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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The Ike mining team sent one of the tugs that was sitting in orbit, waiting for the launch window back to Kerbin, to the North pole to check the skies for signs of a possible return of the Magic Boulder.


So far nothing to report.

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4 hours ago, DaMachinator said:

I worked on a skycrane with aerospikes to drag my mod-added submarine from the runway to the ocean. It failed horribly, but the pilot survived!

You could just give it some detachable wheels and give it a push... Unless of course you -want- to use a skycrane :wink:

4 hours ago, MaxwellsDemon said:

Still 1.1.2'ing till a few more of my favorite mods (notably KAC and KCT) get updated.  I don't want to restart my whole campaign just for the patch!

KAC worked fine for me after switching to 1.1.3. 

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2 hours ago, purpleivan said:

The Ike mining team sent one of the tugs that was sitting in orbit, waiting for the launch window back to Kerbin, to the North pole to check the skies for signs of a possible return of the Magic Boulder.


So far nothing to report.

Go to the Magic Boulder thread, it IS back, but not where you're looking.

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2 minutes ago, LaytheDragon said:

Go to the Magic Boulder thread, it IS back, but not where you're looking.

Ah yes... a random asteroid now.

A shame really as I was looking forward to chasing down this thing by eyeballing it from the surface then just launching at it.

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Imgur is overloaded.

Full Album from postimage.org


I'm sure this has been tried again, but if not, well.... honored to be the first.
There is a form of modern day infiniglide. A bunch of reaction wheels with wings attached and with enough radio isotope electric generators to feed them without EC drain.
And a somewhat heavy payload of the launch pad.
Reaching 25m/s before the thing gets out of control. Which has more to do with stability then with aerodynamic counter effects. Oh yeah, ignore the KER DV readout, the rocket on top isn't properly configured and it should read close to 5K.

Now, my theory here is.
Could I or you perfect such a craft so that it could get a command seat and a kerbal to the surface of Jool, infiniglide to the top of Jools atmosphere with a heavy enough rocket to get into Jool orbit?

It would be the greatest cheat since Ksp V1.x.x

This isn't exclusively to V 1.1.3, but also works in v1.1.2, probably in all v1.x.x if not on previous builds.
The trick is amount of reaction wheels, and using the wings that have pointy ends because they can cut more easily through the air, and angling them right with the rotate toolset.

I think I can improve the design. Only problem is, stability, it's hard to keep it pointed up. As for that, you cannot turn the vessel at all without losing control, so you only want to be going up.

Maybe someone can get such a design stable enough to climb through most of Jools atmospere. Remember, the surface gravity at Jool is a little lower then on Kerbin.
So what works here works there even better. Although alot slower in Jools densest parts.

Edited by Vaporized Steel
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I finally built a station around the Mun. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. So far, I have equipped it with a crew module, fuel tanks, a tug, and a core that is more to the top than at the center. Say hello to Ranma station:




I know its not that impressive, but hopefully it can help me get interplanetary.

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1 hour ago, MDZhB said:

I finally built a station around the Mun. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. So far, I have equipped it with a crew module, fuel tanks, a tug, and a core that is more to the top than at the center. Say hello to Ranma station:


I know its not that impressive, but hopefully it can help me get interplanetary.

Bigger isn't always better, looks like a practical little station. Lately I've been focusing so much on huge nuclear powered interplanetary monsters that I decided to go back to basic today and do a good old fashioned mun trip. I did it mainly to test a new rover I designed today, which worked very well, I did however forget to put parachutes on the last stage, and did not notice until halfway through re-entry, so it was not exactly a complete success...

I visited one of the southern craters and I liked the scenery, so I may build a new base there.



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3 hours ago, DaMachinator said:

A bit too late for that - it's sitting on the runway with no wheels at all.

I'm going to guess you don't have an earlier save you can revert to. That's highly unfortunate. Good luck to you, I'm no good with skycranes. :P

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Decided to take a (KAX) propellor plane to the temple and back, took my 5 hours.....realtime :confused:








I'm never gonna do this again, being a pilot is mostly boring ^_^

I do like how I had just enough fuel to take the trip :cool:



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Today I launched Sojourner IV, the fourth station in a series of Salyut/Skylab inspired space stations. The launch of the station itself went smoothly, with the Athena IV launch vehicle placing it into a stable circular 150x150km orbit. Primary "keep alive" systems were activated and were shown to be in good health. Next came the launch of the Artemis crew vehicle named Trailblazer on the Uranus IIC carrying the crew of Commander Charlie Kerman, Command Module Pilot Sidpont Kerman, and Mission Specialist Nevley Kerman to the station. The launch was flawless and docking was successful, the station was activated and operations commenced. Lastly, the ACTV (Automated Cargo Transfer Vehicle) resupply was launched. The SCS Alan Shepard (my cargo ships are named after late astronauts) was launched without trouble and placed in it's nominal phasing orbit. While on final approach with the station, one of the 4 RCS quads failed, forcing slower docking than usual. In spite of this, docking was successful and the hatch was open a few orbits later.

Here is the station from launch, docking of Trailblazer, and the docking of SCS Alan Shepard.


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A collection of my latest launch vehicle refinements and some screenshots of the first crewed Jool mission I've done in well over a year. So far I've assembled the ship in LKO, flown it to Jool (Tylo gravity brake), and mined Pol for fuel (I've nerfed the heat for ISRU and nuke parts since they were driving me up the wall without radiator parts - still a happy 1.0 player here...)

Next stop, Laythe!


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Finally made a flying machine, using tier 4 stock parts only, that actually flies.  It needs some work, very hard to trim out so I just used SAS and a small control wheel instead.  And it's horrible on the ground have to taxi into a field and hope for the best and that was after trying dozens of different wheel configuration.  The actual landing gear in inside the storage compartment (yep parachutes):


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I finally finished assembling the Duna Exploration Spacecraft (DES) in orbit around the Mun. Efforts were focused at Ranma station, and the entire thing was done in only two (massive) launches. I had to build an entirely new booster just for Segment 2 - a whopping 60 tons of payload (including the fairing.)



Well, I sent the mission on its way - and realized that I made a huge mistake: I forgot that nuclear engines don't use oxidizer. I've used up half my fuel in setting my trajectory to Duna, and will probably use the last of it to stay there. Milzy and Tetrid decided that being stuck around a lifeless rock up close is better than being stuck around a ball of fire from far away. We salute these two brave explorers in their final hurrah for all of Kerbalkind. ;.;

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Tried to send my first probe (of this save file) to Duna. My orbital alignment isn't the best right now, but I designed the transfer stage with a lot of extra fuel to get me there quickly and then slow me down. However, I must have hit some glitch or something because while my trajectory while in Kerbin SOI was lined up to arrive in Duna 54 days later, one I crossed the SOI line, I was on a trajectory that was taking me out of the Kerbol system entirely. I spent most of my remaining fuel burning retro grade and managed to get an intercept with Laythe it two years time. For some reason, I attached a heat shield to my Duna probe, so it's all set for a Laythe Atmospheric entry. I just hope I don't burn up due to aerobreaking heat buildup. I'm going to be coming in hot and I don't have enough fuel to do more than tap the breaks.

Anywho, after that hiccup, I decided to bump up my Duna plans and sent a probe and orbital station. Thier launch went off without a hitch and will reach Duna in 104 days.

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I gave up on the Otter sub and recovered it. Added wheels. They broke. Switched to bigger wheels. They either flipped or broke. Added Vernier engines and fuel tanks for them to use as brakes. Still broke. Used cheats. Sub spontaneously exploded. Reverted. Tried smaller wheels again, this time driving off the side of the runway instead of the end. Wheels broke, again.

Redesigned sub carrier. LOTS of RoveMax M1 wheels, and went VERY slowly over the side of the runway. It worked. Quicksaved. Caught air where the slope down to the water begins. Broke all the wheels. Loaded quicksave. Went to the very edge of the slope. Stopped and quicksaved. Went VERY slowly. Caught air again where the slope gets steeper. Broke most of the wheels. Loaded quicksave. Went very slowly this time. Got into the water. WOW this thing is very good at sticking to the bottom. Activated sepratrons for pulling the sub and the carriage apart from each other. Sub sinks. Jettisoned some ballast. Still sinks. Jettisoned more ballast. Imbalanced sub floats way too well. Gave up. Designed a high-altitude research craft with 1 month of life support.

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