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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Where to begin, finally landed (crashed) on the Mun, now Jeb and Bill are stranded, built a recovery lander and a rover (seperately) and sent up the rover, Philton was on board, and tragically he didn't make it, the skycrane+rover crashed into the surface of the Mun...

I sent up a second rover+skycrane it's currently n orbit around the Mun as is the Recovery Lander being piloted by Bob, in the process of landing the rover on the Mun as close to Jeb and ill as possible so they can use it to get to the recovery lander when it touches down...

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Put a bonnet on a giant scorpion... wait that's the wrong game, in more ways than one.

Tried a different tech tree, played it until I reached the point that it didn't feel much different than the stock one, then called it a day.

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Planning my mission to Duna. I got the lander with it's rover and an orbit return drop ship. It's stuck on a little insertion stage of a poodle and pancake so the idea is we get it to Duna via some nice nuke powered interplanetary stage and get all of that up on a massive lifter.


So as it hits the Dunan (?) atmosphere we pop the parachutes on it's back, drop the drop ship, which has it's own parachutes, and hopefully land within rover distance of each other.




This lifter isn't quite up to the task yet, probably need another asparagus stage on those, but it's looking nice I think, and yes, I like purple :D

Edited by Monkeh
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Today was my first time having multiple ongoing interplanetary missions. Sent out three lander probes, with one going to Duna, another to Ike, and the last splashed down on Laythe. All three were successful, though the solar panels on the Laythe one broke in the water. Luckily I was able to transmit most of the data.

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I managed to break my Kerbal SPace Program so that it would not start up (none of the copies of KSP I have on my computer would start...they all complained about KSP having crashed while trying to open some windows...and would I like to try opening them again...and then it crashed with either choice).

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I managed to break my Kerbal SPace Program so that it would not start up (none of the copies of KSP I have on my computer would start...they all complained about KSP having crashed while trying to open some windows...and would I like to try opening them again...and then it crashed with either choice).

There was a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of readers of your adventures suddenly cried out, "NOOO NOOOOOO NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" ;.; Is this the real story behind the massive Kerbol flare cliffhanger?

Geez, what a disaster. Hopefully, however, this might bring a slight grin to your face to compensate somewhat:


I decided to just get weird today. Here we have an ion-powered crew module (the long skinny upper half), a Jool-capable transfer stage using 8x 45-7S engines instead of my usual nukes (the top part only weighs 6.5 tons), and a rather stumpy Nova-Punch ascent stage.

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So, Jeb had a bit of an...erm...incident.


After that, as I have yet to successfully land on the moon, I decided to send a lander there in his honor. Unfortunately, I am bad, so this took about six tries. In that time, Jeb came back, and I lost him to a large orbit out there in space. I'll go get him when I get better. :P

Finally, I landed on Mun. And ran out of fuel on the way down. And lost my engine. And tipped over.


Well there's your problem!

Luckily I was still able to plant my memorial to Jeb and transmit 60 science back.


Now, to wait...


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Landed a tiny unmanned rover on Eve - which also gave me my first ever close-up view of Eve while approaching the planet.

My precise-aiming carrier rocket dipped my trajectory into the atmosphere then jettisoned, plunging me into a toasty-hot high-G re-entry - the heat-shield detached still high in the atmosphere while I started up various science instrumentation, then as I descended further I opened the parachute, opened the solar panels and drifted slowly down to the surface, not far from a large lake.

A gentle landing on the surface of Eve - the parachute module detached itself with some Sepatrons and everything was ready! Disengage brakes, drive forwards a little -

- only for the soupy atmosphere to tear the solar panels right off. Disaster!


Well, it would have been if I hadn't stuck a handy RTG on the back of the rover. It takes ages to transmit data, but it works - and shall continue working for decades to come. Now, to drive to that lake!

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I put a small orbital station up around Kerbin at 400km. Not much point yet, but planning to make it an efficient stopping point for fuel. Also, just coolness. It's my first experiment with docking, which is terrifying. My tug designs have so far been excellent for the smaller parts, but I attempted to put up one of the big orange fuel tanks yesterday, and failed miserably. Will have to head back to the drawing board and make something better.

And yes, I'm aware I've brought up a lot of Mono. I need lots to experiment with ill-conceived tugs. :D



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Today Fredbald Kerman was sheduled to land on Minmus. Unfortunately the alarm clock for Fredbald was not stored in the craft and thus Fredbald overslept the encounter with Minmus. In revenge, the KSC had him circle for 48 hours (hoping for an accidental encounter) and then had him safely return to Kerbin.

Since Fredbald didn´t earn his pay properly he was sent to the Farside crater to take some surface samples. As surplus, Fredbald had the nerves to do an EVA in about 10km over the Mun. He almost made a point landing at the KSC rendering him only a few kilometers west of it.

There are rumors that the KSC will attempt to setup a refuelling station to counter the dire effects forgotten alarm clocks can have. Accountants claim that mounting alarm clocks (up to 23 so we are told) is far cheaper than a refuelling station but what the heck do they know about rocket science! Or mounting alarm clocks.

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I accidentally stranded Bil, Bob and Jeb in low Dres orbit. Their lander did rendezvous successfully with the booster stage but the total amount of fuel is not enough to get home safely.

Time to plan some kind of rescue mission. :blush:

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I accidentally stranded Bil, Bob and Jeb in low Dres orbit. Their lander did rendezvous successfully with the booster stage but the total amount of fuel is not enough to get home safely.

Time to plan some kind of rescue mission. :blush:

Do you have enough dV to leave Dres? You may want to consider trying some gravity boosts. Though they're not for the faint of heart when you get one it feels amazing :)

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Do you have enough dV to leave Dres? You may want to consider trying some gravity boosts. Though they're not for the faint of heart when you get one it feels amazing :)

Didn't think about that option. I might be able to use Jool or Duna to slingshot them back to Kerbin and still have fuel left for a safe landing.

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Today I landed my very first probe on Eve, I didnt used parachutes because the probe was designed to just get into orbit, then i changed my mind and decided to land it.

With just a small engine and a little bit of fuel I landed on Eve without parachutes.

Ran out of fuel during descend, at about 20 meters above ground, crashed landed pretty hard, but my probe survived with all its equipment.

Ended up with 600 science points :)

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Looks like Bill, Bob and Jeb are coming home after all. It turned out that pumping all remaining fuel to the lander and discarding the interplanetary booster resulted in more dV than using the nuclear engine on the booster. I now have a direct Kerbin intercept with roughly 300m/s dV left in the tanks :D

Edit: They've made it safely back home. The chutes did rip the crew pod of the lander but they landed safely.

Edited by Tex_NL
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