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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I continued working on refitting my heavy fighter to stock only and finally found a configuration that worked.

However my stock weapon systems are... lacking. The reloadable torpedoes are having damage issues for me, complete failure to destroy my dummy targets. Furthermore launching the ship itself with stock parts is gruesome to say the least.

So unless inspiration on how to make a better one strikes I am abandoning the project. It wasn't a complete waste however as the redesigned stock ship is actually quite nice and will be tweaked in my modded game to serve as a general purpose transfer ship and refitted with mod weapon systems to make a new heavy fighter... One that will be interplanetary.

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I got to Mün for the very first time (Yay :D)

However the landing was a little hard and destroyed 3 of the ship's solar arrays.

Fercal posing for a picture :


Fercal looks around the ship to see if it is any major damages :


Unfortanly Fercal didn't have enough fuel left to get back to kerbin, i could do the same as Scott Manley did by using my last fuel to shoot myself high into the sky and then try to orbit the mun with my EVA jetpack, but i think it's too risky..

So in the meanwhile, i hope Fercal have brought alot of entertainment, because it's gonna take a looong time until i get good enough parts in career mode to resque him.

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Ok so i sat up a mission to resque Fercal.

But... it wasen't that sucsesfull.

The mission was out to land around 25km away from Fercal or nearer, get him to climb up a ladder i attached to the resque vessel, and fly back to kerbin orbit where the resque guy would dump him on one of the 3 space stations orbiting kerbin, however when i was about to land the resque vessel my engine suddenly exploded due to a mystic overheat problem, and i had (ok not really) to abond the vessel at 200 meters above Mün's surface, right after i abonded the vessel it slam'd into the mün's surface, crushing some solar arrays, and tipping over for so gliding down the valley it landed on.

So now i have 2 kerbals stuck on the moon..


Next time i'm going to just let the stranded kerbal be stranded on the mün.

Edited by kola2DONO
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Today, I decided to try some mods. So naturally, I dropped a metric ton of mods into the GameData folder, and launched KSP. First load took 13 minutes... Anyway, tried to launch a new game, and when the popup menu disappears, nothing happens. The main menu stays greyed out, and can't do anything. I tried this a few times (the load times improved from the first). No dice. Now off to add each mod individually to find the culprit...

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Today I plonked two science probes on moons; one on Minmus, the other on the Mun, to milk them for all the science they've got. After a successful landing, the second one decided to hop over to a different biome with its remaining fuel (not enough). It didn't go so well, but the science equipment is still working, luckily.


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First successful mission to Eve. Eve 1 is in a nice roughly equatorial orbit. Eve 2 didn't have enough fuel remaining for it's scheduled trip to Gilly and wasn't stable enough for a powered landing on Eve, so it got parked in orbit too. In a fit of pure creative naming, the Jool 1 is currently en route to ummmm Jool.

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I dropped a metric ton of mods into the GameData folder, and launched KSP. First load took 13 minutes... and when the popup menu disappears, nothing happens. The main menu stays greyed out, and can't do anything. Now off to add each mod individually to find the culprit...

It's not a matter of "which mod", it's a matter of "how many". The answer seemed clear from your first sentence.

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First successful mission to Eve. Eve 1 is in a nice roughly equatorial orbit. Eve 2 didn't have enough fuel remaining for it's scheduled trip to Gilly and wasn't stable enough for a powered landing on Eve, so it got parked in orbit too. In a fit of pure creative naming, the Jool 1 is currently en route to ummmm Jool.

You always call your ships after planets, even in your fanfiction "first flight" you do so :P

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Yesterday I built a space station, today I got it up. Oooh-err-missus.

The lifter I built for my Duna mission looked like a good way good way to orbitise my station, it was built from scratch as an attachable component after all, yay for sub-assemblies :D


Easy does it


In position, extend blanket solar panels...


Hell yeah!


Final station stats include:

1) Circular 120K orbit (+/- 1k)

2) Monoprop carried: 5700

3) Liquid fuel carried: 9501

4) Oxidiser carried: 10,513

5) Numerous docking ports of all sizes

6) 1000m/s left on the last lifter stage should I decide to go somewhere else.

7) A hidden purple tank left over from the Duna mission...lol!


Having a wander round



Right then, next up, a proper space plane to use all those lovely consumables!

Dear holy thing that spawned us, I love this game :D

Edited by Monkeh
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Put a probe in orbit of Gilly - so far it's been the only successful long-range Sandstone-series probe I've launched, with all three of the others eaten by the Hell Kraken (that's five times it's struck now). Launched another multi-probe carrier to Jool; this one should arrive with much more fuel due to better piloting and provided the Hell Kraken doesn't strike again, I might actually be able to do an atmo dive with it once its payloads have been delivered.

Still waiting for the next Duna window in my Sandbox game - a little over 100 days to go at this point.

Discovered I'd unlocked sufficient tech to use Protractor in my career game; built a KSC ground marker lander and put it out by the Hanger, then built a Sandstone probe variant (added a goo container, used panels instead of RTGs) and launched it. Booster left a little to be desired (which is what I get for playing by ear instead of carefully planning everything out, combined with having to use four LV-T30s and a Skipper instead of just a Mainsail) but it did achieve orbit with nearly 10,000 m/s of delta-V available to it (oughta be enough to get anywhere with good piloting). I hope to replicate the Sandstone missions in my career game and use them to generate enough Science to max out my tech tree.

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It's not a matter of "which mod", it's a matter of "how many". The answer seemed clear from your first sentence.

Actually, it was a matter of which mod, and that mod just happened to be achievements. Which meant a relatively short amount of time testing. Everything works fine now :)

If anyone's curious, those mods include:

Caterpillar Tracks


Deadly Reentry

Docking Port Alignment

DROMOMAN Modular Arm Parts

Extraplanetary Launchpads



Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement


Magic Smoke Industries Parts & Infernal Robotics

Procedural Wings

Procedural Fairings


It all runs (albeit rather slowly) on my piddly little MSI laptop

Edited by scootersoup
not in alphabetical order... *ocd twitch*
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After a few false starts, I did this today while watching football:


I launched my primary Kerbin refueling depot, Gateway Station, into a 125km orbit. (Lower is generally better, but below 120km you can't use as high of a time acceleration so I don't bother trying to maximize the Oberth Effect.) The booster is a giant SSTO brick of 3.75m stacks, which you can see in the background just after separation. (I was turning the stack around to de-orbit it with the tiny amount of fuel it had left over. I'm a big believer in no-debris launches.)

I can't give an exact mass for it, since the Flight Engineer mod crashes every time I try to connect it up, but the station is somewhere in the 700-ton range. (The liquid fuel tanks alone are just over 600 tons, the ten yellow 2.5m hubs are each 4 tons, the two greenhouse rings are each 11 tons, and so on.) The nice part about using KW Rocketry's 3.75m parts is that the total part count for the station (735) stays low enough that my computer doesn't completely go slideshow. Even during the launch, with the booster and all the connecting struts included, it's only 1114 parts; laggy, but not impossible to fly.

It's now officially the largest thing I've left in orbit. (My 5000-ton SSTO boosters don't count; they orbit, but I'll de-orbit them as soon as the payload is disconnected so I don't bother refilling them and their empty mass is only about 700 tons as well.) The previous record holder in my game was a 500-ton mobile refinery design, of which I'd launched about a dozen.

The best part? With its sheer bunkerage and the four big hybrid ion engines (250kN, ISP 900) I could drive one of these stations to another planet if need be. I may do it, too, now that I've fine-tuned my new Kethane refinery vessel (~300 tons).

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Well my objective is to set up operations at Jool, mining kethane, etc. That's not the real purpose, the real purpose is HOW I get there. I want to design a huge carrier ship that can carry everything I need: Refuelers, Miners, satellites, and refineries. I haven't played in a while.

Well I made my carrier and it took me all night to get it into orbit last night. Got it there, built the refueler all day today, then finally got it into orbit and rendezvous with the carrier. The rendezvous took a while.


Well...I put the wrong damn docking ports on.

So I tried again, and after another lengthy rendezvous, I got the docked. Sadly, I didn't think about using more than one port...so when I hit the accelerator...bad things happen. UGH. So now I'm gonna take a break, put on more ports, and possibly try Quantum Struts, which, at the very least will give me something to do in EVA.


At least I got a lot of experience...

Picture quality sucks cuz so many parts and damn KSP always crashes. I'm ready for 64 bit Unity...

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I want to buy it, I really do, but as I said in another post in another thread, I'm only 13 year old, so I can't buy it myself, so I'll have to wait until Christmas or something until I can get this jewel of a game.

That, and KSP is worth almost double at where I live - $44,99, and that's the Steam version. The original, non-Steam version is worth $52,86. That's why I hate the fact that there's different currencies.

That, and I don't think I'd be able to get to Tylo, because I can't even get to the Mün in the Demo version without crashing and face-planting Kerbals' nose DNA into the rocky surface of that cursed moon, because no matter how much fuel I add, the rocket ALWAYS runs out of fuel in the way there.


That price is anomalously high! Where do you live after all?

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Today, the ground crew of the Duna Explorer mission received an unexpected surprise from home, months after calling back with a suggestion to re-task the Sherpas for air-based exploration, and requesting a ground-based supply of RCS fuel to help save the time consumed with trips to and from Bruin to top off.


Jeb wasn't sure what to make of the newly-arrived equipment, until he got a closer look at it.

"Uh... guys?" he called back to the station crew, "You're not going to believe this. It's a service platform!"


Delivered by a specially-built automated harness, the landing and service platform gives the mission's dropships a ground-based means of replenishing their RCS fuel.

Jeb is all about being the first to take off from it. Here's hoping he doesn't launch off at full throttle!


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