quite a bit.

Makes me wonder though because it seems like the same happens to me and I am ok at landing. I think when I try to land at KSP I'm usually doing a flight test and just completed a hard turn and am in the process of lining up the runway and all that which results in a hurried attempt to land on the runway. 

When I am landing from a mission or long flight I am focused and lined up way ahead of time, reducing speed, watching descent speed closely, etc. Easing into it, if you will.

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4 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

The lower gravity reduces landing gear stress at touchdown by quite a bit.

Stall speed also seems to be lower on Laythe. Yesterday I crashed on Kerbin again, mostly because I flared way too hard and stalled my plane. Val walked away from the crash site unharmed, though.

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I made Jeb grin like a maniac, I think I did too:


I built this for Mun and Minmus exploration, used th gravity hack to test it on Kerbin first. "If it looks stupid but works, then it isn't stupid." I guess this isn't stupid because it works like a charm, but it looks pretty goofy. 


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