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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Launched a station. Launched a shuttlecraft and crewed the station.

Launched a mission to Minimus, and then to the Mun.

Launched a fuel tanker to rescue the Mun mission after the lander redesigns made it too heavy.

Launched the transfer stage for my Duna landing mission. Tweaked the design and launched it again after it exploded.

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Been getting my butt kicked by FAR. Finally decided to try it and I'm now struggling to get simple atmospheric planes flying stable. But I'm having fun, even though I've destroyed about 30 crafts already.

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Didn't have a lot of time to play the game today; launched the Ranger Able 7 mission towards Dres and the Ranger Fox 7 mission towards Tylo. I'm not entirely sure that I didn't accidentally launch the Ranger Able mission towards Eeloo by mistake. In fact I'm positive I'm way short on delta-V for that mission...

The Ranger Fox mission has not been particularly encouraging so far either. I'm sure it'll make it to Vall, it's just the delta-V requirements for a round trip that have me worried.

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I followed arsenic87's solution and killed the audio hitching bug in this game COMPLETELY. That's what I did in KSP today. (Somebody send that cat some cookies/beer/wine/whatever goes good with a side of epic win).



Copy the Mono folder from the launcher folder to overwrite/replace the one in KSP_Data. The launcher uses a newer version of Mono that doesn't have the audio buffer dump bug during garbage collection. You'll still get little hiccups in frames, but with some of your huge ships, you probably won't notice that at all since your sound will be playing completely uninterrupted!

Edited by Deadweasel
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Watching Kerbalkon, and now I want to play more!! I think once .23 hits I will start my space station complete with a snack lab....errr science lab! I have lots of ideas now for what I want it to look like, I just need to see what the science lab will look like.

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Today I sent a manned mission to Duna to do some science. However I ran out of RCS fuel when docking my capsule back with it's mothership so had to dock without RCS. Hardest thing I've ever had to do on KSP and hope I never have to do it again.

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Today I sent a manned mission to Duna to do some science. However I ran out of RCS fuel when docking my capsule back with it's mothership so had to dock without RCS. Hardest thing I've ever had to do on KSP and hope I never have to do it again.

No RCS on the mothership?? My tug has some on it as a backup in case I need to dock from there to the lander.

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Just for giggles yestarday. Tried to get a nuke powered plane to make orbit around Kerbin. Needless to say I had to use Turbo Jet to make it high enough so the the thrust was enough to keep it speeding up. Regardless back to the drawing board. Might have to make it a 3 engine craft with 2 spikes.

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My newest KSP obsession is making shuttles.

Shuttle (which is huge)


Shuttle Mini (which is actually at a 'realistic' size)


Shuttle nano (which is useless)


[un]Surprisingly, the better one is the Mini.But the work horse is of course the big, mean Shuttle.The initial idea was to put one into another (Shuttle Nano inside the cargo bay of the Shuttle Mini inside the cargo bay of the Shuttle, for de lulz), but then i realized something.They have wings.

But even like this, you can still fit 2 Nanos into the big one.

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Everyone is home!

The duna crew were a piece of cake, but I spent about 10 hours getting the stranded Laythe crew home. As an added bonus I hooked up a flyby of Tylo on the way out.

I've got a new respect for folks with a return chevron on their Laythe badge, that crap is hard work.

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Today I wanted to test yet another interplanetary craft that requires no docking that can get me to any of the planets.

Just wanted to get away from Kerbin SOI if I could. Well.. I did!

She now is sitting on a Fifty-seven day cruise along Kerbins orbital path before launching out towards Jool

Day 12- Jebs playin poker with Bob an Bill.

Day 19- The modules beggining to smell like...

Day 27- "Did you remember to leave mechjeb at home?" .. "No. I thought you did..."

Day 27- "I'm sorry Jebediah... I can't let you do that"

Day 57- "Uh... Jool one this is mission control... Come in" .... "Jool one?" ..... "Hello?"


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I got my Minmus LO station 2/3's built (when I get home I'll post photos). Once the station is fully operational, she will be placed at an altitude of 7km. I also built micro probes for mapping Minmus that can be deployed off of the XL girders. And for now, I'm conceptualizing a method for aligning structures once I land them on Minmus so I can use the Bavarian walkways properly (work is slow tonight).

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I built the "An Exercise in Absurdity Mk8". I took one final screenshot, saved it, and went to launch. Game crashed.


Now it won't even load into the VAB without bringing the game to a halt. I finally found out how much rocket it took to break the universe. But... hanging on to it, just in case .23 saves it.

Want the file?


... use at your own peril.

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Built and test flew a ship to act as a rescue pod to evacuate eleven Kerbals from my space station, if the need arises. Test flew it to within 200 metres of the space station's docking port and ran out of electricity! Then I had to launch a rescue mission to rescue the rescue ship. Oh - well!

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Assembled the components of my multi-part interplanetary ship in the VAB, HyperEdited the whole thing into orbit, and then made some tweaks to said modules based on the results. (Added a few more floodlights, moved the telescope, and shortened the engine module a bit by cutting the fuel tanks to just what it needs to rendezvous and dock.)

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