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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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7 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

If you copied the link too soon after uploading it will not be the “correct” link and the box will go red when trying to insert. Wait 5-10 seconds after upload to imgur to see it say upload complete. Once it fully completes you can save image address then paste it into “Insert image from URL” and it should work. Or go to your gallery to locate your desired image to get its BBCode for direct insert in the text field. Image wont appear this way iirc until you fully submit the post. 080202212025

I figured it out, I have to insert the image address instead of the page link







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I am putting together a Duna expedition for career. First step was the lander, it will be the core of the expedition.


'Mulsa' has a large ISRU converter and 2 drills. It also carries all the science experiments. 3 Nerva provide enough thrust so that I can land with other modules like a 8 person Hab or large ore container docked. I also added robotic stabilizers that extend some grip pads so it does not slide across the surface.

It survived most of the 100 meter drop tests, so I will launch this soon for trials at Minmus.


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I give up on fixing one mystifying issue and another one pops up. :mad: For some reason, whenever KSP loads into the flight scene (i.e. launch from VAB) the screen doesn't stop being black. I can go to the map view (which is not blacked-out for whatever reason), interact with the flight instruments, even right-click parts, but the screen is still black, like the loading thing forgot it wasn't loading anymore. Even stranger is that the aerodynamic FX are still visible, giving me a ghostly outline of the craft on a black background. Oh, and loading into the KSC does it, too. Which means if I want to save and quit I have to press pause, hope it wasn't paused already, and guess where the quit-to-main-menu button is. 

When something like this happens, there's nothing I can do to fix it. I have to hope that a good old off-and-on-again will stop whatever strange problems have happened this time, and in the meantime I really hope that someday, I'll have a computer that won't be laggy. I'm so sick and tired of slow computers. I just want something that runs without any problems. I know that's a tall order, but computers have been around for four score and seven years. You'd have figured they'd be fast by now. Or that the code would be properly optimized. I know the reasons that's an unrealistic expectation, but I'm angry at slow computers right now. Even my twenty-year-old laptop, which ran surprisingly well about a year ago, has suddenly gained an inability to work with haste since I dug it out of storage.

Tips, anybody, for appeasing the kraken?

Edited by Kimera Industries
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4 hours ago, DareMightyThingsJPL said:

I've been at work adding various fuel tank types into the the mod RationalResources, and modifying an engine to use LqdHydrogen and LqdFluorine

Ah yes, the most benign of all fuel mixtures. I think you want to inject some LqdLithium into that mix to spice things up a little.

Rocketdyne tested such a tripropellant engine in the 60s. The exhaust products corrode glass, but hey, the ISP was 542 seconds.

Edited by Duke MelTdoWn
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I did something that, frankly, I am NOT sure was worth the effort and multiple kraken attacks. I captured and relocated to a Kerbin orbit Comet Gilvey-Dalorf 1. This was a royal PAIN. Mission from launch to capture was about 5-7 years. I didnt look at the MET when I was done, at one point once in Kerbins SOI I was at about 4 years and change, and it took several orbits at an obscenely slow pace to get into a good position to lower it.





We have capture


Arrival in Kerbin SOI




Its tail as seen from KSC


This mission was so cursed it caused me to hit the wrong button while trying to add the images. I am NOT doing this again. EVER.



Edited by AlamoVampire
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