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A Day In The Life Of Tedgard Kerman.

Kirmun Shuttle arrives in Kerbin orbit with folks who need to come home for a while.


Tadgard Kerman prepares Shuttle Alfie for orbit.


Chocks Away Ginger!


Off we go into the wild blue yonder!


Step on it Tedgard!


Step on it harder Tedgard!


Watch you don't put your foot through the floor Tedgard!

Off we go, into the wild Black yonder!


All out of oxy...  fire up the Nirvs!


Up up and away!

Ready to circularise!


Light 'em up!


Looks pretty from up here... even without clouds and city lights.


Now where and when did Caranna say she would meet?


Why do they always keep chaps waiting?

Here she is now.. I need another shave.

Ready for Docking!


Gently does it!


Where did Caranna go? Who are all you people? You want to go where? Oh right.. sorry.. must have dozed off for a minute.

But I have one more pick-up before we can go. Malcom can ride shotgun.

We just have to wait here for a few hours.


A pick-up from Empty Horizon Station.


Tedgard picks up his last passenger and makes sure his fuel weight is up front.


Time to go!


Ready for de-orbit burn.


Looking good!


Get ready for the thick stuff!


Get ready for the fireworks.

Wait.. don't fireworks go bang?.. if it's all the same to you...


Getting a little warm in here..

Settle down now.. it's new paint!


Those mountains seem to be getting bigger rather quickly.


What mountains?.. Just dump some more speed and we are almost home.


Nose down to slow down and lose hight.


Gear down... looking good!


Brace yourself Podefel!


Pop the chutes!


Welcome home folks!


Hope you enjoyed Tedgard's day.


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6 hours ago, Sharpy said:

Absolutely not.

Ruggedized wheels, low CoM but good clearance on the bottom, friction to 3 or higher, rear higher than front, brakes 200 rear, 150 front, traction default, steering front, motor all. Keep the reaction wheel running, and pretty strong. Set SAS to prograde. Decouple steering keys from rotation keys. Keep your fingers on Q/E to right your rover mid-flight if it starts flipping; SAS will point it safely forward for you. Turn gently.

Circumnavigation of Minmus in one evening, running at 4x phys warp; happily traveling at 50m/s over Mun at 2x phys-warp. All the way around Duna, 17m/s 3x phys-warp. Slowing down only when approaching steep changes of incline to avoid extreme jumps or crashing into walls.


I just had to quote this for the fact that it needs to be read again.

I'm busy planning my conquest of both moons at the moment, and conceptualizing rovers in my mind. I have limited experience with 1.2 wheels, so this was the answer to a question I had yet to ask. Thank you, friend. H/T.
Today, I'm launching SpaceLabTwo to the Mun on a polar orbit to begin biome mapping for my two Mun lander missions.

I recently downloaded SEP (as featured on the dev blog), and am excited to get more use out of KAS/KIS in the process. The lockers that come with SEP make for much more compact landers.

I have been practicing and fine-tuning my maneuver nodes through rescue missions, and have gained much more confidence for doing interplanetary maneuvers now. I'm confident enough to let my rescue crafts launch straight from KSC to intercept rescue missions without needing to first circularize and line-up. I tested my new skills with lining a maneuver node for Eve, and realized my only challenge was that Eve is out of phase at the moment, so my fly-by craft doesn't have the Dv to execute. It got repurposed to a Munar mission.

Long story short, after two years of playing, I will finally put a kerbal on another planet intentionally. We will not speak of the Laythe mishap in 0.22. Therapy has been helpful.

- Khorso

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Last night 6 different missions were accomplished, though some were very similar and therefore not worthy of mention...

KSC scientists recently discovered that it is possible to gather sunlight and magically transform it into electricity!  None of the administrative types care about the details of how that works, they just wanted to put them into use, and asked the engineers to create some unmanned probes and send them into orbit; specifically, two into polar orbit around Kerbin, another around Kerbin but quite far out, and one in some crazy orbit around Minmus.  And to do it cheaply dammit, otherwise their snack ration gets cut in half.

So, the three Kerbin sats went like this:




This being the first time unkerballed craft have been used, some valuable information about antennae and setting up a communications network has been gleaned.  Also, profit has been accomplished, each mission netting about 60k.

The scientists weren't finished though, also creating these weird magnetic thingys with doors on them that could potentially be used to connect ships together!  How crazy is that?  Administration quickly directed the staff to get a permanent structure orbiting the planet and both its moons.  A small habitat around Mün was first,



… followed by a larger one above Kerbin



There is a contract to put a rather large station around Minmus, but scientists need to think about designing larger gas tanks and batteries first, what with the crazy conditions of the contract.  The team did send one final satellite to Minmus though into that crazy orbit that was called for, then repurposed it to a more standard polar orbit for use in the comms network.


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I just started playing KSP a month ago, so still learning alot.

Today I ran into some probs. 1st mission to the Mun I came a bti short on the fuel. Had to blast up, EVA, take the science and jetpack into stable orbit. You know, your ave day, James Bond stuff. Sigh, atleast I always aim to make flights as cheap as I can.

Finnished off latest bunch of orbit tourists. made a droned 10 seater that bearly stayed cool enough not to exploed on reentry!

Now I have to build my Mun tourist runner to take one more, 00-Bob in orbit. But as I like to stack missions for profit gain (to fund my BigBrother project) I also have a Mun orbit pick-up. So now I must build a probed 7-seater, bassed off the Poodle that must do two pick-ups. Any ideas? Like I said, new so only poodle, ant, MPL and 1st solars. Also I use hitchhicker based designs to fit poodle req and more kerbals. Bussy getting used to building for multiples for colonization asap.


P.S. I have enough for docking port jnr and wanted to know if this was enough to start making multi part space stations and sats?

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16 minutes ago, RuFLaSH said:

I just started playing KSP a month ago, so still learning alot.

Today I ran into some probs. 1st mission to the Mun I came a bti short on the fuel. Had to blast up, EVA, take the science and jetpack into stable orbit. You know, your ave day, James Bond stuff. Sigh, atleast I always aim to make flights as cheap as I can.

Finnished off latest bunch of orbit tourists. made a droned 10 seater that bearly stayed cool enough not to exploed on reentry!

Now I have to build my Mun tourist runner to take one more, 00-Bob in orbit. But as I like to stack missions for profit gain (to fund my BigBrother project) I also have a Mun orbit pick-up. So now I must build a probed 7-seater, bassed off the Poodle that must do two pick-ups. Any ideas? Like I said, new so only poodle, ant, MPL and 1st solars. Also I use hitchhicker based designs to fit poodle req and more kerbals. Bussy getting used to building for multiples for colonization asap.


P.S. I have enough for docking port jnr and wanted to know if this was enough to start making multi part space stations and sats?

If you have the poodle and those big shiny SRBs, you can build your 7 seater and get it to the moon.  Althoug only a five seater, the following did just that for me a few missions ago...



And yes, see my post just above yours concerning the beginnings of permanent stations using the junior docking ports!

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I went to the Kennedy Space Center for the third time during the last day. It's just like all aviation museums I went again and again, it's impossible to get enough of them.

But while back to the game KSC it was time to send the first volunteered crew to Shabby Castle onboard Seedy Boat 1 :


Valentina and Madtrix are waiting for the launch window.



Powered by four Reliant and four Thud the Short Step 2F is a full stock basic launcher, able to place a load of 5 tons to 300 km.



Keep on accelerating while heading on 41.5 degrees.




Once the boosters separated the G are going back to 2-2.5.



Main core separation around 1750 m/s. Seedy Boat is all but a Shenzhou replica, it's only made for fun reasons.



The ship got way enough punch and will be placed on a circular 200x200 km orbit.




3rd stage separation and orbital correction of about 8 m/s to realize a quick rendez-vous with Shabby Castle.




Two orbits later the rendez-vous is completed. With a 100 units of monopropellant a lot of maneuvers are possible.




Stationed on its 130x129 km orbit Shabby Castle and its laboratory will serve for experiences during the next 30 days. Will Valentina and Madtrix still so happy after these days together in such a small volume? We will discover it in the next episode.

Edited by XB-70A
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I tested out a prototype of a large exploration probe design (which I have yet to name). It's one of a series based on cubesats (though much larger). The version I was testing today (at the non-existent dwarf planet Dres) contains a small lander probe with a couple of DMagic surface experiments, and I could probably add a few more to it. I think it's quite unfortunate that there aren't that many designs using the large structural panels (I know people use them for replica craft but I'm talking about stock-styled vessels), they work very well for probes.







I also learned how to use Sigma Dimensions, and used it to shrink Eve to make it more Venus-like (inspired by @SmashingKirby148's mod, though I didn't want to move any moons around). There's several other things that I've done over the past few days and not had time to post about yet, but I will be posting updates soon.

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So, Gilly base construction was very active over the last two days.

Despite lack of my cool solid electric RCS, the normal RCS made on-site worked fine in moving heavy loads.



Later, I built a larger flatbed truck (no screenies though). Yesterday was dominated by installing fuel tanks. Today, I moved the two huge containers, lots of smaller parts, created many connections, swept up trash, and in the end, built the tower. It buys me maybe ten minutes of sunlight in the evening, but it should help a lot more in the morning, as it reaches over the crest of a much smaller hill than the one on the west.







Tomorrow, I'll be installing the solar panels on the tower, and maybe try to make Trucky capable of a longer trip.


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The Mun Rover Lab finally reached its destination this evening!  It's been a long and sometimes tough drive, but they got there in the end.  The start point was on a large flat area discovered by a previous science lander, at 13* 53'S 179* 50'W.  The initial drive was due West to visit the Twin Craters and meet up with an automated lander on the rim of the crater. But, after the 130 km drive, it was decided to head South and a new return vessel was dispatched.

Sadly, the return vessel touched down on quite a slope and promptly sunk into the landscape (after time I switched to it, it popped up like a cork out of a bottle and smashed itself to pieces before I could reach the probe core and switch it out of hibernation.)  Despite this set back the team just kept on trucking - heading mainly South, but with many detours to avoid the most dangerous areas.  Tonight they finally looked down from a mountain top at the smashed lander a couple of hundred metres below at 81* 25'S 111* 54'E.  The distance covered was estimated at a little under 400 km in total (all done at normal game speed).  The final approach to the lander wreckage was the greatest test yet, including a descent down the dark side of a crater at an angle of up to 40*.  I'm pleased to report not a single wheel was damaged during the entire journey.

Final Pictures

1. Each flag (apart from those around Twin Craters) are 40 km apart.



2.The final stretch looks a little daunting.  Time to sing happy songs of home



3. Bob settles down for another days driving as the Lab just behind him churns out more science points



4. The Rover seems to handle steep slope very well indeed.  Much better than the occupants had any right to expect. Oh how they laughed as the Rover bounced its way down.



5. Finally, on a slope overlooking the remains of the doomed lander, the long drive is over.  Well nearly over.  Just the small matter of driving about 30 clicks back North to the nearest suitable landing site for the replacement crew return vessel



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I decided to go big and build a craft as such. What this mere incomplete frame of a monstrosity is for, I'll leave that for you (the reader) to guess for now. 


Surprisingly, apparently MOAR CLAMPS is the main reason this is possible, with it otherwise breaking itself spectacularly hitting the runwayPad at several meters per second and accelerating. I  have high hopes it will be able to land itself in a time of mining need, still.

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I think I may have found a use for the unnamed Mk 3 spaceplane I made the other day. Let's just say a certain Franlie and Beadrien Kerman are getting bored on the surface of Titanus...

Also built this:


(Chemical SSTO)

And this:


(Small passenger jet that works in atmospheres without oxygen)

Meanwhile, the Sundiver has returned to Sonnah:


But it's not coming home just yet. It's instead using this encounter as a gravity assist to slow down. It's going to be another 3 years before they come home, but they'll be in a much more convenient orbit for recovery.

I've been doing testing a new MOTHER design. It's intended to be able to aerobrake, which will lower delta-v margins greatly. So far tests have been promising, although I'm concerned about the survivability of any docked vehicles.

The cockpit actually managed to survive impact during one of the tests:


Too bad I'll have to revert.

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Finally! After nearly seven years of game time, and months of real time (there was always something happening closer to Kerbin that kept me from time warping...), I've finally returned my crew from the Jool system!

They landed at KSC in the vehicle that took them to the surface of Laythe, and with a small rover that fit into the service bay, explored an island's biomes.

The vehicle also mined ore from Pol so that it and its mothership could get home.

Before landing, I decided to 'buzz the tower' a couple of times before landing it for the final time on the runway, not too far from where it began its journey many years ago.

A fitting end to a plucky little ship!


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3 hours ago, DunaRocketeer said:

Stock in ksp 1.0 :)

Well, I'll be!

G'day Kerby-Mates, Bruces and Sheilas.

Yesterday.....I always post the next day because I am tired and want to go to bed....So there.

So, yesterday, I mused with spaceplanes, SSTOs. You know. Things that leave the runway go to space for work of some kind then come back...Hopefully.

Usually mine go up. Do nothing. Might survive with parts missing somewhere on the planet.


Made a two cockpit taxi and sent it to meet the Skylab. the idea was to see if I could build one without the Rapier.


After docking I realized the VAB SPH didn't put a crew in it:huh:.

I still haven't figured out why Jeb sneaks on and why he doesn't....Root part maybe?

My mind wandered forgot about it and built another based on the MK2.


The belly docker couldn't. Due to solar panels. Oto the SSTO gave up his place.

Good thing too because Valentina ran out of the meagre supply of mono-propellant I gave her:huh:. He obligingly docked and shared.....He had to do it again and give her electrons this time:blush:. Sorry no pics. Beside it was in the dark.


Later Bill took command of Oto and attempted to fly to the KSC.


A first. Actually overflew the place. Yes!

Then I killed him......:0.0::(:confused::blush:....Sorry Bill. He ran out of fuel trying to fly back. I told him to bailout. He hit the elevator, before he got to hit the silk, on is way into the blue yonder.......He disappeared in a puff of greasy black smoke:0.0:. But Valentina taking what she had learned from her colleague did better.




Than NEVER happens.

I resurrected Bill so they could go celebrate with cheesecake and Sarsaparilla.




PS Conundrum. The MK1 version had more resources, better docker. The MK2 was the better flier.

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