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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I've been taking my time working my way up the tech tree of a new 0.23.5 save, only playing an hour or so a day most of the time. Today I finally decided to try my hand at an asteroid capture. After an easy capture of a tiny Class A, I tried to go for a Class C ... not much more of a challenge except that it was coming in at a high speed, inclined retrograde (147º) orbit.

I managed to grab it, capture it, and then nudge it down to 750 km circular before leaving it there. I might try to put it into polar orbit later, just for giggles.




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Today I discovered the best way to drive a rover:


And then I wanted my Kerbals to get some training in before actually tackling an asteroid redirect, so I built the "Practiceteroid". Unfortunately, just as I was finishing up getting it into orbit the Snappen attacked. Both attempts. So I guess that's enough KSP for me today.


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I build a refueler from scratch because the rescue ship to my Mun mission got stuck in orbit with about 10 m/s missing to make it out of the SOI...

Main advantage of the Klaw: you can just ram the ship at low speed and get fuel into it. No docking ports needed. Pure joy!

I've also rebuild my Duna mission that was on standby for the transfer window. Bill was a bit annoyed that he had to move all his stuffs to another pod but i think he'll like it. And he gets to land now.

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I built my first ship intended to travel to and return from Jool. Ideally it will land on one of the smaller moons, but we'll see. This is the Tempest 1.


I've devised a system for increasing my delta-v by dropping off fuel tanks as they are used up. Fully assembled, I get a bit over 9K delta-v. I'm pretty excited to see how well it works -- or how spectacularly it fails. :)


Edited by dsmiley53
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I sent an orbiter around the Mun and got all the EVA biomes completed. ScanSAT helps a lot making this happen.

On the return trip, I found an unexpected feature of FAR/DRE 1.25m heat-shield that was creating an impossible re-entry situation. Fortunately, I was able to drop my extra heat-shield and come in the capsule heat-shield alone and live. Bill was most appreciative at not being turned into a crispy marshmellow inside the capsule.

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Sent a large ship full of probes to Jool. Put a probe on every moon except for Vall (There was a parachute related issue... Lets leave it at that) and Tylo (not enough thrust from the Ion drive)

I also crashed a probe into Jool so that I could do some science and transmit it back to base before it was crushed.


^^This is my favorite one. Small satellite orbiting Laythe with Jool in the background.

More screenshots on my Steam account, see the link in my signature.


Couldn't sleep... got up and caught an asteroid.


Edited by Redwizard000
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Built and launched a space tug with six orage tanks and 16 nuke engines. Mined Kethane on Mun using an experimental 40 ton lander. Was a technology test before I send it to land on Duna. Have my doubts it has enough fuel to manage a landing there.

- Learned that the kethane engines don't run without atmosphere, DOH!

- Also learned that the burn times of the tug is ... well... frustrating even when just going to Mun.

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Launched the Command&Science Module for my space station, will have to circle a bit until a rendesvouz happens.

Also carries a few KAS parts that would have been handy earlier and will be put to good use now and in the future.

Mun mission has established orbit at its destination, finally got rid of the Kerbin orbital stage, a bit overfueled that one.

Now to pick a landing site in a not yet visited biome.

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After watching Scott Manley's video on the seaplane last night I got an idea for a boat/rover design. While many boats have been designed on the forums, I wanted one that didn't need a delivery device to get it to the water...a SSTP (Single Stage To Port?) if you will.


It reached a top speed of 94.2 m/s with the only break being the one big intake on the front. On it's maiden voyage for a shakedown run I went to the abandoned air strip on the island, while not a long voyage it was interesting to see it handle on the water.


After Bobfurt Kerman was done jumping around it was time to head home, it was a lot more frighting given the hills down to the shore from the island runway.


Back at KSC runway Bobfurt inspects the damages done by the sea voyage. The MKIII has the smaller front intakes and two extra tail fins (more for looks), but I did not get screenshots of that yet as I have not tested the redesign.


I know in comparison to other crafts on here it is nothing flashy, but it is fully functional and completely stock. The gear bay lights are kind of nice at night I found, as they light up the depths of the ocean. My goal at some point is to use it to "sail" around Kerbin, and when I hit land it will come ashore and cross the land until it hits seas again.

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I kinda sorta made a rocket bicycle. It is capable of travel @ 23-or-so m/s on its 6 normal wheels, but is capable of sustained speeds of over 60 m/s on rocket-bicycle mode. The idea was for you to activate bike mode when traveling long distances, so as to get there in a relatively timely and questionably safe manner.



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I got a reminder that the large ASAS unit isn't very strong


(It's near the join between the grey tanks that are the rocket, and the half-full orange ones that are the test payload.)

With predictable results

13857670443_4fcb098659.jpg 13857664993_86f318e4bc.jpg

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Docked an empty Kethane Transport at my space station, it carried equipment needed to empty the Mobile Miner from the pre docking port era of my space program. Sloshed around various fuels, converted quite an amount of Kethane, prepped the old Duna Explorer with an autopilot computer core for its last voyage to the radioactive waste disposal area on Minmus.

Plucked some no longer needed RCS thrusters from a station module that was to big to be docked elsewise. Lenard Kerman had to be relieved from this EVA and returned to KSS medical bay after screwing one of the thrusters to his kerbocks ...

Kethane Transport and Miner were sent away to Minmus, Miner is to remain landed as a no longer mobile mining base, the transporter will return fully fueled and loaded with both kerbonauts to the Kerbal Space Station. Transfer burns of both vessels coincided with each others burns as well as the arrival of the Command-Science-Module for the KSS - fuel was wasted, time tables reshuffled but all objectives have been achieved.

The remains of a heavy lifting stage and the last orbital stage from the CmdSciModule are designated to become an emergency fuel reserve - location yet to be picked.

Confered with my science team about which areas of Mun have already been visited, few obtions remain for our lander in its equatorial Munar orbit.

Hired a bunch of new kerbonauts for specific tasks: one half is brave the others are intelligent ...

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