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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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16 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Pretty sure. No shooty-zappy thing and no plunger thing and the eye isn't on a stalk.

The eye-on-a-stalk is looking right at the camera, so you only see the eye.  The shooty-zappy thing is out of frame.  The plunger thing is out of frame, too (this is just the top of the Dalek we're seeing).

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Hadn't done a straight Apollo mission in a while. Threw this together rather quickly.


Most of the time was spent tinkering with the lander.


First stage takes it all the way to orbit and begins circularization. Second stage runs dry needing just a little over a hundred dv to circularize at Mun. Completes circular orbit with command module.


Lander makes it back to orbit and redocks on fumes. Lot of wasted dv left on the command module even after circularizing at Kerbin.


Beautiful landing. On whole just needs a little tweaking.



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I guess I didn't realize I had so many irons in the fire... 8 missions attended to this afternoon, KAC alarms going off one after another, and I'm still not done. Finished mapping Vall, started Tylo. Bug-Drop closing in on a Moho encounter. AstroCatch2 finally made its encounter, currently sucking the little asteroid dry of resources. Hawkeye is closing in on its Moho encounter... telescope to peer down into the Mohole with. The massive Eeloo-Explorer closes in and prepares for its final insertion burn... might happen tonight. It's a crewed mission... scary. And..... we're going to Dres baby! Dres landers L1 and L1b are enroute... crewed missions. That should make some of you out there happy. :wink: It's not the first visit however, mapping is all completed, and there's a CommSat array inbound paving the way.

Oh, and I forgot the Adam-Lander test... Eve bound.

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Thanks to the help of KJR and some assistance of the Shift-F12 menu (I wasn't re-doing all those launches and rendezvous, a glitch ruined the station, not me), the Hyperion Konstruction Station is re-completed, loaded with mining drones, and now in LMO.  Mining begins tomorrow.




1 hour ago, LordFerret said:

That should make some of you out there happy. :wink:

I love me some Dres. <3

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Asleep at the wheel. My fault.

The Hawkeye Moho encounter didn't go well... at all... total failure. Dealing with some issues regarding the Eeloo-Explorer, I missed the mark for Hawkeye - even though I had a KAC alarm set. Lesson: Don't ignore your alarms, you set them for a reason. Hawkeye's only alternative hope was to become a new crater, and indeed it did.

The Eeloo-Explorer issues aren't looking too good. The CommSat relays sent in advance were built with early technology, and thus ran out of electricity during crucial final burns. Crossing ones fingers doesn't seem to help any in such situations. Scratch them off. They're cosmic paperweights, adrift. The Explorer itself and her crew are facing the cold hard reality of a fuel shortage... Do we risk landing or just take some pictures and pack up and go home? I think the latter of the two will be prudent. Maybe next time.


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14 hours ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

The eye-on-a-stalk is looking right at the camera, so you only see the eye.  The shooty-zappy thing is out of frame.  The plunger thing is out of frame, too (this is just the top of the Dalek we're seeing).

Did you not watch the video? That image is just the thumbnail for the video.

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Hi all,

A new try to The Ultimate Jool 5 Challenge... :D


1st Level, Low weight ISRU SSTO, Just Bill and this space plane, KSP 1.3.1 stock + KER mod, 32481kg, 120273:funds:, 65parts, and a lot of fun :)

Cost of the mission: 120273-118738 recovered = 1535:funds:

Craft File: J5C SSTO ISRU Light

Album: https://imgur.com/a/lrhCz

F5/F9 were used a lot... as usual :wink:

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I sent a new shipment to Duna.


This one contains a new fuel tank, power/comm strut and habitation module for my stations around Duna and Ike, a science/scanner satellite to replace the heavily outdated one currently in orbit and a large crew transport module that currently only houses a handful of tourists that wanted to see the planet and its moon. This will be used at the next Duna->Kerbin transfer window to bring my Duna crew home; I've decided that the planet gets too little traffic to justify a continued presence and I've already made my science landings there.

Explorer 1 has departed from Dres on its way back to Kerbin, leaving behind an unmanned fuel depot station and lander to support future missions.


I'm going to have to keep a close watch on this ship as her returns home since it's very easy for her MPL to build up enough science to overwhelm her relatively small battery capacity. This wasn't an issue during her earlier missions to Eve and Moho since her Gigantor solar panels could easily keep her batteries charged that close to the sun, but they can't do the same near Dres, further justifying the construction of Explorer 2 (with an increased battery capacity and some extra-solar power generation capabilities) for the Eeloo mission.

My Moho tourists have returned safely.


I suppose technically their trip isn't over yet since they're still at Minmus, but every remaining step of their trip is completely routine now. The returning fuel transport vehicle will come in handy for filling up the next few interplanetary missions but will then be sent to Ike to help keep its station's fuel reserves topped up.

My Minmus surface base crew had been at their posts for around a year so I decided it was time to rotate them out. I decided to send them on a brief detour to the Mun (along with a couple of other astronauts that I launched with some Jool-bound equipment) in order to get some experience there, which let me conduct the first crewed test of my new rover design.


It works well, but it's a bit prone to tipping. I think I might try to lower its centre of gravity before sending a similar rover to Duna.

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17 hours ago, Red Shirt said:


Lander makes it back to orbit and redocks on fumes. Lot of wasted dv left on the command module even after circularizing at Kerbin.

Beautiful landing. On whole just needs a little tweaking.

Congrats! Just some quick (totally unsolicited :D ) advice...the placement of your RCS on your lander is way forward of the center of mass (CoM). Since the thrust coming out of the RCS isn't aligned with the CoM it's going to try to rotate your lander each time you fire them. That's going to make it a lot harder to control.

Try loading your lander in the VAB all by itself. Pull up the CoM indicator and align your RCS thrusters with the CoM. This should make docking a lot easier because it won't be spinning when you try to translate.

Hope this helps! :)

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38 minutes ago, Tyko said:

Pull up the CoM indicator and align your RCS thrusters with the CoM. This should make docking a lot easier because it won't be spinning when you try to translate.

Your absolutely correct, however I was going for a look. Turns out my memory of the look was a little (lot) fuzzy. It didn't matter as I was able to maneuver just fine. Notice the RCS location on my command module is pretty much on center.

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28 minutes ago, Red Shirt said:

Your absolutely correct, however I was going for a look. Turns out my memory of the look was a little (lot) fuzzy. It didn't matter as I was able to maneuver just fine. Notice the RCS location on my command module is pretty much on center.

Yea, I saw that. On the real LEM the RCS were placed really high, but that's because the lower half of the craft was left on the moon's surface...it is a cool little lander. If the command module is performing the docking maneuvers maybe just drop the RCS and monoprop from the lander entirely and save weight? :)

By the way, where are your parachutes?

Edited by Tyko
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10 minutes ago, Tyko said:

By the way, where are your parachutes?

Tucked away neatly inside the adapter on the nose of the pod.... OK it's slightly cheaty but I sometimes try things like this when I know IRL it is what would be done. I surface mounted radial chutes then used the gizmos to hide them inside the adapter. I wasn't sure if they would deploy but turns out no problem. I also have extra mono and the batteries located inside the stack decoupler.

By the way, I made the RCS into a 5 nozzle unit by using clipping.

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Today I was once again fiddling with low-tech Minmus-capable shuttles. It's my new career mode playthrough, and this time it is mostly stock. I've already made a decent Minmus capable shuttle in my previous playthrough, but it has some nasty mod part I don't remember from which mod it is, so I can't reuse this design. So I'm fiddling with a new one.

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47 minutes ago, PaperAviator said:


I'm testing a reversible plane



27 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Once I wire up the plugin, you'll be able to play .wav files if you put them in the 000WildBlueTools/Music folder. It'll come with a few CC-BY-NC-SA licensed disco-like music files...



 there’s a word for Keepers like me...

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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Introducing the Space Bar:

Once I wire up the plugin, you'll be able to play .wav files if you put them in the 000WildBlueTools/Music folder. It'll come with a few CC-BY-NC-SA licensed disco-like music files...

No, I don't think I will be keeping those music files. But I do bet I will be putting in a few of my own... :D

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