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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Previously, I sent lander probes and satellites out to Eve + Gilly, but managed to under-spec the fuel on the second satellite, so it didn't make it to Gilly from Eve orbit. So, I decided to launch a new satellite, straight from Kerbin, in one of the worst planetary alignments, with enough dV to get there before the next window even opened. It worked flawlessly. :)





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Testing a recoverable turbojet booster. This design placed the payload to an apogee of 168,000 meters at almost orbital velocity by the time of burnout at 34,000 meters and 2,400 m/sec. However, landing the booster ended up with this glitch that took over 1/2 hour to land. It just flew sideways for no reason



Once it got below 500 meters, the landing was normal.


The Orbiter,


In orbit around Mun


Another design to test a how high in 30 seconds you can go. Interesting is what happened when the orange can hit the ground after this rocket used up all the fuel.


The force of the orange fuel can exploding bounced what remained up to 200 meters before falling down to scatter fireworks all over the launch pad.


Edited by SRV Ron
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Been playing with the mod "Better than Starting Manned" (using just science mode, not career), and just finished my 2nd set off unmanned probe missions outside of Kerbin SOI, this time to the outer limits of the system (out to Jool) The new probe design I used worked so well, thinking of redoing my inner Kerbol explorations again as the original mk1 probes just did not have the power gen/storage to survive (lost most of the mk1's when their bats ran out.

here's a pic of the mk1 and mk2

(MK1-original test launch(no pics of the MK1-A's that were actually used(had another set of the flat solars)))


(One of the MK2's doing a close orbit pass to start the surface scanner science transmission)


The mk1's were retired (dead in space) after only 2 years of functioning, the MK2's were able to use their remaining fuel to deorbit and land on each of their targets (with the exception of Laythe, Jool, due to atmosphere/lack of landing surface, and Tylo due to it's high gravity). From start to finish, the MK2 mission lasted 12 years before being called mission complete. Currently thinking of a mk3 design to go back into the inner planets to finish off the basic sciences that was missed (if I just don't send a bunch of MK2s) or a totally new mini design for the mk3 with just the new science instruments (science jrs) to go out and return from each world. Also have a tentative MK4/5 designs for a future Eeloo mission (though the current design of the MK2 SHOULD work due to it's nuclear engine for continued power)

Edited by Ruthgar
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Had a panic attack when I found an asteroid on a scorchingly close flyby. PeA: ~85 km. Too good to pass up.

So I build a rocket:


Had another panic attack when I thought it would eat up 3/4 of my rocket budget. (turned out I only used 2.5%, not 25%.) Sent it to orbit to loiter for a few days until the asteroid arrives into Kerbin's SoI and then depart to go get the damned thing before it flies past into the abyss again.

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Performed another mission concept test with the Pelican, this time in a long range orbital science configuration. Almost 4500 dV out of LKO after orbital refueling. Could almost make the trip to Jool... maybe with a little aerobraking. Though, I dunno how well that goes with spaceplanes...


Also improved the planes tanker configuration. :)

Edited by TrooperCooper
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Achieved a docking using the Mk1 eyeball (because I was daft enough to have forgotten to install Navyfish's docking indicator mod when I upgraded to 0.24!) for the first time. Only my fifth or sixth docking ever, too. And with that, started construction of my first proper space-station in LKO, in my first game using TAC life-support. I've since docked another unit, and a few hours hence will have the final unit+lifeboat docked (WITH Navyfish indicators this time!). I must say, I find suitably positioned glowstrips from the glowstrips mod don't half help one to orient when trying to close to target when on Kerbin's night side.

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Using the utterly gorgeous FASA mod I orbited two Gemini capsules, rendezvoused them into within 50 metres of each other and then EVA'd one crew member from each ship and swapped them into the other capsule. Then deorbited both ships. Jeb landed his capsule on land 4.8 Km SW of the launch centre!


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Just managed to make the classic rookie rendezvous error. After a landing, launching into an orbit that's in the same plane as the orbiter - and going the opposite direction!

Fortunately it's around Gilly, the one place you can get away with such a screwup.

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Well, time to fulfill the first interplanetary contract. So, today i began testings for my upcoming Duna mission.

I´d like to create a big ground base on Duna for a grand scale long term surface exploration. I started with the design of the DAV-Unit, the Duna Ascension Vehicle as part of one of the base landers. It will serve as a return vessel for the ground crew to low Duna orbit, where it will dock with the transfer unit, that will bring the kerbals back home. I really love the constellation style mission setup, so i´ll stay with some of the ideas for the lander crafts.

Below is the first basic design for the 4 kerbal DAV, testing the separation sequence from the rest of the base lander and emergency landing capabilities.


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Just some messing about. Made a tiny lander-probe: mass 0.2t, TWR ~8 on Kerbin surface and 1014 m/s vacuum delta-v. Along with two smaller, propulsion-less probes, these make up the planned payload for my Single-Stage to Laythe spaceplane. Unfortunately, that ran into a small problem in today's launch.



I noted that I was basically inside a Jool transfer window, so after a little reworking and attaching the payload, I launched. The undercarriage is busier than ever, holding all three payloads in two locations. This plane is meant to enter the K-Prize challenge - the plan is that in Jool orbit, I'll undock the propelled probe, then redock it also in Jool orbit, then undock it again (to get the orbital-docking credit, and Payload to Jool orbit). That probe will also provide orbital science from Jool for the exploration contract and future data contracts. Then, in Laythe orbit, one of the unpropelled probes will detach for much the same reason. The final one will detach after a Laythe landing, and then, the plane will take off and fly back to KSC runway. Ambitious.



I had to bounce twice to get the apoapse high enough above the atmosphere to circularise... I pretty much circumnavigated the planet before I managed to finish the circularisation. I probably need more practice, trying different ascent profiles and figuring out what works. Very little liquid fuel remained - perhaps not enough to take off at Laythe.


I had a little over 5850 m/s left on ions... and barring perfect trajectory, I don't think that'll cut it to get there and back. But I gave it a shot. Only once I had wasted a bunch of xenon on a bad escape-preparatory path, with a crazy hour-long burn left to get the Jool encounter (and another 115 m/s correction planned halfway to get periapse into Jool's atomsphere), did I decide to revert the flight and add more xenon. Subsequent design modifications almost doubled the xenon supply and added more RTGs - but now I think I'll need a touch more liquid fuel. Perhaps I'll clip a nacelle or two in, or something. That might help, right?

This SSTLaB plane is getting nuttier by the minute...

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Made a stop at Gilly prior to my one-way landing on Eve, and decided to have a go at driving into orbit.


Driving on Gilly is an interesting experience, somewhere between driving and flying, you just get so much airtime. I wasn't able to get up to much above 7 m/s, nowhere near what's needed for orbit, but had a nice time bobbing over the hills of Gilly.

After spending the night on Gilly,


I headed for Eve itself, incurring the aforementioned rendezvous error on the way. Came down on land thankfully, did some science there (as well as in the atmosphere before), then went to drive to some nearby lakes.


The rover performed very well on Eve, no trouble with the gravity, and no wheel breakages at all. Kerbin gave me more trouble! After driving into the lake the RCS was able to back it up so it could come out again. Now to go up the nearby mountain!

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Unless you're running a high end computer with LOTS of ram, and have set the debris allowed to max, you're not really gonna get a kessler syndrome, here's my attempt with a 2k item ship hyperedited into orbit



of the 2k items that went into the ship (half tanks, half separatons vert/side) my game was only tracking 232 items after they had all been released and timewarped for 2-3 months (initial number within 24hrs of release was 400-440) Not sure if the missing 150+ debris was destroyed, or lost due to system limitations.

*edited* your more likely to destroy one of your missions completely by accident by running into something rather than trying for it. Had to relaunch my first Jool probe fleet after the final rocket ran into the mission staged at 120k orbit and then the remains of the two took out the missions staged at 140k, 160k, and 200k orbits respectively (140k and 160k ran into the 120k mission debris, while the last one launched just kept burning up into the 200k mission (probe computer was destroyed on impact to the 120k mission)). It was a freak occurance, had done my launch without final check of my stagings first(basic design of the jool probes had some separatrons out of order) so I had gone and fixed them mid ascent, and had left my mouse over on the staging, this had kept me from jetisoning the SRBs for about 20 seconds, normally not a mission ending problem as my jool probes had been overengineered with about 20-30% extra delta-v. Unfortunately that 20 seconds of carrying that extra weight slowed my ascent enough that i rammed into the already preorbited mission at 120k orbit. Valuable lesson learned that day, when staging a fleet of ships, always start with the highest orbit first.

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While I wait for the next Duna transfer window, the time was used to test another mission concept. Grabbed a Fine Print contract and the Pelican was loaded accordingly to try out KISAs first rover mission...


Jeb was happy to get back into space. Rendezvous with the IKSS again...


To fuel up after launch...


Then Jeb and Bob headed for the Mun...


After attaining orbit, the cargo bay was opened...


And the rover released into space...


It descended towards the surface...


And landed near the mission area...


Grabbing some science on the side...


Then it was racing time...


A few minutes later it seemed like the contract was completed. But I made the mistake of taking it for granted and did not actually check the contract menu. Later on it turned out one waypoint-visit was still missing...


The rover launched back into orbit as the taxi was about to pass overhead...


Hello again...


This thing is almost to bulky...


Especially with the additional tank in the back...


Eventually, docking was achieved...


Then Bob had to do the dirty work of strutting the rover back up...


Even though he did it in record time, he didnt look very happy out there. Or maybe that was the reason why he hurried up a lot. :)


After a last inspection, the cargo bay was closed...


And Jeb and Bob headed home...


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Today I uploaded the final episode of Rover Adventures - Around Kerbin, my personal challenge to circumnavigate Kerbin by land without mods or cheats, only stock, because HARDCORE.

I started this series on January 24, 2014, planting a flag besides the Kerbal Space Center flagpole and started roving north. Today, August 10, 2014, after going over both poles, an ocean, two islands, leaving behind 75 flags planted and 74 EVA Kerbals, I reached the KSC flagpole from the south and planted the final flag of this challenge.

You can witness the whole trip in my youtube playilist titled "Rover Adventures - Around Kerbin", don't worry, all of them are short timelapses.

This is the final video.

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Today I uploaded the final episode of Rover Adventures - Around Kerbin, my personal challenge to circumnavigate Kerbin by land without mods or cheats, only stock, because HARDCORE.

I started this series on January 24, 2014, planting a flag besides the Kerbal Space Center flagpole and started roving north. Today, August 10, 2014, after going over both poles, an ocean, two islands, leaving behind 75 flags planted and 74 EVA Kerbals, I reached the KSC flagpole from the south and planted the final flag of this challenge.

You can witness the whole trip in my youtube playilist titled "Rover Adventures - Around Kerbin", don't worry, all of them are short timelapses.

This is the final video.


Congratulations, Wooks! I'll definitely have a watch once I get back to my PC! :D

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