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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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10 hours ago, Steeeeve said:

Nice! It would be awesome for a competing planet pack to be made that rivals the GPP pack. I've always loved the massive KSP modding community!

Competition is not what I'm aiming for.

I'm trying to create a pack of high standard to meet the demands of those already existing rather than trying to be better than them. This is a hobby, not a sport.

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The second mothership arrived today at Hox. I wanted to shorten the flight time of 25 years and made it in only 10 years. However, I have to
pay with huge fuel costs. The braking maneuver on the periapsis should need 3340 m/s dV. Then I have only 1000 m/s dV to get an orbit around
Argo and to land. Hopefully that is enough. Maybe I can use the atmosphere of Hox to brake and save some fuel.



That works very well. The altitude decreases during the maneuver to under 10000m. For that I could save an enormous amount of fuel and have
now still 1900 m/s dV left instead of the estimated 1000 m/s dV. The speed decreased in part so fast, that I had already thought to do an
emergency landing with the mother ship to Hox if the AP would fall too far. The TWR would be enough to lift again but it is not particularly
aerodynamic. The AP sank however luckily only on 160km off and so I will first burn an orbit and then set off the Relays.



The two relays are set quickly. With such a small planet one needs by far not as much dV as with Tellumo or Nero. Then I mark all biomes and
also a "?" is in. Afterwards, the mothership sets off for Argo to refuel. I can not land now on Hox, the fuel is not enough.



The mothership reaches a stable orbit around Argo, a very pretty moon. The landing is now the next thing to do, the fuel reserves will be enough.



During the descent, strange activities occur on the surface. It seems almost as if geysers were active here.



The landing was a little difficult, because I had problems finding a flat spot. The mothership tips very easily and I have to take care that the landing area fits.



After refueling I start again in the orbit. Finally enough fuel again.



The mothership remains orbit around Argo. Only the Lander with the Rover is determinated to go to Hox. As always I mount the rover to the
landerr, also the Narrow-Band scanner and start in the direction of Hox.



Some time later, the Lander arrives there and I start with the descent.



Landing went smoothly. As always, I start collecting data immediately.


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Pulled the old 0.25 detroit engine out of google drive - it still works in 1.22 :) I know sam hall's built a new upgraded version but this is what im used too and suprisingly running on an old 0.25 configuration file including sounds/smoke :D

making slow progress but progress still in ballencing 4432's transmission.. the soothing bass of the engine even at idle is a comforting thing making the task easier 

shes earnt her running number - 

around 1 year apart between locos

the comparison was required :D




4432 is born :)


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I went nuts and made my cargo plane bigger. Now 7.5m sized. Wings are 300% larger. The orange fuel tank is for scale. Goliath engines are untouched (now 10 of them).


And she flies too! Getting a bit too heavy (the wings hold 33,000 units of fuel. They weigh alot!)


I may have to add two more Goliaths just to get the take-off distance under control (it needs the entire runway to take-off).
Maybe rocket assisted as well. 400 tonnes is alot to get moving, even with 10 Goliath's running (just over 3,000 kN of thrust peak).

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1 hour ago, GDJ said:

I may have to add two more Goliaths just to get the take-off distance under control (it needs the entire runway to take-off).
Maybe rocket assisted as well. 400 tonnes is alot to get moving, even with 10 Goliath's running (just over 3,000 kN of thrust peak).

You may also want to try increasing the wing area. You're running up against the square-cube law: wing area is only going up as the square of dimension, while volume/mass is going up as the cube.

You may want to take a look at the An-225 Mriya cargo plane; it has pretty large wings relative to its fuselage.

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1 hour ago, Starman4308 said:

You may also want to try increasing the wing area. You're running up against the square-cube law: wing area is only going up as the square of dimension, while volume/mass is going up as the cube.

You may want to take a look at the An-225 Mriya cargo plane; it has pretty large wings relative to its fuselage.


Already did! :)


Wings upscaled to 375%, 14 Goliath engines, over 55,000 units max fuel capacity, 560 tonnes mass. Stupid big. :D

This pic shows it flying at 7000 metres ASL, Mach 0.91, and I only put in 1/3 of the fuel (just shy of 19,500 units! :o )

Fuel consumption is nuts, and the plane can only land at 3 locations (poles, KSC barely. It needs the whole runway to take-off and land with max brakes and all engines on full reverse).

It's been an interesting experiment.

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6 minutes ago, GDJ said:

It's been an interesting experiment.

But what if you add more power?

I mean, you haven't yet added a second pair of wings, or over-wing/fuselage-mounted engines or a RATO/parachute-assisted landing system.

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9 minutes ago, Starman4308 said:

But what if you add more power?

14 Goliaths isn't enough!? :o 
It already flies faster than a 747-400 in real life, and a hell of alot faster than a AN-225 in real life.

9 minutes ago, Starman4308 said:

I mean, you haven't yet added a second pair of wings, or over-wing/fuselage-mounted engines or a RATO/parachute-assisted landing system.

Parachutes might be useful......Hmmm....

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3 minutes ago, Starman4308 said:

I thought it was common knowledge that unless the atmosphere is on fire, it is still not enough power.

Dude, it consumed 9,000 units of jet fuel just to go to the north pole!

Besides, what would I use the plane for? Moving an entire colony?? It's just too big to be useful unless I'm transporting an entire Saturn 5 rocket to KSC2.

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4 minutes ago, qzgy said:

I dare you to try.


I'll check the length of the plane. 

I just hope there's a level enough area to land there.

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Hmm....well this engine fits with plenty of room to spare on the sides. 
Now you know how big this plane really is.


This may be a good challenge to the rest of the KSC fans out here......

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6 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Competition is not what I'm aiming for.

I'm trying to create a pack of high standard to meet the demands of those already existing rather than trying to be better than them. This is a hobby, not a sport.

well, I meant competition as in more than one planet overhaul pack out there.

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26 minutes ago, Steeeeve said:

well, I meant competition as in more than one planet overhaul pack out there.

Ah ok, I misunderstood.

Yeah, I agree. I've spent about 4 months on the planet mod as opposed to Galileo spending... a whole lot longer. Eventually I'll be happy with the mod, but there's still so much more to do!

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I landed a new mining base on Minmus.


If you're wondering why the landing rig has elevons sticking out the top, it's because it's designed for landing on Duna and the elevons are meant to keep it stable as it falls through the atmosphere. I figured that since I was sending it to Minmus to refuel and wait for a transfer window anyway I might as well get some use out of it.


This base is a similar design to the one I'm using on Ike, but instead of consisting of several parts that are assembled in orbit this one was launched all in one piece. It meant that the launch itself was quite a bit more difficult, but it stopped the dancing and sliding that I was experiencing on my Ike base. Since I'm going to be sending another one of these bases to Pol with the next transfer window I wanted to make sure all the bugs were ironed out of the design before I sent one on such a long journey.


So long, old Minmus base. You served me well, but technology marches on.

Edited by Whisky Tango Foxtrot
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Hell(n)o guys! Hope you are doing fine! 

I did some stuff later on, though not a lot (exams..are coming)

1. "Venturer" landed and returned from Dres! Yay Dres! never thought it would be so great to land on a valley's pit. (reentry was so awful ,it tore apart most of the ship. Who needs decouplers when you have atmosphere :wink:)

85Pf7pc.png gVMjVtB.png

DN0cETk.png DgdywzX.png

BHdmKSG.png VmUvwkF.png

2. Tested a space disaster scenario with an Mk4-DC (dangerous case). This small thing can deorbit itself,land and many more!

MBTw6VR.png EzEDm9n.png

MMk7cZv.png GwAUVpQ.png

3. Remember back then,i posted something about secret payload. (really back then) It was the "NightHauler" is back from its high orbit. The reentry was suspicously nice, but landing was hard and that is why pictured it.

(cuz wings are overused)

0LcL5XZ.png pKrQDwv.png


4. New way to get stuff into space is tested!-"Coaster". It is extremely fast on ascent, but when it reaches a certain altitude it releases the payload, for it to continue moving towards space.

fQEJiJ3.png Sa5TXt4.png

That is it for now folks! Stay tuned, i am building minmus base soon!




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Was adding modules to my LKO space station - a truss segment with built-in solar panels, and a six-way docking hub. The problem? As I approached the station with the expansion modules (+one small tug)... RCS controls were unresponsive. I had full control over the probe core, I had adequate fuel supplies, the RCS was turned on (In staging mode, because I never bother to enter docking mode), the RCS just... wasn't working. So I switched to the station itself, and docked it to the extension modules. And when I undocked the tug to correct it orientation, the RCS on that failed again, so I had to use my main engine to dock!

Strange, then, that this is the first time I've ever experienced this glitch ever. 

1 hour ago, cratercracker said:

 Remember back then,i posted something about secret payload. (really back then) It was the "NightHauler" is back from its high orbit. The reentry was suspicously nice, but landing was hard and that is why pictured it.

(cuz wings are overused)

0LcL5XZ.png pKrQDwv.png


Hmm... the latest X-37B landed only a few days ago... your 'NightHauler' isn't related to DARPA or the USAF in any way, is it? Oh, hell. What are they doing now!? Sushi? Spying? Secret snacks?

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What I did in KSP...was reduce by needing inspiriation  so i went and took pictures of my favorite rocket.

Talos missile.





Launcher for T series missiles.


Flame box.  


Added image for "Knowledge"!


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1 hour ago, Bornholio said:

What I did in KSP...was reduce by needing inspiriation  so i went and took pictures of my favorite rocket.


I love old rusty parts, always inspiring. ^_^

Made something very lethal today...





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I finished building my Gilly Boring Station with my SkipperShuttle. This needed 6 shuttle launches. At last i had two shuttles side by side in 130km orbit - so i decided to deorbit and land them both simultaniously. :cool:



More pics in the original posting.


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