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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Crashed into the Mun again, with an unexpected discovery.


Somehow, the end that struck the ground first survived, and is rapidly speeding out of the system.

Here's its final trajectory:


Guess it's time to rescue Jeb again.

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Did my first Mun Landing contract.

Ship I used. The large Rockmax decoupler? I placed there for parts test contract, because the payout was quite good.


Plotting the free-return figure-8 trajectory.


Jeb collecting samples from Goo in Cismunar space, for a samples contract


About to do Munar orbit insert




Contract partially complete...still had to take samples back to Kerbin to fulfill entire contract


Jeb celebrating his first Mun Landing in Career mode in 0.24


A direct return to Kerbin from a suborbital launch from Mun (was trying to save on propellant)


Coming down


Easy money :D


Edited by rodion_herrera
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Yeah, forgot to share this little gem as to how I thought you might need to retrieve the lost astronaut


If you look close enough, you can see........THE KLAW!!!!

Yeah, really glad I had designed my rescue ship with an extra seat............ok, did anyone just get the idea of slapping an external seat onto their rescue craft and see if it works??

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Actually it was a couple of days ago, but I have just created a number of scenarios that will allow less experienced players to practise aspects of flights and missions with craft that have been tested as capable for their assigned roles. I've created a thread in the Tutorials subforum, with links to download the scenarios.

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Yeah, forgot to share this little gem as to how I thought you might need to retrieve the lost astronaut


If you look close enough, you can see........THE KLAW!!!!

Yeah, really glad I had designed my rescue ship with an extra seat............ok, did anyone just get the idea of slapping an external seat onto their rescue craft and see if it works??

I tried with a klaw once to, just for the heck of it... I then had an impaled kerbal on the end of my ship, he died I decided that it didn't count and relaunched xD

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For the record, a mun equatorial orbit with a pe of 5 km, and ap of 5.1km is TOO DAMN LOW. Was messing around with a probe to see how low I could get it, and noticed than when the terrain alt is less the 500m things in orbit do get slightly affect by gravity, so I decided to try and move the probe to a slightly higher altitude............saw the terrain alt go below 100 said too myself "that's not good" right before I hit a mountain :)

*edited* OK, 6.1km is wellllll, relatively safe, aside from if you have high blood pressure, cause if you have kerbal engineering installed, and have a pe/ap of 6/6.1km you will see this pass under you on an equalatorial orbit on the mun with double digits remaining on the terrain height


yeah, when I saw that set the pe/ap to 6.5/6.6km, beautiful thing to watch tho. If you do nothing else tomorrow for the 45th anniversary, just send a probe to the mun on a low orbit, and just watch.

Edited by Ruthgar
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Did the same thing only his EVA wouldn't work. But, I camera followed him all the way down. He landed right next to the VAB and BOUNCED all the way to top and then came back down. Bounced a little once more then settled in. KSP said he survived, but from the look on his face, it was VERY painful!!!

I just did the most amazing thing, completely by accident. On my very first mission in 0.24, I was doing a little suborbital flight to get some cheap mission completions. After reaching 5000m I was drifting and decided to pad my science by having Jeb make an EVA report, reasoning that with the vehicle moving ballistically, Jeb wouldn't drift away from the hatch enough to prevent me from getting him back in.

How wrong I was - he had a lot less drag than the vehicle, and was quickly whisked away.

The amazing part? Jeb survived. I activated his EVA pack and managed to pilot him back to the free-falling spacecraft and climb back aboard. I didn't even know you could manuever so well with the jetpack in atmosphere....

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I launched a spessboat. Emphasis on the "boat".


Now just need to bring the orbiter modules and crew up and then send it off to Laythe. Where hopefully I'll be able to land it without capsizing, as happened on my last test.

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I continued my quest to explore the solar system with ladderforce.



Updated my mods, transferred (and renamed) saves I want to keep, as well as beging a new one.

I also fulfilled various contractual obligations, in cheap and interesting ways:

I wonder if it's possible to make music this way.

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I continued my quest to explore the solar system with ladderforce.



Updated my mods, transferred (and renamed) saves I want to keep, as well as beging a new one.

I also fulfilled various contractual obligations, in cheap and interesting ways:

I wonder if it's possible to make music this way.

Yeah, I've developed a few general purpose ships & 1 plane, whose sole purpose is to get.....shall we say very interesting modifications installed onto the basic structure, and just activate them when the conditions are met. Not so bad with the actual rockets, but my plane......yeah there's been a few interesting tests done, as I have a small rocket fuel tank mounted on the top fuselage where I attach any and all rocket engines that need to be tested in flight below 30k that way I don't have to actually build a specifically engineered rocket just to meet the test conditions. Ever activate an offcentered Kerbodyne KR-2L advanced engine mounted to the top of your plane while forgetting to throttle back................ Wasn't fun. Though my test plane is something of an engineering wonder, the damn thing has way more lift than it needs and keeps going above the max altitude the air scoops will work at. Ah well, the Wonder Thump is fun to fly. And testing usually only costs me 1-3k in fuel, and I can usually make 100-200k with enough contracts at once.

BTW, here's a picture of the WT with the KR-2L still mounted from the last test.


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First manned Mun landing in the new save for 0.24.

Had a "plant flag" contract, so it's manned. Previously I sent a probe lander and brought it back for ~11.8k. This time I had contracts not only for the flag but also for launch clamps on Kerbin and Mainsail landed on Kerbin. I was going to use a skipper, but what the hell, who doesn't like a takeoff TWR of 3.7?

I found a Mun biome I didn't know existed! Pretty psyched. Aldas (first hire) declared it to be his swimming pool, water not included.


Picturesque spot! I rather liked how the lander came out, looks very snazzy. I have a policy that manned landers use pods rated for at least 40m/s impact. It's saved a lot of lives in crashes that leave the pod and little else intact.

On the way back to Kerbin on the second pass (first aerobrake pass was a little high, had to come around a second time to get down to the ground) there was a lovely sunrise too:


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Started up my 0.23.5 copy for some unfinished business.


First, my Apollo-like Mun landing. See here for details.


Then, finishing up FourJade with the redock and return journey.

And with that, I don't think I'll be starting up my 0.23.5 copy again. I'll keep it around for a bit, though.

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Found out about quaternions, while trying to build a "circular" station with 90 degree angles.

To ease the process I built a standardized docking apparatus with two symmetrical ports being angled at 45 deg on a Rockomax adapter.

I had a pesky gap between the two remaining ports that wouldn't get away with wobbling the station. See pic:


Turned out, that I had a rounding error, so I ended up with my docking ports having an angle of 46 degrees.

So I started poking around in my adapter's subassembly file, and then my save.

Now, two hours of wiggling and reading about how unity handles angles later, my test vehicle works like just dandy.


I can now scrap my station and rebuild it, but I've learned something new and earned the opportunity to further optimize it. Thanks KSP.

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I had 800k+ in career mode from doing contracts with my re-usable jet plane, with only getting to orbit once.


I didn't feel like going to the Mun, so I decided to install Infernal Robotics and waste money on developing this:


After having around 65k spent on replacing parts destroyed when testing earlier versions, it is possible to have it walk anywhere. If I get better at the controls, that is, as I didn't go further than a dozen meters before messing up the controls and falling over (

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So, what did you do in KSP today? I'm working on my project to touch down on every object in the system without mechjeb, so everything is done by hand. I launched a rocket (Project D-Man)to Duna yesterday and today I landed on Duna . After taking off, I realized that I could land on Ike too. This way I don't have to visit the Duna-system again. However - it seems I did a slight miscalculation and only reached Ike orbit....with a 30 km apoapsis.

So, I converted a space-tug I had in storage into a interplanetary towing service and left for Duna. Yeah, it has mechjeb, because I did all the landing allready and its better than just leaving my faithfull kerbals in Ike orbit (my project - my rules :wink: ). So both ships met in Ike-orbit, where I accidently triggered the last stage seperator on D-Man just after docking. However after a few months of waiting for the right planetary alignment - the D-Man capsule is on its way home :D And yes, I did not have to attend any lectures today - so there was plenty of time for KSP ;)

So, what about you?

Absolutely nothing :(

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