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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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A true today picture of my first Duna as well as Kerbals landing on another world that is not in Kerbin's SOI.


If you noticed something missing in the pic. I landed a wee bit to hard while thrusters where still engaged. Needless to say they flew off leaving the can lander behind. Stranding Seegas and Thompner dirt side. While another Kerbal that was left in orbit sends out an S.O.S. back to Kerbin. Atl east they will have plenty of time to study the place till I build and send a rover to them.

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A true today picture of my first Duna as well as Kerbals landing on another world that is not in Kerbin's SOI.

If you noticed something missing in the pic. I landed a wee bit to hard while thrusters where still engaged. Needless to say they flew off leaving the can lander behind. Stranding Seegas and Thompner dirt side. While another Kerbal that was left in orbit sends out an S.O.S. back to Kerbin. Atl east they will have plenty of time to study the place till I build and send a rover to them.

There's a picture? :/

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Got my 1st Kethane-sucker, "Minmus Rig #1", in operation. Got a gusher on my 1st hole :). I know the jargon is to "mine" Kethane but I'm an old oilfield hand and the liquid/gas nature of the stuff and the fact that you drill for it instead of dig for it can't help but make me think Kethane "field" instead of "deposit". So, my ships that get it out of the ground are "rigs" and those that process it into other stuff are "refineries". This ship is both a "rig" and a "refinery".


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Made my first attempt for the Doctor Goddard's Rocket challenge (I don't recall its exact name at the moment).


Didn't make orbit but I was at least able to control its flight for the most part. I think it needs moar fuel and not moar SAS. Or Reaction Wheels - whatever the hell they're called today.

Learned that the new crawlway really really likes to eat up rover tires. Especially if you hit it head on at about 20 m/s...

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Dropped a bomb into Jool, precipitating the wiping of all intelligent life from the Kerbol system. Given I only hire the stupidest of kerbonauts, my space program continues uninterrupted.


Now on the third attempt at that mission: first attempt found a fault in the design of the five scansats inside the fairing, second was aborted when I accidently hit quickload and loaded up a save from the first attempt...

Must admit I'm not totally sold on Novapunch yet - still more of a fan of KW's style - but 5m rockets are really clean heavy lifters.


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Seeing as I'd brought my favorites from older saves, today I hired my first kerbalnaught.

"Chad Kerman, your resume meets our requirements. We're sending you on a 7 day mission on the Mun in an hour."


Wehrwin and Melmy probably insisted the new guy attempt an EVA before they landed on the Mun.

The mission was to inspect the northern pole and investigate if craters had formed there as well. It didn't seen too different, a little darker maybe.


It's hard to find good landing spots in the northern highlands. I ended up moving the lander to get closer to the pole.


Running low on pack fuel, Melmy used a technique to efficiently climb to the top of the polar spire. He jumped, used the jet pack to move forward and jumped again.

Their spacecraft is a dot on the left side.

Edited by Tw1
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Space Station Athena just after i docked last fuel tank to her. Space for ten Kerbals, 10 000 units of fuel + 750 mono and 6400 xenon. Whew. Took me a long time to haul everything to LKO, and i'm still not done. Athena still needs another docking module, some more solar panels, a bit more of monopropellant. And at least two escape pods...just in case. And i've put a MapSat into Minmus's orbit. All in all very productive day.

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Airplane stuff as usual

He -162 Mock-up


Making people spill their coffeAAD2A8AC10A2AEE00950044302E354AD79A90CD2

Pressed EVA button by accident over north pole.


(If you are wondering how is that possible I have set my hat switch on joystick set up to emulate mouse and also a button that emulates Mouse2 button and when looking around the cursor wondered towards the EVA and when i pressed the mouse2 button to look around i found myself slowly floating away from the aircraft)

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Airplane stuff as usual

He -162 Mock-up

(If you are wondering how is that possible I have set my hat switch on joystick set up to emulate mouse and also a button that emulates Mouse2 button and when looking around the cursor wondered towards the EVA and when i pressed the mouse2 button to look around i found myself slowly floating away from the aircraft)

Hey what program did you use to get that readout of GPU performance and FPS?

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There's a picture? :/

Yes there is a picture. Just taken at night right after landing. (Could suggest looking dead center at your screen to turnning up the gama might help. Don't know yer settings. Anyways.) For joysticks. You could try the Logitech Extream3D Pro which might be around $60. Not bad for what it is.

Also had a good launch where my fun solid fuel rocket start had a nice intrecept with my Kerbal Duna Rescue Craft with Rover. true my little drone did not have enough liquid fuel. But, it was still nice since I hardly have the patients to wait for such a launch setup. Usually not able to such a clean one do to verious reasons as well.

Saame picture of Duna yestarday but during the day and happy Kerbals inside the can lander.


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Yes there is a picture. Just taken at night right after landing. (Could suggest looking dead center at your screen to turnning up the gama might help. Don't know yer settings. Anyways.) For joysticks. You could try the Logitech Extream3D Pro which might be around $60. Not bad for what it is.

Heh, well my screens are already calibrated for color accuracy, but the forum background is pure white and the pic was extremely dark, and since my screens like to play games with the display based on average contrast (I can't afford thousand dollar pro panels), the pic showed up with very few visible details.

As for the joystick, that's a very different design from what Logitech used to put out! It looks a lot beefier than previous models, and definitely caught my eye. Thanks for the suggestion, I might just be trying that one out! :)

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If it wasn't for the displays everywhere, everything about this pic would be epic.

Well I wanted to preserve Jeb's happy face but i could have turned of the FAR readouts.

Hey what program did you use to get that readout of GPU performance and FPS?

I use MSI afterburner.

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