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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I finished my science tree.

After my Mun landing and return, it seemed that an unmanned Jool mission was the next step. I needed approximately 4000 science to finish the tree, and it seemed that a manned Duna mission would be required to finish things off. I launched this guy:


with hopes of a Jool flyby with a terminal orbit around one of the moons. What I didn't expect was the veritable science bonanza that appeared once I entered Jool SOI:


That's Jool, Laythe, Tylo, and Vall encounters all lined up. 6 m/s delta V from RCS was all it took, I couldn't believe my luck. I was just a bit short of finishing the tree, so I chose to finish the mission with a terminal descent into Jool itself:


I netted over 5000 science from this mission, RIP InterGalactor 1

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Currently today i have found 10 ways not to build a rocket capable of reaching Mun. And found my new found fun of SRB's in career mode.

Wish there was a helpful TS,Skype,Etc... you could join and ask for help from veterans out there. Duna is out of the question until Mun has been all science'd up :(

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Currently today i have found 10 ways not to build a rocket capable of reaching Mun. And found my new found fun of SRB's in career mode.

Wish there was a helpful TS,Skype,Etc... you could join and ask for help from veterans out there. Duna is out of the question until Mun has been all science'd up :(

There is a tutorial's section here that is extremely helpful - post question threads there and also browse the tutorials. Also search for youtube videos by Scott Manley and HOCgaming, they are both pretty helpful.

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There is a tutorial's section here that is extremely helpful - post question threads there and also browse the tutorials. Also search for youtube videos by Scott Manley and HOCgaming, they are both pretty helpful.

Thank you.

I have been watching videos by Scott Manley and i have got stuck on his Mun part 1 video i cant seem to unlock some computer part for my rocket.

HOCgaming i will have to have a look for. Thank you for that advice.

I cant wait to send my first ever satellite in to space but first i need that yummy science

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Currently today i have found 10 ways not to build a rocket capable of reaching Mun. And found my new found fun of SRB's in career mode.

Wish there was a helpful TS,Skype,Etc... you could join and ask for help from veterans out there. Duna is out of the question until Mun has been all science'd up :(

Hey, don't stress, after about a month on the demo i was able to get to the mun, i had no idea how to get back though. Do what hobbsyoyo said and also remember, when you launch back up and get into orbit around the mun, when you are going to burn for kerbin transfer all you do is burn prograde when you are in between the mun and kerbin, saves a lot of fuel from burning later. Just remember "the earlier you burn, the less you burn".

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Thank you.

I have been watching videos by Scott Manley and i have got stuck on his Mun part 1 video i cant seem to unlock some computer part for my rocket.

HOCgaming i will have to have a look for. Thank you for that advice.

I cant wait to send my first ever satellite in to space but first i need that yummy science

You're welcome. Which computer part are you missing? It may have been a mod he had installed in his game; he uses a lot of them (usually MechJeb (an autopilot)) and he doesn't always explicitly state what he is using. It can be confusing if you aren't familiar with all the mods and it can feel like you're missing something even when you aren't.

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You're welcome. Which computer part are you missing? It may have been a mod he had installed in his game; he uses a lot of them (usually MechJeb (an autopilot)) and he doesn't always explicitly state what he is using. It can be confusing if you aren't familiar with all the mods and it can feel like you're missing something even when you aren't.

Probably the old ASAS (as iirc those videos are quite old). Luckily that's now built in to all the capsules and probes so it's no longer needed.

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I redesigned my remote mobile science lab and sent it to Eve... Was a little apprehensive as Eve usually breaks my toys but it actually worked out this time. Though I did overshoot my landing and wound up in the ocean.


I actually went off to make dinner once the chutes opened... Came back 20 minutes later to find I hadn't landed yet ><


At least it floats! And thankfully my solar panels didn't have trouble opening under water.

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I tried to make a Duna-orbiting space station. I launched it in six parts: main body, tanker, probes, mining ship, lander and a miscellaneous tug with random things like the Kethane refining modules.

I might need to abandon it, though. Ever since .22 hit my ships keep getting eaten by the Kraken. The miscellaneous tug exploded and now the mining vessel got launched off course with only 15 days before its Duna encounter. I can survive without those (though it means I can't refuel by mining Ike), but if any more parts decide to blow up I think I'll give up on interplanetary missions that use any more than one vessel.

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I sent a probe to Jool (my first Jool mission). Got it in a nice polar orbit. After that, I did my first circumnavigation of Kerbin (exceeded Mach 6 on the way, too). Now I'm building an interplanetary ship in LKO. I have 4 of the 6 modules docked together in just two launches.

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Currently playing KSP for Extra-Life.org to help the Rooster Teeth team raise money for children's charities. I'm playing for Beaumont Children's Hospital here in Michigan. Gonna try landing on Mün for the first time on my Mac (it's easy on my PC, not to much on my Mac).

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Today I got a bunch of new mod toys to play with. And then I slapped some of them together into a crazy probe.


As it sits here, it's got only 35 parts, not 1 of which is a strut, and only 5 of which are stock: 2x batteries, the probe core, and 2x sets of reaction wheels. The SSTO ascent stage is from Nova-Punch, powered by its aerospikes, and carefully tuned to have about 40m/s left after circularizing in LKO (although this particular example also had 3 stock small SRBs because it went polar instead of equatorial).

The payload is mostly from Nertea's Near Future Propulsion Pack. Here you see 2 of the small, Argon-burning VASIMR engines with their fuel tank between them. The skinny neck with the flower petals is the mid-sized fission reactor that supplies the huge amount of electricity the engines use. The knob on the nose is an SAS, the probe brain, and a big Kethane scanner surrouned by the antennae for danny's (WIP) SCANsat Mapping System, a prototype for a replacement for the old ISA MapSat. It's awesome :).


These VASIMR engines are pretty nifty. Excellent light show and they make a cool electro humming/thumping sound, enjoying which helps pass the time during the 4-minute burn needed to get out to Minmus. They're like ion engines on steroids, not much thrust but like 6500 Isp, and they require insane amounts of power, hence the nuclear reactor. Still, they're big enough to use on something bigger than a tiny probe. This whole probe as you see it above weighs about 7.3 tons yet has about 12500m/s starting in LKO, so can go anywhere and return. And there's a bigger version with decent thrust, but it requires.... 10,000 electricity per SECOND! So there's definitely design trade-offs using these things, but they're new and different therefore fun :).

And the new SCANsat rocks. It doesn't care how fast you warp, it will keep on mapping while you fly other ships, which means you can have multiple ships mapping different planets at once. Lots of other cool features, too. Geez, I wish Kethane scanning was so user-friendly ;).

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Practicing Docking in Low Kerbin Orbit. Only crashed twice. Also experimented with making sepratrons out of actual engines for Rockomax tanks. Granted, I'm doing this in .21 instead of .22, but that's because I don't want to fill my .22 Career mode orbit with debris, and because I've got more mods in my .21 install.

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Sent Jeb to the mun in career mode to do some science and to repair the probe that ran out of power when it landed. Unfortunatley the radial fuel tanks I had attached to his ship were not connected, so I was unable to land without crashing. So I used what little fuel I had left to put him in a highly elliptical orbit round Kerbin until I can get together a rescue mission.

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did a manned eve mission, but it was a complete failure (on my end)

forgot to add probe bodies to my science drop pods and had not enough fuel for my planned gilly landing.... (the lander had enough but the mothership didnt have enough for gilly AND the way back home..)

so i only did some science in eve orbit and headed back home.. :(

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Started construction on a space station today... pretty much routine work. Things started to get interesting when the vertical stabilizer of my shuttle burned up on reentry. It started tumbling out of control, and when the g-forces got too high it ripped apart in the middle. The shuttle was falling toward the mountains to the west of KSC completely out of control - but pilot Bill somehow managed to stabilize what was left of the shuttle at the last possible moment, skimmed over a mountain ridge with a hair's breadth of clearance and then managed a crash landing ("crash landing" as opposed to "crash"). Really happened.



Even Jeb looks slightly worried. You know you're in trouble when that happens.


Both Kerbals survived (to die another day, in a more gruesome way, no doubt).


Edited by Don Quixote
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