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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Finished construction of the Pegasus. 336 Parts and 290 tonnes. The plan is to take it on an almost-grand tour-won't land kerbals on Eve (though I will drop a pair of probe rovers) or Tylo because my laptop can only handle so much and the necessary landers for a return would add too many parts. I've strategically stationed refuelling tankers throughout the Kerbol system. I am already insanely proud of myself for just building the thing, can't wait to take it out for a spin. Presently has a crew of 8, including the big 3.


The pilot's view from the command tower


Farewell Kerbin, we shan't see you again for some time


Edited by Brapness
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Brapness, I want to launch a piracy mission and steal that ship. I guess at 260 tonnes, what's a command bridge or two :D Also a good reminder that I could swap out my poodle engine my station for some LV-N's without a headache, which might be enough to shave an entire engine pod off my craft. I am interested to know how it handles, given the different sized landers on the bow.

Must have been a real treat to put that together. I think there is definitely something right about taking such a ship on a tour of the system. Maybe it's the feeling that a big mission deserves a big trip, or a feeling of safety. A small ship is all you have. You have the ship you brought. Something goes sideways flying that ship and you have options for setting down someplace or building a different ship, stuff like that.

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Finished construction of the Pegasus. 336 Parts and 290 tonnes.

Darn it. I love pictures of stuff like that. It does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of making me want to build and launch something bigger from the surface.

Preliminary planning is already underway. I shall call it the "Marmot Class Cruiser".

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Today, I docked my second SSTO to my new space station. A harrowing experience, since I get insane amounts of lag whenever I'm near it due to the massive part count. It actually took so long to dock, that I had to split it into two sessions, as it just got too late to continue yesterday.


After that, I needed to calm myself, so I dropped another probe on Duna. This is QT-Probe 3.


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After my first succesful Mun landing, probes ofc, why waste good test su---astronauts, decided to cement it with a second one, which i got 16 km away, not bad. Most astonishing thing? Loading a save game with the struts extended while they're on I-beams makes them disconnect from the ship. Not one single problem for a rookie professional like me:


I wonder if i can land on one single I beam. :D KSP doesn't have moon winds does it? :)

Edited by Cosmitz
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My first test to see if the gemini + challenge was possible, went some what tits up due to a C.A.T. error (and ended up with a strut bug)









After this my cat jumped on my keyboard and my screen went blank :-( Also when I tried it later without a Kerbal on the lander i was somewhat short of dV.

ps. still uploading images, so it might take a while before all images are up :$

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I found out that Mechjeb's docking auto pilot will keep running even if you switch to a different ship. So Mechjeb docked the little space tug to the big piece while I docked the big piece to the Icarus. It was all about team work until I started messing with the poor thing....

"look we're going faster!!!"

*big puffs of RCS*

"and now we're going slower!!"

*big puffs of RCS*

"and now we're going faster!!"

*big puffs of RCS*

but then MechJeb got it's revenge in the end when it docked first and things got horrible unbalanced only 5 meters away from docking ... should have thought of that.


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Playing with Rovers for my Jool mission.


This thing started as simply a way to run KAS lines out past 50 meters. Then I stuck the SAS unit on the bottom and found it'd make a great 1 man buggy, and so I added a seat.

If you turn SAS on it will stay like that, it has the control torque to roll the rover around without the wheels. It's also nigh indestructible, I've only managed to break the docking port off. However any kerbal in the seat will get ejected if you roll it.

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Got bored and found out that my 1K to the Mun and back rocket has enough delta-v to reach Eve. I flew straight off Kerbin until i left it's gravity and then did a couple minor corrections and landed for the first time on Eve. Now to do a rescue mission but his altitude is 1300m.


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Pegasus arrived at Eve on the first leg of its Grand tour. Unfortunately things just went wrong after that. I aimed a little high with the aerobrake and didn't achieve capture as intended. My navball glitched and seemed to be onboard a completely different ship as it just kept spinning and pointing all the wrong ways. The ship held together fine on the aerobrake but as it left the atmosphere it entered a spin, that in map mode I was unaware of due to the navball glitch. So I fired the engines unaware of the spin. Now the ship wobbles whenever the engines fire, with the spin it tore one of the engine block's docking points from the tanks. Jeb managed to fly the increasingly unstable ship into a highly elliptical orbit but it looks like some deep space repairs are necessary. I'm not willing to rely on just one docking point.



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So I've logged over 50 hours of KSP and realized I hadn't actually built a space station. I had tried a few times, but could never really find a solid reason to build one. But earlier today I did, with the Bio-Fuels mod. It's not finished, and I'm thinking I may have planned a big too big. In any case, here we are 8 launches later:



And all light up on the darkside:


At present it sits at 79 tons with 14 Kerbals in the station. Didn't keep track of part count but wish I had, my frame rate drops considerably. The plan is (was) to have a mono-prop and liquid fuel reactors running and docked perpendicular to the struts leading to the solar panels, and have a set of fuel tanks docked up at the bottom of the station. Given the current part count not so sure how well this plan will work, but only one way to find out.

I used Infernal Robotics for the powered hinges to open the ends of the solar panel sections to get more panels in, and while opening things got laggy, I pressed the button just a little too much and broke two of the panels off. The station is also VERY wobbly, and I have since locked the rotating rings I had planned to use to rotate the ship docking ports around so I could avoid having to turn the whole station when making docking easier. I tried them once, before the solar panel sections when in place, and the torque almost ripped the station apart.

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