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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Designed a snappy and functional looking off-kerbin base (which I do hope to show off in a while). Did some work on a research facility/rover unit to go with it, but the laptop at my parental house HATES KSP with a passion. Thought about how to make an ion-powered SSTO in a way which keeps me under 400 ish parts, while still giving me at least 10 km/s when reaching space.

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I had been wondering for a while what kind of refueling infrastructure I should build to support my Laythe colony, and how to get it there in the first place. Today I decided not to bother with any infrastructure. My heavy kethane mining ship that was designed to refuel returning interplanetary ships in one go can do it all, and it doesn't even need a transfer stage.


The payload looks a bit bulky, but it's surprisingly light.


Now I'm just waiting for the next transfer window.

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Today I built and tested my Solar Probe MKI. I built it in my testing sandbox save, but made it using only parts I have available to me in my career mode.


I got a bit close to the sun and seen an odd black spot on each side of the craft. Oh and by close I had a periapsis of 6,000 meters, it actually didn't give me a node but KDATA showed me the numbers.


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Spent most of the day building my Duna I Mission rocket, basically I'm building it in space in modules, first up was the control centre (crew Quarters), next a docking portion/science part.

It has 3 attachment points (docking ports) so my plan is to attach 2 satellites which I'll put in orbit around Duna and a Rover to lad on Duna, designed the rover and the satellite, attached one of them, plan for tomorrow is to attach the the other two and a fuel module.

Sry I got no pics, forgot the take them!

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Hey all,

Today I started a sandbox and Atmosfear One was born! Idea - design, build, test, tinker with design, flight test (get her* off the ground), flight test maneuverability, flight test - land without exploding. After quite a bit of learning, I managed to achieve all I set out to do. Flight aint'nt easy when your vehicle flies like a brick and handles like an angry bull!

Atmosfear One;


I also had a bit of fun designing my own KSP flag (put it in directory for use in KSP);


And uploaded my stempunkish Kerbal to my usual back up storage;


Not bad considering I had little time to do all that.

Have fun.

*Her - my language here may be somewhat archaic however, I mean no disrespect. I read a book a long time ago about etiquette in regard to business and in it businesses were said to be male and (some) machines such as ships and cars and other vehicles were said to be female but I forget why. I do remember many years ago a fellow student asked a teacher why he gave his car a female name and the reply was on the lines of "Because she, as all females, is a thing of beauty" and right or wrong that kinda stuck with me.

Edited by UKNightWatch
a little spell check
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had 4 engines, landed with one, also, lost my nose.

note to self, no more buzzing the tower with your long range bombers.

i later found out the plane can also fly mostly fine with one wing, im bad at listening to my own advice.

Edited by Jordanpumah
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Thought I'd take a crack at a challenge that involved flying two Jumbo64 tanks over to the island runway and back again without breaking. Didn't make it off the KSC runway on account of shoddy structural design. Might have to try again tomorrow.

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-Added the ForceIVA mod with beautiful and breathtaking results. KAS attachment will need to be done outside First Person EVA.

-Added RealisticISPScaler, was surprised by my tiny payload fraction, and removed the mod because it caused my editor to hang.

-Tested my interplanetary shuttle, which has enough life support and fuel to bring six Kerbals to any low orbit that is not of a Joolian moon. I may expand my shuttle's mission to six Kerbals to any low orbit in the system except for Kerbol's. I with RPM flew via IVA: from my cabin watching my fairing drop and reveal beautiful Kerbin exhilarated me. I need more monopropellant and a stronger RCS system because my RCS dV and acceleration are insufficient. Considering a twin LV-N setup with a 750L Monopropellant tank and a Jumbo fuel tank. This tank system would be compatible with my existing lifter infrastructure.


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Yesterday/This morning (as it just hit midnight in Michigan) I took and changed up the Solar Probe MKI to have a command pod on it, and thus Solar Man Can MKI was born!


But like all manned missions this one took a detour....to Moho.


I got down to 11km from the surface, but did not have enough fuel to make an orbit.


All in all this was a good test of a craft design I had no real hopes of actually performing all that well. This also marks my first successful flyby of Moho so I am happy. Maybe I should try for Dres next or Jool with this craft just to see what it can really do.

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- Installed RasterPropMonitors and ViewVessel (VesselViewer?)

- Did a full IVA docking maneuver, from launch to rendezvous to connection.

- Got to Jool and back somehow (sped up too fast and missed my node, causing me to escape Jool).

Overall it's been an awesome couple of days.

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Messed around with a new spaceplane design. Achieved low orbit, but didn't have the fuel/RCS to dock with Station Aleph. But I'm sure I can do it. Turbojets, RAPIERs, ram intakes and aerospikes are not necessary for spaceplanes and I'll prove it. Just a few more iterations...

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^ I'm also messing around with spaceplanes, it's getting pretty absorbing - so much so that my interplanetary explorations are getting behind schedule! Do you have a screencap of your new design?

I've made a carrier aircraft that can carry my spaceplane. I'll be doing some unpowered Enterprise-style approach and landing tests, before moving on to x-15 type powered flights. Then I've got to figure out if I want to hitch some boosters onto the wings, or to go with a traditional shuttle setup. I'd love to get the thing into orbit from a carrier aircraft launch though - that'd be so cool :cool:

Edited by DunaRocketeer
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Continued to mess around with that design a bit, overwriting as I went. Still no success. Unfortunately no screencap.

Threw together a quick Mun mission for Bob. Got the Twin Crater science, the near Mun crew report (that I had somehow overlooked), and the high above/near Mun Materials studies. Took a few research nodes, but still pointedly ignoring turbojets (Which are in High Altitude Flight, IIRC).

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Yesterday (I tend to play until I drop so I don't get around to reporting till the next day ^^;) I launched a new Crew Transport with a lot less redundant fuel mass and a big docking port so it can deorbit my fuel tanker when the time comes, and put the finishing touches on the Kerbatar to ready it for its maiden flight (The earlier test was a "simulation"; the ship is "officially" still in the VAB). I've verified that it is actually able to use all of its fuel, except the fuel in the escape pods.

BTW advice if anyone wants it: Turns out radial engine bodies, unlike every other part AFAIK, can crossfeed fuel sideways from their parent tanks... which helped ^^.

Edited by parameciumkid
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Got this little SSTO Space Place around Jool (Jool right above left RAM Jet Intake):


With the goal of flying landing then hopefully taking off from Laythe. I do Have a refueler that has followed the plane in. Might have to ditch the Nuke before landing as that will have some spare fuel that will be transfered over so the Rapiers have fuel to run off of. Hopefully it will be enough asumining I have enough fuel after getting a Laythe orbit.

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