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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  KerbMav said:
Noticed it wasnt and so did so and added KAS to the techtree.

Launched a refueling ship to rescue my failed Minmus expedition - only to notice after I got it into orbit and was about to start rendezvous burns, that I could have just enabled fuel transfer for the fairing base between two tanks and start off right away ...

Didnt go far, stumbled over a bug that crashes my game repeatedly ...

My game started crashing like crazy yesterday. Think one of my mods it f'ing everything up :/. Worked great day before and this weekend. Still managed to get 2 probes/sats intercepts with Eve and Duna. Just annoying that the game crashes every third of fourth time i switch ship or go to space center.

Edit: Just read some crash logs. 76 % memory used. So guess it is too many mods that crashes game. Have to remove some parts.

Edited by Romby
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  Romby said:
So guess it is too many mods that crashes game. Have to remove some parts.

The usual culprit are textures. The really big mods (KW Rocketry, B9, etc.) add so many parts that the game just overloads on texture memory in the VAB, since it has to draw all of those parts in the menu. There are versions of some of these mods using lower-res textures, which makes things MUCH better. Also, you can go into your settings and set the textures to half resolution once the game has loaded, and that makes things a lot better as well.

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Drafted into a family for the duration of the week; y'all try not to have too much fun without me. See you guys probably next Monday or so.

Last thing I did was test out a Tier 2 Mun lander design. Wound up 30 m/s short of a Kerbin return, traced the problem to a screw-up of the booster design.

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  Spatzimaus said:
The usual culprit are textures. The really big mods (KW Rocketry, B9, etc.) add so many parts that the game just overloads on texture memory in the VAB, since it has to draw all of those parts in the menu. There are versions of some of these mods using lower-res textures, which makes things MUCH better. Also, you can go into your settings and set the textures to half resolution once the game has loaded, and that makes things a lot better as well.

Already use low res packs for KW, B9 and stock and half textures :S. The only "big" mod packs i have are b9, KW, KAS and infernal robotics.

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Last night I made my first successful landing on Duna. A return is very unlikely, as my fuel is (I think) short of what I need to return to Kerbin. I might be able to pull it off with a very well timed take-off and intercept with Kerbin. Most likely I'll leave him there and send another mission to recover him. Bill knew the risks of the trip and signed a waiver before going, so there should be no legal troubles with this approach. His family has been briefed and assured that he will not be left behind!

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Nimbus Station is up and running!

Just needs to be staffed (Jeb is only one there) and the other two escape pods need to be delivered. Other than that it is all fueled up (except kethane) and ready to go. Sitting in 100k orbit of Minmus and will act as a ship yard for missions outside of Kerbins SOI.


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  Geschosskopf said:
I got my armada of 24 ships all heading to Jool. That took 4h 40m but I finished the last before the 1st left Kerbin's SOI :).

So I'm not the only one to send hordes of ships instead of a single mothership. That looks a hell of a lot better organized then my blob of ships here though.


The Dres mission there is pretty organized, but the horde en route to Jool was totally haphazard. I packed all sorts of Kethane mining gear and forgot the keth scanners... So I fixed that problem and KAS changed stuff and broke all my ships.

Not a total bust though, lots of designs were tested, and had fun.

Edited by Thorbane
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I'm really loving my Shuttle. It is so useful. I can carry 4 or 5 small payloads at once in it.

Today's mission was STS-05. Mission was to resupply Destiny Space Station with Docking Adapters and a prototype MMU.


The big bird approaches




MMU was a success.


Mission complete. Shuttles really help to deliver a lot of little playloads when you need them.


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  Thorbane said:
I packed all sorts of Kethane mining gear and forgot the keth scanners...

I did the same thing yesterday, except only at minimus...

One of my biggest launches, to date... I hope to keep breaking that record haha



didn't have QUITE enough fuel to land (so I thought, I actually did)

but I sent up a refueler with 4 scanner probes

it was way easier than I thought to rendezvous at minimus, even in the wacky not-quite-polar orbit the station had.


Jeb also snuck onto the station before launch, and he wasn't authorized for this mission, so I sent him back home on the refueler.


launched the probes


and was disappointed to discover that only the active ship scans.

because this would have went a lot quicker if all 4 were working...


also, to my dismay, there were no good deposits on the flat plains...

I might have to just suck it up and move it there, it's going to be a chore to drive the refueling tankers through those mountains. (I plan on having a pair of tanker rovers that will fill up, and then rendezvous with a station to refuel ships.

I think Minimus is going to be my main assembly area, the low gravity makes all the rendezvous moves really cheap, and it's so close to the edge of Kerbin SOI, it'll be easy to escape after refueled.

I should have MORE then enough fuel to move it wherever I wanted... With empty tanks, it has a TWR of 8, so I don't know what it'd be with kethane in it, but probably still pretty high.


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So far I took Bill and Jeb out to the Mun just for fun because I never sent two Kerbals at once to the Mun :D and I returned back to Kerbin, but I landed in the ocean. Jeb, furious because he let Bill took control of the ship, kicked him off, sending Bill to the depths of the ocean. Jebediah then went to go back on land, but landed sideways.He is even more furious and went full throttle to attempt to land correctly, but he crashed, killing him instantly; Bill is avoiding sharks while Jeb is in Space Heaven :P

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  Romby said:
Already use low res packs for KW, B9 and stock and half textures :S. The only "big" mod packs i have are b9, KW, KAS and infernal robotics.

Check this out:


I've got the same mods as you and many more. I've been running at the edge of memory fault for weeks, but after installing this thing, I'm down to 1.7GB used. I'm considering putting Universe Replacer back in play because of this.

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Today was a fairly good day. I landed my first 3-man crew on Minmus (but they're not the first on there) and made an attempt at getting to the North Pole via a spaceplane. The spaceplane had its wings near enough completely ripped off when I got too high and so with what was left, I made an attempt to glide down safely, and ended up by the swampy area right by the pole, but the landing was too fast and the plane crashed, each piece exploding one by one in a trail of fire.

Unfortunately, Jeb was the pilot, but I'm sure he'll be back.

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So today I landed on Minmus for the “first†time(And in career mode, too! [Though I had a lot of stuff by this point and to do a cheaty return landing {which I don’t count} before to get the stuffs...])


The lander itself!


Merbree: happy, for once, near the flag and on the surface of puddding-land... erm.... Minmus! (Though Minmus doesn't taste like pudding, according to Merbree ;.;)


Near a big rock.


IN THE ROCK(lolclipping) :confused:


Re-Entry without the landing engine, of corse.


I spot Minmus when returning home! A perfect ending to a great mission. (It's that little white speck :wink:)

Got only 100-150 scipoints from it, but it was a non-cheaty return... So, next step: THE MUN!

Edited by pigletx2
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I downloaded my favourite mod so far - TAC Life Support. Even though the textures are unfinished, it adds a whole new dynamic to the game that if not looked after will cause you to fail missions and kill Kerbals. It took me 2 dead orange suits before I realised I should probably send probes ahead first...


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Did not hunt more mods or anything, I played! Despite a bug that prevented me from pausing the game ever without a crash.

Finally sent my Trio to Minmus. Jeb was really happy. Mun came along and showed us the way home, quite literally. From Minmus, flyby Mun, to orbital rendezvous with a (nearly empty ...) tanker.

Encounter was close, quite close!

Someone dropped a magnet, but Jeb got it back. No littering the orbit, guys!

Switched crews, the Trio returned with the tanker on RCS and landed in the atoll.

The tanker crew was sent to land in the badlands - and they hit it, thanks to the additional fuel.

And last but not least, experimental Ion Probe design - the dish actually blocks the solar panels ... the probe will orbit and gravi-scan Kerbin for 15 days until a Eeloo window comes up - can I make it?

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/Plhi3/embed"></iframe>

And, two days left until the Duna window for my now outdated (science gizmo-wise) Duna orbit and lander probe combo.

Tomorrow: Finding out what bugs pausing the game with F3/ESC.

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2 hours of Joolian interception burns. I have a dual craft rescue mission going down and one of them is carrying a buttload of fuel strapped with a single LV-N. I'm thinking that may have been a mistake, going to have to hit my aerobreaks pefectly or my refueling craft is going to have a terrible time getting into orbit. Thankfully I don't have to bring that one home.

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Added the KW Rocketry mod. Lots to select from with stronger connections then the big Nova Punch parts. However, the rockets are quite tippy. It is easy to cause some designs to swap ends if you turn too fast during the first stage burn.


The service module design balanced out even with a proper 3 man capsule. The RCS packs are in perfect balance for lateral thrusting with no SAS active.



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I actually did not get to play yet today, there is still time though, I did however make 2 apple pies. It is kind of Kerbal related since Kerbals like snacks and pie is a sort of snack.....I hear you laughing at me LOL.

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