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Suborbital RV and docking? Wow

I made no pics, but here it goes

Scientific Space Station on Minmus orbit - A Skipper, fuel tanks, a bunch of monopropellant tanks, and most importantly, the mobile lab. Low on fuel. At some 25° inclination.

A scientific lander sitting on Minmus - it lands, makes science, makes a suborbital hop to another biome and off it goes to dock with the Station to reset experiments. Four biomes left. Low on fuel.

Two contracts. Test 1 KR-1x2 while landed on Minmus. Test a rockomax sized decoupler while on Minmus orbit.

Two needs. Refuel the Space Station. Take the science out of the Station and take it back to Kerbin.

And so goes a ship I've already deleted: A KR-1x2 as the middle stage, surrounded by a ring of skippers in, yes, asparagus configuration plus SRB below them. That engine has to reach Minmus with as much fuel as possible after all. Due a design oversight, it has no landing legs. On top, separated by the decoupler I need to test, goes a small ship to return science to Kerbin: an LV-909, a FT400 tank plus pod, rcs, dock and some solar panels.

The Contract Ship takes off. The last pairs of Skippers exhaust their fuel during the circularization burn.

Another ship, a simpler tanker with additional docking ports launches to Minmus afterwards. Since I've orbited it in a slightly inclined orbit, it goes straight to Minmus without waiting for the AN/DN node. It's scheduled to arrive six Kerbal days ahead of the Contract Ship.

Scientific Lander runs two more biomes and parks to wait for the tanker. The tanker arrives and refuels the Station. The Lander takes off, docks with the Tanker/Station and refuels. Lab and Goo are reset and experiments are stored in the Station Lab. Off it goes to Minmus to finish the last two biomes.

The Contract Ship hasn't arrived to Minmus yet. The lander finishes the last biome - Minmus poles, and heads of for a final RV with the station. It refuels and goes for the Mun, to harvest science there. The Tanker, it task complete is finally undocked from the station.

The Contract Ship arrives to Minmus while the lander is days away from entering the Mun's SOI. Remember, it has to land and doesn't have landing gear. It touches down at 2 m/s and the contract conditions are met. Before it tips over or whatever, the stage is triggered and the contract fulfilled. It takes off fast in a 0° (roughly) inclination. Off to correct the plane and meet with the Station.

The Contract Ship fills over 3/4 of the Station tanks. The Station plus Contract Ship lower the periapsis to test the decoupler. In doing so, it expels the empty KR-1x2. The Return ship heads for Kerbin, while the Station waits for the transfer window to the Mun so to assist science gathering efforts there.

The lander enters the Mun's SOI and gets captured. It now has about half the tank/some 1600 delta-v. The return ship splashes some 100km away from the KSC and delivers over 4,000 science. The Station is still transferring between Minmus and the Mun.

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How'd you make that stock? I was just gonna use a bunch of lander legs and rib-cage my payload in, but yours looks bang on!

Structural pylons for the door supports, landing wheels to push the doors open, and docking ports to hold them open.

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I celebrated in fields of victory and mourned over pyres of defeat today. Both provided good screenshots though.

Sepatrons kept exploding space station rocket today. I finally got everthing done by wrapping the brittle tank area in a lot of paneling.




A shoddy spaceplane design early in a new career for rescuing kerbals provides more good crash and burn shots.



One of my good micro designs I have kept over time. It now is the kerbal rescue vehicle. 500k ceiling. This time though it tests some gear and accidentally looks like an episode of stargate where they fly the gate ring off the planet.


Flying to Duna and back. I had mountains of fuel left so I brought the remains of the lander home as well.



Edited by sumrex
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Built a reusable mobile science station in my career-mode game. Took it to Minmus. Edited my persistence file to fix an addon bug that was duplicating Kerbals. Deployed a lander in a bazillion biomes, docking with the station in between each visit. Visited my first-ever anomaly. Returned to Kerbin orbit at a 200x200 parking orbit for future use and sent the return craft home... with 37 experiments onboard. Landed safely (phew, I hadn't tested either lander)... except the lander somehow duplicated itself -- one copy would insta-explode, the other copy spammed NullReferenceExceptions and wouldn't work.

Spent about 30 minutes figuring out how to fix my persistence file to allow a successful recovery, and brought home 2300 science (+ the crew and EVA reports I transmitted along the way).

Next up: Resupplying the science station to do a similar run on the parts of the Mun I haven't landed on yet.

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Structural pylons for the door supports, landing wheels to push the doors open, and docking ports to hold them open.

I still don't get it... How did you attach the doors to the wheels to act like hinges? Can you attach stuff to the sides of wheels?

You're my hero if you can make me understand this genius. Doors are so much cooler than lander legs!

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Was testing my UNEX Arachne E003 which is a multipurpose rover. Can conduct science, towing and camera surveillance. It's the 3rd iteration of the said rover and still in experimental phase. Had to do revisions many times due to mass imbalance.

I tested the rover by launching it to Mun orbit only to discover some serious issues.

Few minutes after the launch, the separatron that was supposed to guide the skycrane away from the rover after Mun touchdown overheated.

Upon reaching Mun orbit, I encountered serious maneuverability issues with the stage carrying the rover for final descent. Needs more reaction wheels I guess.

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Beefing up the science capabilities of Twain Station with a radio telescope array.

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The astro lab and the telescope array are both models from zzz that he released into the public domain. The original links are below, although I've modified the part.cfg for both, modernizing them for .24 and changing the functionality of the microwave receiver (a source of electricity) completely by making it a science-generating and electricity-consuming radio telescope.

Microwave transmitter and receiver: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-23-5-KSP-Interstellar-%28Toolbar-Integration-New-Models-New-Tech%29-Version-0-11?p=662886&viewfull=1#post662886

Science Lab: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43840-Hab-Hub-%28and-other-strange-things%29

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Returned from Tylo to Pol for refueling - on a very inefficient course - so it took the crew almost 100d to get round and round Jool ... *blush*

Then the game crashed - should stop tabbing between KSP and numerous youtube videos, even in fake-window mode.

Or should go and install more RAM, so KSP is no longer competing with the flash player? :P

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I fired up KSP again yesterday after a week or two of breaktime shortly after the 0.24 launch.

Rescued my first kerbal - Danry Kerman - stuck in an LKO orbit. I first read his name as Danny Kerman, to which my immediate reaction was "Danny?! Well I'm not surprised YOU got stuck in orbit." I must admit I was slightly disappointed when I correctly re-read the name :P

Also did a few simple test contracts and sent my first probe of this career save to Mun. And crashed it. But hey! we learned something! we learned that full solid rocket fuel first stages are very much a thing (if a bit hard to steer) and we learned that the stayputnik probe has absolutely *+%!ty torque, which means landing on even the shallowest of slopes is an absolute pain in more than one part of the body.

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Did what was the coolest mission in a while.

Send up a Eve/Gilly probe with scansat sats and landers for both. One problem though. The 2,5 interstage from KW mod didnt decouple as i expected, so the second stage stayed on rocket and made the 3 stage nuclear engine unuseable. I quickly transfered fuel from Nuclear stage to 2 stage and got into orbit. I now had a failed 200k rocket.

At first i wanted to launch a new rocket. My economy could handle it (play no save and no revert), but would, but i would rather find a solution.

First idea: refuel stage 2 and 3 and fly mission with stage 2 engine. But the ISP of this engine was way to low and i would need a big rocket to carry that much fuel into orbit. Decided plan would probally be to expensive.

Second idea: a refuel ship for stage 3 and after refuel crash into rocket hoping to destroy interstage. Could be an interesting mission, but decided it would be to risky when i couldnt save and reload

Third idea: Remembered i saw a mod that allowed kerbals on eva to chop parts off rockets. Thought it was a bit cheaty and but then again nasa could also send up a guy with a blowtorch or can opener to cut up a rocket. Decide to go with this solution and have an interesting mission: Refuel stage 3 and cut stage 2. A simple mission. What could go wrong? As i conected the repair/refuel ship with the claw, a new core part was set and as i cut the intersage everything bellow interstage was cut. So interstage was still connected and blocked nuclear engine. Tried to cut a second time, but now i couldnt get it to work on interstage and thought cut only works once. Turned out that interstage was set as core part after first cut. So i cut nuclear rocket and saw interstage slowly drift away. Success!!! Such an exciting mission to look back on and it really only was a rendezvous and docking in LKO and a shuttle launch and landing.

Think i have to look into the random falliures mod. Repair missions are cool!

Edited by Romby
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Sent the Ksp Munster and Minster to trial out designs for a first orbital research and fuelling station for each moon, with the aim of using each as a pitstop for further missions into the Kerbol system. Returned with a sizeable amount of science that's being used to research further scientific and Electrical development.

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I learned that heat shields act as separators, not decouplers, when I saw my heatshield slowly pass by my probe, which just came back from a trip around the Mun and was already on a suborbital trajectory without any fuel left...

At least the Communotron was still deployed, so I could transmit all science before the probe turned into a meteor.

In addition I also sent a probe to low orbit around the Mun and brought back data - this time the reentry worked as planned, just the Communotron broke, but that was expected.

Also, I did my first baby steps in kOS, which will take care of landing when signal delay is too high to land manually.

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Aww.... I was all excited about landing on Duna in one piece just now... and then the previous dozen posts happened between here and then... :(

So what? You have reached an important step in YOUR journey of KSP. What do the other (long time) players have to do with it? :)

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EVA'd Jeb out of a rocket descending through Kerbin's atmosphere to grab some early science. He lost his grip and bounced against the rocket as it fell past him, knocking him out 6000m above the ground. Luckily Jeb's resilient. He recovered after a couple seconds and activated his jetpack. By going full thrust through the rest of his fall, he was able to slow his descent enough that he bounced instead of splatting onto the surface of Kerbin. The rocket came down on parachutes and landed right beside him. Recovery of both successful.

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I've recently started integrating my use of technogeeky's "Scansat" mod, with ethernet's "Orbital Science" mod, so that my trips to the Mun now involve accepting a 'plant flag' contract, 'obtain science data from orbit' contract, and an 'obtain science data from the surface' contract, for the Mun; flying out to the Mun, plonking my lander down near an anomaly (identified for me, as such, by a sscansat), getting my crew into a rover and driving my guys out to identify just what the anomaly is (using the BTDT scanner from the Scansat mod), before driving back and flying home - dropping in at my space station on the way, to study the surface samples I obtained, during the trip, with the "Orbital Science" Spectrometron module, before detaching from the station and finally landing my crew back on Kerbin.

It makes repeatedly going to the Mun much more interesting, and means my lander stage is steadily looking more and more like the Apollo 17 one (which is actually proving an incredibly fuel-efficient way of making a Mun lander).

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I still don't get it... How did you attach the doors to the wheels to act like hinges? Can you attach stuff to the sides of wheels?

You're my hero if you can make me understand this genius. Doors are so much cooler than lander legs!

Here's a little mini tutorial!

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