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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I spent time designing a new craft and space station sections but not launching anything, at the moment I'm just trying to work out how to expand my InterKerbinal Space Station (see what I did there) in a way that looks plausible and cool or to put it another way I'm going to add lots of random structure and utility parts to make it look like different stuff is going on and each section has some purpose to make it more aesthetically 'real'.

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I did some work on my space station, the Fusion Aerospace Orbital Research Center. It currently has 5 modules:

  • Command Module - Cupola capsule for station commander Huddan Kerman, solar panels, ASAS, etc.
  • Refueling/Docking Module - Fuel tanks and plenty o' docking ports.
  • Habitaion Module x2 - Hitchhiker containers for additional crew.
  • RCS Fuel/Small Docking Module - Lots of RCS fuel, plus some Jr. docking ports for smaller craft.

Docked to it are my R-80 Orbital Tug, which I use for toting around the station parts, as well as two R-10 Runnabouts, my single-Kerbal station-hoppers.


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Got altogether too damn drunk (happy Canada Day!) and watched some El Mariachi movies. Afterwards deciding that throwing Jeb, Bill, and Bob's lives to the wind in a display of amateur rocketry was an ill advised plan...

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So far i did a ship docking / control space station on kerbin plus a refueling space station also on kerbin and 3 recon isamap and kethane probes on kerbin, mun and minmus.

also landed 2 heavy mobile miners on mun and minnmus as well as 2 mobile refining base with orbital refueling capability.

working on home 3m munar base:

admin module land - ok

habitat module land - ok

power module land - ok

recon module land - CRASHED.

redesign all munar base modules for mobility and docking - In progress

design interplanetary ship - in progress

pictures - soon

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Still tweaking the screen of my new computer, almost happy with the colours.

Relaunched my Eeloo probe, as I lost my save when booting up for the first time on the new machine, and had to use the previous time's backup. The rocket was back on the pad.

Returned from the Mun on a shoestring Delta V budget. Then discovered the cactus.


Mapped Vall.

Did some exploring around Kerbin. The mysteries of levitation...


Then determined my new two-stage to The Mun needed longer legs.


Edited by Tw1
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It's a new day, and I've started it off right: a nice cup of coffee and several spectacular explosions. The latter were brought about primarily by my attempts to create an all-stock helicopter. Due to what can only be called witchcraft physics glitches, the "structural pylon" part has a very flexible connection which is useless for construction but perfect for rotor bearings. After several attempts, most of which ended in an impromptu fireworks display, I finally managed to create this thing:


With a truly blistering top speed of 42 m/s and a nasty habit of not going where you want it to, it isn't an easy craft to fly. Trying to be precise won't get you anywhere; you really have to grab it by the scruff of the neck and fly it like you mean it. Landing is especially difficult as the throttle has no bearing on how quickly the rotors turn. It's either "on" or "off," with nothing in between. After a fifteen minute flight and eight more of landing, I managed to wrestle it to a halt somewhere vaguely near the island runway, much to the relief of Jorwise Kerman.

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I did some more writing on the second chapter of Kerbal Khronicles, and spent some time working on images for it. :)


And now that I've got a reliable working ship to use for the scout, I'm going to go back and work on back-filling a few images for the first chapter as well.

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Got fed-up with my superheavy tug disassembling itself every time I tried to launch it inverted, so I came up with the notion of having it launch itself. Three tries, eight big SRBs and two X200-32 cans later, I have a tug in orbit with the thrust of a mainsail and the Isp of LV-Ns. Now I just have to name the thing.

Successfully launched an expanded docking pier for my space station. Still debating as to whether or not I should actually launch it; hadn't considered what I would do to the station's part count when I designed it.

Successfully re-designed the Saturn V replica from the Apollo 11 tutorial - replaced the second and third stage engines with Skippers and set an action group to lock down the gimbals on the outboard engines of the second stage. First time in recent memory the stack hasn't pancaked on me with that design. Flew Jeb, Elny and Seeley to the Mun and back.

Confirmed Seeley has a time turner hidden somewhere...he went to the Mun when he's supposed to be my station's capsule commander......

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So far, I haven't done anything too exciting. I'm considering visiting the Mün for the first time in .20 (with a two launch architecture). I'll post pictures if that goes well.

I accidentally posted in the wrong thread today, so I had to cover my tracks with a quick edit.

Yesterday, I de-orbited my first space station (Skylab A) because it was stuck in a horribly inclined 180 x 509 kilometer orbit. I launched another one to replace it (Skylab B). Considering visiting it today to deliver a cupola and/or some crew.

That's all I got lined up ATM.

Edited by MattJL
Posted in the wrong thread!
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Now: up to the next task - send Kerbals up and bring them home again!

Almost done.


Might be time to practice landing on specific coordinates to put a certain rover to the test which I owe someone for his friendliness ...

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I landed my first kethane mining rig on the moon. I currently need to work out what to fuel with it, as I use Orion drives for my long-range operations. I suppose I'll have to build some sort of shuttle from LKO to my base at one of the Mun arches.


EDIT: The aforementioned Orion-powered cruisers



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And you've made a replica of SR-71 Blackbird :0.0: Craft file???

Anyways, i had a busy morning :) Trying to send a MapSat to Duna i've noticed pretty neat alignment of outer planets. It allowed me to send MapSats to Dres, Eeloo and Jool in one go :cool: It wasn't easy, because my MapSat launcher is not very stable, and SmartASS tends to flip it immediately - so i had to do 4 manual launches in about an hour. But after some explosive setbacks my probes are on their way, with the one Dres-bound already after course correction burn. Trajectories are not very efficient nor fast, but they'll do. After all this hassle i decided to go with the flow, and launched final probe meant for Duna, despite lack of launch window. It will be one heck of a long coasting, but at least i have it out of my hair and can concentrate on preparing manned missions.

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