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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today i killed Val, Bob and 7 tourists. In 2 separate missions. Only Jeb made it alive on the 2nd mission. All pods except his command pod exploded on a somewhat hot landing. Noticed that tourists are not listed in the 'Lost' tab at the astronaut complex. Well they are tourists. And Kerbals. So who ...

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Today I decide to send a first Mun refuel Station for future mission... As this fuel station touch down on the mun surface. Station only have 5.66 Oxidizer and 4.63 LiquidFuel left *whew* 


After few hours of mining for ore and refill fuel to full and ready to service...


I discovery something tiny thing I forget one thing... I don't have any KAS mod installed. How do I supposed to transfer fuel to rover or base >.<

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3 minutes ago, Deaf3279 said:

I discovery something tiny thing I forget one thing... I don't have any KAS mod installed. How do I supposed to transfer fuel to rover or base >.<

My fuel stations are usually rovers with clamp-o-trons that drive to the customers, dock with the clamp to them and then transfer stuff.

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1 minute ago, DocMoriarty said:

My fuel stations are usually rovers with clamp-o-trons that drive to the customers, dock with the clamp to them and then transfer stuff.

Both way, dock or kas... forget to add them. there's nothing to transfer :P

I guess this lander will service as rely satellite since it have most largest dish.

Edited by Deaf3279
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Last night I started a new career, and I am excited about it since I have not played for several months now.  Stock only, science returns at 40%, rep and cash at 50%, all G-Force crush effects, full need of antennae, etc.  Everything hard, as this is what I enjoy.  I did three missions so far, and have earned enough science for the first tier.  My time is limited though, it will be a slow and lengthy process to fulfill my end-goal, which is to have stations on every body and ISRU in every system.  Also, I have never yet done a grand tour with one vehicle, so perhaps that will be another goal when the tech tree is done...

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I didn't really do a lot today, but I have been planning. A while ago, when the Munar Crusade thread started, I planned to do a huge science-gathering mission series to completely explore the Mun. I never actually got round to it though - until now. The MEDUSA Program (Munar Exploration, Discovery, and Unabridged Science Agglomeration) is go for launch. The Stheno transports and Euryale space station are almost fully designed (except for Stheno 5, 6 and 7 and some Euryale modules), and the first few missions can be conducted soon. It'll be done in 1.1.3 because most mods that I need aren't up to date (like MechJeb and Nertea's mods).

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47 minutes ago, Leafbaron said:

ummmmm what!?

Some weird orbital physics with the UI turned off. 1.2 allows for more accurate simulations of what orbits will look like in future, and that image is a result of exploiting those predictions to create a pattern (in this case, a heart shape, although presumably other patterns could be created as well).

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9 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

Some weird orbital physics with the UI turned off. 1.2 allows for more accurate simulations of what orbits will look like in future, and that image is a result of exploiting those predictions to create a pattern (in this case, a heart shape, although presumably other patterns could be created as well).

excellent work!

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2 hours ago, Deaf3279 said:

Both way, dock or kas... forget to add them. there's nothing to transfer :P

I guess this lander will service as rely satellite since it have most largest dish.

Well for now.

You can plan on landing a rover with a claw on it it can attach the fixture you want and stay there permanently. Or it can rove in between the fuel and a customer.



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Must be a storm brewing, because it looks like Hale!


By this point, the crew are exhausted and a tad sweaty, so mission control decides that only one biome's worth of science will be required from this tiny moonlet. 

As a final target, the Odyssey drops into orbit around Tekto, gathering orbital science and queuing it in the lab for the long (very long) trip home. As tempted as it is, Telemachus is wildly unsuited for the dense atmosphere of Tekto and would never make it back to orbit, even if he did get down safely. This is one surface sample that will have to wait for the next mission.


Remaining delta-v in the Odyssey: about 4km/s. Some thought may be needed before launching missions to further planets than Sarnus.

Final science haul: 106,000. Total funds gained: somewhere around 12 million roots. Time to science the poop out of something with KR&D and build something science fiction-y...

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Told my nephew I could get to orbit with just 3 parts. MK1-2 Command pod, Rockomax Jumbo-64 fuel tank, and a RE-I5 "skipper" engine. I succeeded. Then for fun I decided to de-orbit and see if I could survive by using what little fuel I had left to slow my descent just enough so the engine and fuel tank exploded, but the command pod survived. I succeeded there as well. 3 Kerbals to orbit and back ALIVE with just 3 parts. 

I recorded this so I'll have the video up in a day or two.

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The other night I started a new career in 1.2 (as I am wont to do in major version updates.)  I decided to go with a new logo and a new company name to fit with a mission focus on (eventually) getting complete DSN coverage over the Kerbol system.  

I call it Planetary Watching Networks, and together we will PWN space.  


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I've done quite a lot in 1.2 over the last few days, so I'll post my first 3 days of this update.

DAY ONE, PART 1 (Technically 2 days: 10/11/16 to 10/12/16)

I started up a new Sandbox save: "First Time in 1.2". The first craft was a probe called HECS-1. It was created to be sort of a multi-purpose communication satellite, using the largest dish in the current game. HECS-1 comes with 2 Gigantor solar panels and its own 1.25 meter engine for any needed orbit changes. If this things makes it into space, HECS-1 will be a key part in my communications network throughout the Kerbol system. I put the probe and its engine stage inside a 2.5 meter fairing on top of a rocket similar to NASA's Atlas-class lifters.


The time had come to launch. Mission control was anxious to see whether or not any new physics could be present and cause a malfunction with the craft's direction. Shockingly, the launch of HECS-1 was nearly textbook. No accidental part explosions or rocket flipping, not even a single "Revert Flight". The booster separation went very smoothly and provided a cool light show for those back on the ground. Meanwhile, HECS-1 kept on thrusting until an apoapsis of 100.1 km was reached. The orbit was almost completed with the Mainsail engine, but the fuel in Stage 2 ran out and I had to complete it with HECS-1's engine. The final orbit was a bit lopsided. Despite that, HECS-1 was deployed and will hopefully become a vital part of this Sandbox save.



Next in line was KEO-Sat Lv1, a trio of almost identical communication satellites set to share a 1,000 km orbit. Mission control thought that this launch should be a piece of cake, but the lifter had its fair share of issues. The unusual payload caused a wobble during gravity turn, causing the orbit to be tilted a few degrees off of the planet's equator. Booster separation was successful, though. KEO-Sat Lv1 was set to make its circular orbit in two burns: the first to bring the periapsis above the atmosphere, and the second to circularize the orbit. I did this to conserve fuel, but I later found out that it was unneeded.


The first KEO-Sat was deployed, then the next, and then the main one. I didn't do a good job at spacing the probes apart, so Sat3 made an unplanned visit to Sat2.


Then the Kerbals had an idea: tiny planes!


Full Day 1 album: http://imgur.com/a/pdHIV

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(1.1.3) So I just noticed that Kerbin now has a third natural satellite.  It looks like an asteroid did a flyby just close enough that when Mun swung by it slowed/altered its path enough that it got stuck in Kerbin's SOI.  I have never messed with asteroids but I now feel like I have to take a look at it up close, maybe do some science on it.  I expect I won't have it forever as its orbital path crosses very near Mun's twice per orbit, so I'll have to be about it quickly.  Wish me luck!

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23 minutes ago, kraden said:

(1.1.3) So I just noticed that Kerbin now has a third natural satellite.  It looks like an asteroid did a flyby just close enough that when Mun swung by it slowed/altered its path enough that it got stuck in Kerbin's SOI.  I have never messed with asteroids but I now feel like I have to take a look at it up close, maybe do some science on it.  I expect I won't have it forever as its orbital path crosses very near Mun's twice per orbit, so I'll have to be about it quickly.  Wish me luck!

Post some pics!!  Sounds really cool.  I haven't ever been so lucky.  

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49 minutes ago, Galileo said:

Post some pics!!  Sounds really cool.  I haven't ever been so lucky.  

Well, I'm having trouble taking screenshots at the moment :huh:.  I think it has to do with running ksp from a folder on my desktop instead of from steam.  I'll see what I can do before going too far. :) 

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I have a ship ready to launch once it swings around.  Don't know if i'll have time to get to that tonight as I have work in the early morning.  I will post an update on this as soon as I can though :D

Edit:  I also just noticed that it's orbiting the opposite direction as the turn of Kerbin.  I get to launch with an interesting heading... :) 

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